Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bam Margera Sneaks Booze Into Therapy, Breaks Down Over Death of Ryan Dunn

During his says as a professional skateboarder and Jackass stuntman, Bam Margera became famous for his ability to laugh in the face of danger and cheat death with a smile on his face and a Miller High Life in his hand.

Sadly, the excess of Bam’s wild 20s has taken a heavy toll, and left him, at just 36, a shattered, lonely man with a crippling addiction to alcohol.

In the above clip from last night’s episode of VH1’s Family Therapy, Margera opened up about the death of his friend and Jackass co-star Ryan Dunn.

Dunn was killed in a car accident while driving drunk in 2011.

In the years since, Margera has paid tribute to his fallen friend, but has mostly remained tight-lipped about his personal response to the tragedy – until last night.

“It just seems like everything at one point came crashing down,” Margera says. “That’s when it wasn’t even drinking for the fun or for the social part of it. It was just drinking because [of] total depression, kinda.”

Later in the episode, Margera admitted to sneaking a bottle of vodka into the Family Therapy house “in case of an emergency.”

He handed it over to Dr. Jenn Mann unopened, and it was poured down the drain in celebration.

Watching the deeply troubled Margera get sober seems to have been viewers favorite part of the series thus far, even if he had to form a close friendship with Michael Lohan in order to do so.

Hey, whatever works.