Friday, December 18, 2015

Kyle Richards and Camille Grammer: Leave Yolanda Alone!

For a moment, I thought we were treading into dangerous territory.

After watching Taylor Armstrong question the validity of Yolanda Foster’s Lyme disease diagnosis, both Kyle Richards and Camille Grammer couldn’t keep quiet.

While she didn’t directly address Armstrong’s behavior on her Bravo blog, Richards defended her own remarks from past few episodes of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

“At this time Yolanda was trying to figure out what else she could have that could be making her Lyme Disease symptoms even worse due to her compromised immune system,” Richards wrote.

“She was looking at every possibility, trying to find the missing piece to the puzzle. Like the fillings in her teeth or silicone poisoning. It seemed like everyone was trying to troubleshoot what could possibly be making Yolanda feel so bad.

“I spoke of my own personal experience after losing my mom. I feel that for ME it was depression that brought on the fibromyalgia, which also has similar symptoms to Lyme Disease.

“Yolanda and I had discussed that too in the past. None of us are doctors or have had any experience with Lyme Disease. And at this point (six months ago) Lyme Disease was something we had all heard of but knew NOTHING about.”

Grammer wrote that Armstrong’s remarks at Ken’s birthday party were inappropriate

“Having been through my battle with cancer, I feel uncomfortable for Yolanda,” Grammer, who was diagnosed Stage 2 endometrial cancer in 2013, wrote.

“Listening to the chatter questioning the validity of Yolanda’s illness is troubling to me. Lyme disease is very debilitating.

“Being from the East Coast I know Lyme disease is quite common and may lay dormant and may produce flu-like symptoms, as well as neurological issues.

“It’s in poor taste to question anyone’s illness diagnosed through specific testing by their doctor. “