Friday, March 18, 2016

Leah Messer Responds to Claims That She"s a Hoarder

Leah Messer has been through a lot in the past couple years.

We’ve watched Leah struggle with addiction, go through two painful divorces, and endure a long, ugly custody fight. Now she’s facing the same battle that many of us are waging this spring. That’s right – it’s Leah vs. her messy garage.

Obviously, Leah’s garage is in much worse shape than most, and fans have been expressing their concerns on social media ever since the photo on the right (snapped by Leah’s neighbor without her knowledge) surfaced online earlier this week.

“What the hell is wrong with you and your house?” wrote one fan on Twitter. “I thought you were sober???”

“I was simply going through all of my stuff to hold a yard sale since the weather is breaking,” Leah replied. “That’s all.”

Reps for Leah offered a similar, but slightly different explanation yesterday:

“Leah was doing spring cleaning and purging all of the girls closets and drawers of old clothing,” 

Meanwhile, the neighbor who took the photo has made the following comments online, alleging that Leah is back together with T.R. Dues, still using drugs, and engaging in other bizarre behavior:

  • “Leah is batsh-t crazy. She lives across the street from my mom and she’s way more of a hot mess than she shows.”

  • “She’s went downhill. I don’t even get how she can claim she doesn’t pop pills.”

  • “She always has an INSANE amount of trash outside her house, she doesn’t watch her kid, and she had a cute little kitten that she would put outside and it got hit by a car.”

  • “And the other day she was walking a puppy with her youngest and her daughter just squatted and peed in the yard!”

  • “And her boyfriend that she’s been supposedly broken up with is still living with her and he’s such a loser. They were filming last weekend and he left while they were there lol.”

Clearly, things aren’t going quite as smoothly these days as Leah would have us believe.

Fortunately, we’re just days away from the March 21 season premiere of Teen Mom 2, which should give us some indication of whether Ms. Messer’s life is as messy as it seems.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic to get caught up before then.