Friday, December 11, 2015

Jill & Jessa Duggar Compare Pregnancy Bodies in "Counting On" Clip

Jill & Jessa Duggar, both of whom welcomed kids in 2015, swap pregnancy notes in this new clip from TLC"s Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

Pregnancy notes, as well as bodies.

A scene from TLC"s three-part special shows Jill, who gave birth in April, comparing her (then-still-pregnant) sister Jessa"s size to her own.

When this was filmed, Jessa was nearing her due date for son Spurgeon, whom she and husband Ben Seewald welcomed November 5.

"You are not as big as I was, either," Jill, the mother to son Israel Dillard, says, noting that unlike Jessa, she was simpy "massive."

"Yes, I am," Jessa tells her sister.

"I just wear lots of dark colors."

Superlatives and word choice aside, "I always think I"m narrower than I am," she admits. "I always think, "Oh I can fit through there.""


The clip serves as a respite from previous teasers and the full Jill & Jessa: Counting On trailer, which is devoted largely to Josh Duggar.

Given their oldest brother"s life-ruining cheating and child molestation scandals, it"s no surprise that this is an issue they had to address.

Jill, in particular, was pissed that she defended Josh on Fox News, only to have an even worse scandal erupt just a short time later.

In any case, it"s good to see they"re also moving on to things they can feel good about, like welcoming the next generation of Duggars.

Check out how the two women stack up, in their minds, and don"t miss the 19 Kids & Counting spinoff when it premieres Sunday on TLC.

Jill and jessa counting on clip pregnancy body breakdown