Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kim Kardashian Faces Lawsuit Over 2014 Car Crash

Ah, the age-old “sue the celeb” trick.

Two years ago, Kim Kardashian was involved in a car accident on Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  

Kardashian was taking a left in her Mercedes G Wagon when Rafael Antonio Linares’ car smashed into hers.   Linares reportedly has his right blinker on, despite driving straight.

According to Gossip Cop, Linares filed the suit in Los Angeles Superior Court on March 1st, specifying that he “sustained personal injuries which caused and will continue to cause pain, discomfort, and physical disability.”

At the time, witnesses at the scene saw both parties pull into the Beverly Hills Hotel, exchange information, then hug it out.

The damages Linares is seeking remain unknown, but he would like for Kardashian to pay for “past and future medical expenses,” repair costs for his car, as well as cover costs incurred while his was in the shop.

The court documents also state that Linares was “gainfully employed” prior to the crash, but was subsequently “deprived of earnings” as a result.

He’ll seek “compensation” for income lost, as well as legal fees.

This looks suspicious and stinks a bit of insurance fraud.  I kinda/sorta can’t wait to see this case unfold.