Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner to Sue Over Photoshopped Domestic Violence Images

Obviously, Kim Kardashian is no stranger to Photoshop, but usually the software is used to accentuate her curves or remove blemishes.

It seems Kim and her catwalking half-sister Kendall Jenner are none too thrilled with a recent activist art project in which their photos were re-touched in order to make it look as though they’ve been victims of domestic violence.

AleXsandro Palombo, who started the #StopViolenceAgainstWomen campaign last month says he used photos of prominent women like Kim and Kendall in order to underscore the point that abuse can happen to anyone:

“The biggest accomplice of violence is the silence, a silence which every year kills or causes permanent disability more than diseases or accidents,” Palombo said in a statement.

“Domestic violence is a social cancer that knows no boundaries nor social status, it can affect anyone, whether you’re an ordinary person or a celebrity.”

Sources say Kim and Kendall fully support the goals of the campaign, but they’re pissed that the images were used without their permission, and they’ve already threatened Palombo with a lawsuit.

Despite their reputations as entitled do-nothings, the Kardashians frequently perform charity work and they’ve often spoken out on important issues like domestic violence in the past.

Their names and likenesses are their livelihoods, so it’s easy to see why they’d want their pics removed from the campaign’s website, but given the importance of Palombo’s efforts, we hope they can work something out with the artist.