Friday, December 18, 2015

Paris Jackson & Chester Castellaw: It"s Over!

Back in October it was widely rumored that Paris Jackson and Chester Castellaw had gotten married.

Thankfully, the teens never took that leap (as far as we know), and Radar Online is now reporting that Paris and Chester have broken up after less than a year of dating.

“Paris broke up with Chester about three weeks ago and they are not on speaking terms right now,” says one insider.

Paris’ family is said to be happy about the breakup, as they believed she and Chester were moving too fast.

No cause for the split has been given, but sources say it was Paris who kicked Chester to the curb, and the breakup was an ugly one.

The rumors about the couple getting married have been debunked, but several sources have confirmed that Paris and Chester were engaged at one point.

So the split was messy, but it could’ve been much messier. Sounds like Paris dodged a bullet on that one.

The girl is 17 years old and insanely wealthy. She can pretty much literally do whatever she wants with her life.

Settling down now would be like…well, like settling down when you’re a wealthy teenager with your whole life ahead of you.

What we’re saying is – you made the right call, Paris.