Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Woman Names Her Baby Uber (Yes, There"s a Story Behind This)

Move over, Saint West.

You are no longer the most oddly-named child to be born in the month of December.

A New Delhi woman named Babli is in the news this week because an Uber driver named Shahnawaz tells The Times of India that he recently picked up the very pregnant woman (along with two friends) when she was on the verge of giving birth.

“I had asked them to call an ambulance, but the women said that they couldn’t get one,” he said.

“The woman was writhing in pain and her friends did not know what to do. I pulled out the towels from the seats and poured some drinking water into a bowl.

“The child was born within minutes and I was really happy to see that he was responding.”

Shahnawaz proceeded to drive Babli to the hospital, putting her on a stretcher and escorting her to the emergency wing.

Babli was so grateful that she invited Shahnawaz to her baby son’s baptism on Sunday, December 13.

She also allowed him name the little guy during the ceremony.

And what did the driver come up with? UBER.

Yes, Uber.

Someone definitely just earned himself an Employee of the Month Award.

Along similar lines, unfortunately, little Uber just earned himself years worth of middle school mockery.