Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ariel Winter Gets Slammed by Very Own Mother

Over the last few weeks, fans have seen a very different side to Ariel Winter.

Known for playing straight-laced Alex Dunphy on ABC sitcom Modern Family, Winter has taken to her Instagram account on many occasions in order to show off her giant breasts.

We’re not being crass.

There’s no real debate over Ariel Winter photos such as these.

But while most young men around the country are quite pleased with Winter’s wardrobe these days and how she chooses to flaunt it, there’s at least one person who takes major exception to Ariel’s revealing ways:

Her very own mother.

In an interview with Inside Edition this week, Crystal Workman first addresses Winter’s breast reduction surgery, a procedure the actress credits for saving her life.

“I don’t think anyone at that age should be cutting into their breasts,” Workman says.

“I am surprised she did it so young and that the doctor did it for her so young.”

A bit of background is needed here:

Winter does not love with Workman.

Back in late 2012, a judge ordered the star to be removed from her home due to charges of physical and emotional abuse against her mother.

Winter has been living with her older sister ever since and has essentially no relationship with her mom.

But that didn’t stop her mother from telling her what to do in this obnoxious interview with Inside Edition.

“I’m sorry, I just think this is inappropriate,” Workman said as a critique. “She should never be embarrassed of her scars but she shouldn’t be flaunting them.”

We think it’s inappropriate to abuse your child in any way, shape or form… but hey. Maybe that’s just us.

“I didn’t start this battle,” Workman also said of her and her daughter’s struggles, adding:

I haven’t seen her in three and a half years… I think Ariel is conjuring up stories to help her career at my expense and I feel as a parent I am being bullied.”

Yes, the actress who stars on television’s highest-rated and most-awarded sitcom is constantly talking about her mother in order to boost her career.

That is definitely what’s happening here.