Thursday, December 17, 2015

Rob Kardashian: Finally Headed to Rehab?!

As we reported earlier today, Rob Kardashian has suffered some setbacks in his efforts to lose weight, sober up and return to the spotlight.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that the troubled 28-year-old has finally consented to check into rehab in accordance with his family’s wishes. 

The decision reportedly came after Rob hit a new low in his drug abuse and excessive food consumption, and realized that he would be unable to put a stop to his self destructive habits on his own.

“Rob has gone off the rails again,” an insider tells the website. “He is, once again, out of control.”

“He was doing so well for a minute but is now off the radar again, and he seems to feel neglected because the entire family is focused on Kim, as usual.”

Just days before Rob agreed to seek in-patient treatment, the same source revealed that his family was more worried about him than ever before:

“Nobody knows what to do anymore because Rob will not even leave the house. He seems really bad off and everyone is really worried,” the source said earlier this week.

Fans began to suspect that something was amiss with the sole male Kardashian when his sisters began publicly offering words of encouragement on social media.

The family has yet to speak publicly on the rumor that Rob is seeking treatment.

We’ll have updates on this story as more information becomes available.