Sunday, March 6, 2016

Kaley Cuoco: Getting FIRED From Big Bang Theory for Diva Antics??

It could be a sad day for nerds if this news is true.

Is Kaley Cuoco being written out of The Big Bang Theory due to her recent bad behavior on set? Celeb Dirty Laundry seems to think so.

The site reports that Kaley feels stuck in her role as the hot blonde in a sea of geeks and wants to branch out into movies, but so far, hasn’t been offered many choice deals.

Combine this frustration with a depression following her separation from husband Ryan Sweeting, and you get an unbearable diva who is making her co-stars’ lives a living hell.


The cast and crew of the hit show are reportedly sick and tired of her mood swings. The actress “flips out about makeup, wardrobe, even the catering,“ a source told Star magazine.

Castmate Mayim Bialik apparently won’t speak to her unless absolutely necessary.

Damn. You mean they’re not BFFs in real life, too? Sad face.

And here’s the capper.

CDL is suggesting that all of Kaley’s acting out stems from a hookup she had after the Grammys with country singer Sam Hunt. 

The two were seen walking together after a party on Grammy night, leading many to assume they went home and did the nasty.

However, the site alleges that Sam split soon thereafter, leaving Kaley dejected and lonely.

Because, naturally, every time a new “romance” goes nowhere fast, it must be because the guy leaves the girl heartbroken. SNORE.

Yeah, we believe this story is about as likely as Kaley becoming the next Bachelorette. (Although we have to admit that would be pretty cool.)