Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Teresa Giudice: One Week Left in Prison!

It’s been almost a year since Teresa Giudice reported to prison to begin serving a 5-month sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Against all odds, Tre kept to herself and served her time without incident. For the first time in her life, Teresa Giudice made the “nice” list, and now, thanks to her good behavior, she’ll be out of jail in time for the holidays!

As we reported last week, Teresa will he home and on house arrest by Christmas, and now, insiders say prison authorities have finally set a release date.

Yes, Teresa will walk out Danbury Correctional on December 23. 

It’s been suggested that officials selected a date so close to Christmas for a reason.

If Teresa messes up in any way (like, say, having a Bravo camera crew document her release), she can be tossed back behind bars, thus ensuring that she won’t get to spend a final Christmas with her family before Joe Giudice begins his 41-month sentence sometime in early 2016.

“Teresa just wants to be reunited with her family, and get out of there with as little fanfare as possible,” says one insider.

“There will no doubt be photographers present, but Teresa won’t be lingering around. She just wants to get to her house and then she will really believe it’s over.”

We already know that Teresa is returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey, and that her readjustment to life on the outside will be a major storyline on the show’s new season, but it looks as though her release will not be documented by producers.

Andy Cohen and company have been warned not to film Teresa’s first moments as a free woman, but don’t worry – we’ll be here with all the details and hopefully plenty of pics.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive Tre’s fall from grace.