Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Panda-Snowmen Puzzle Leaves Internet Stumped, Irate

It’s been several months since the Internet went totally and completely insane over the color of a dress.

So clearly it’s time for another brain-teaser to drive every man, woman and child out of their minds, right?

This one comes to us from a Hungarian cartoonist named Gergely Dudas.

His pen name is Dudolf; he created the image on Wednesday, December 16; and he then shared it on his Facebook page.

The puzzle has since garnered over 112,000 Shares and over 52,000 Likes… although we’re not sure if anyone actually likes it.

Based on the responses we’ve seen thus far online, most folks appear to either hate it, really hate it or REALLY, REALLY hate it.

All we’re being asked to do here is to find a single panda bear from among a great many snowmen.

No problem, right? A panda looks nothing at all like a snowman, right?

Okay, sure. Keep thinking that.

Then, feast your eyes on this black-and-white-and-white-and-black-and-black-and-white-again-and-oh-my-effin-God-where-is-the-panda????!?!?!?!?! image and then get right back to us, okay?

(HINT: Keep your eyes on the right side of the puzzle. That’s all we’re going to say. And, no, it didn’t take us the last seven hours just to narrow it down that much. We have no idea why you would think that.)