Monday, December 7, 2015

Kim Kardashian Baby Name: REVEALED!! ICONIC!!!

It’s official: North West’s little baby brother has a name. And it’s a moniker fit for a king … or maybe even someone more exalted than royalty.

While we personally threw out 12 pretty awesome Kim Kardashian baby names we would’ve preferred, they opted to eschew all of them for …


Just moments ago, the super couple announced via Kim’s app (she would have it no other way) that their newborn son’s name is fit for a saint.

Saint, who was born at 8 lbs., 1 oz., was in breech towards the end of November, nearly resulting in his famous mama undergoing a C-section.

Fortunately, her doctors were able to reorient the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kanye West to the correct position for a traditional birth before December.

Soon enough, the little Saint was safely delivered without complications Saturday as Kim Kardashian gave birth to her second child in L.A.

While it was the most painful thing ever, Kim powered through and got it done without having to undergo major surgery, so that’s a bonus.

Saint joins sister North as the only Kardashian-West kids. He is the fifth grandchild for Kris Jenner, counting Kourtney’s three kiddos.

As for the name, we shouldn’t be surprised that ‘Ye would go over the top. “God” would’ve been pushing it, but Saint is as close as it gets.

Besides, the whole King/Queen/Royalty/Reign thing is so played out these days. What’s 100 times more epic than merely being regal?

Being spiritually on another damn echelon, that’s what.

Princes and princesses come and go. Saints are anointed by Heaven above as truly iconic, canonized beings that are motherf–king eternal.

In other words, vintage Kimye. No pressure, Saint …