Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Justin Bieber is "Maybe Drunk," Definitely Rambling in Concert

Listen up, people.

Justin Bieber has something to say.

Justin Bieber actually had a whole lot to say on Monday night in Los Angeles after he completed a concert at Staples Center and then headed over to 1Oak nightclub to party.

As seen in the footage below, the artist has difficulty balancing himself on the deejay booth as he rambles on and on to a crowed of surprised, likely confused attendees.

"Yo, you guys having a good night tonight? I said, are you guys having a good night tonight?," Justin says.

"See, I"m not gonna give like a 30 minute speech. I"m not Kanye West. I love Kanye. I only got a little bit to give though."

Bieber then proceeds to basically make just like Kanye West in terms of the direction, or lackthereof, of his words.

"All I"m gonna say is let"s have a good night, let"s enjoy ourselves. Let"s be ourselves. I think the thing the world struggles with most is just being ourselves. I think people hate on people that just are themselves."

Profound stuff from The Biebs. But he wasn"t finished.

"Maybe I"m drunk," he says here. "Maybe I"m just speaking real s–t. But I feel like a lot of the reason why so many people hate on me is cause I"m just myself. "

Concluded the artist, who may be trying to win back Selena Gomez but who may wish to use a different tact if so:

You can hate on me for being myself, too, but I feel like if you just are yourself and are OK with being just yourself and making spontaneous decisions of just wearing whatever you wanna wear and doing whatever you wanna do…

You"re gonna make bad decisions sometimes but you ultimately wanna make good decisions, so let"s try to make the best decisions we can possibly know or feel and let"s have a good night.

Well… okay then!

Check out the possibly inebriated rant below:

Justin bieber is maybe drunk definitely rambling in concert