Friday, December 4, 2015

Khloe Kardashian to Lamar Odom: You CANNOT Move in With Me After the Hospital!

When Lamar Odom overdosed on a cocktail of drugs at a Nevada brothel last month, his estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian, rushed to be his side.

At first, there were rumors of a possible reconciliation, as Khloe called off the couple’s pending divorce shortly after Lamar emerged from his coma.

Now, however, it seems that Khloe made the decision to delay the proceedings simply so that she could better serve as Odom’s caretaker and make medical and legal decisions on his behalf. 

In recent statements, Khloe has made it clear that she is not in love with Odom and has no intention of living with him as man and wife.

Odom – who sustained significant brain damage when he overdosed – is said to be confused and heartbroken by the situation, but friends say Khloe has no intention of giving him another chance simply because he hit rock bottom.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Khloe has informed Lamar that under no circumstances will he be permitted to live with her once he’s ready to leave the hospital.

“Khloe has flat our refused to let Lamar move into her house,” says one insider. “She doesn’t want her house to be a hospital. She has been very clear about that.”

Lamar and his family are said to be extremely troubled by the news, as they don’t know of another place he can stay where he’ll have access to the ’round-the-clock care that he needs.

“Lamar can’t stay at Cedars forever,” says one source. “Lamar’s people want him to be in a quality care facility. But they are having trouble finding one that is secure and will provide him with the treatment he needs.”

It may seem heartless of Khloe to close her home off to Lamar, but it’s important to remember that the two of them were separated for over a year at the time of his overdose.

Plus, Khloe’s been letting Rob Kardashian live with her rent-free for several years now. We think she’s done enough.