Monday, December 7, 2015

Kim Kardashian Baby Names: 12 Awesome Suggestions

So, South and Easton are out of the question.  What name should this blessed child take?

The likelihood of this little guy being gifted with an obscene name is high, but Kim Kardashian and Kanye West could very well go with a run-of-the-mill name to honor family members.

Let"s do this.

1. What About "Eynak?"

Kim kardashian gif are you on crack

It’s “Kanye” spelled backward. I was only trying to be helpful.

2. "Go"

Kim kardashian giggling gif

As in “Go West.” Do we likie?

3. "Robert"

Kim kardashians you got it gif

It’s a great tribute to your dad and the baby’s uncle.

4. "Coast"

Kim kardashian rolling her eyes gif

So that when your son searches for last name first, he shall see “West, Coast.” Hah!

5. "Wild"

Kim kardashian wears a beanie gif

I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.

6. "Merman"

Kim kardashians silent nod gif

I’m sorry, but I think “Merman West” has a nice ring to it.

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