Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Woman Finds Husband Cheating, DESTROYS His Car

Editor"s Note: The woman featured in the following video is not Carrie Underwood.

But the woman featured in the following video has clearly listened to the Carrie Underwood song "Before He Cheats."

Except, well, she didn’t just dig her key into the side of her dishonest boyfriend’s four-wheel drive.

Nor did she merely carve her name into his leather seats.

A Louisville Slugger being use on both headlights? Some tire clashing? Now we’re getting warmer.

According to The Daily Mail, which originally published the footage, the unidentified female is pregnant and she found her husband with his mistress at a restaurant.

We don"t know many details aside from that, but we do know this:

Holy Hell! What is it they say about the wrath of a woman scorned?!?

In broad daylight, with people walking by and while wearing sandals (impressive!), the woman goes to town on her cheating husband"s car.

We can"t even really do this video justice with mere words.

You need to just sit back, watch and make sure you never, ever, ever,  EVER cheat on this woman. (Or, really, fellas, any woman. You"re better than that. Come on now.)

Woman finds husband cheating destroys his car