Friday, April 22, 2016

Ben Higgins & Lauren Bushnell: Televised Wedding Coming Soon??

It’s been more than a month since we saw Ben Higgins give Lauren Bushnell the final rose on The Bachelor, and the love birds are just itching like hell to get that marriage certificate signed.

The pair appeared on an interview with Indiana University’s What’s Up Weekly, and hinted that a wedding was coming soon.

“We’ve been engaged now for a lot longer than when the show ended, so I’m ready to at least start planning,” said Bushnell. 

“Maybe by the end of this year,” she added, alluding to when the wedding might take place.

Higgins also revealed that bridal magazines have been showing up to the house.

Could they be planning a cover story or editorial spread on the latest Bachelor nuptials?

Last week, Bushnell visited the Neil Lane jewelry shop, designer of her wedding ring, for a fitting.

“Thanks Neil for making my ring fit perfectly! Also for making the most beautiful ring I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” she wrote on Instagram.

“Now that my ring fits perhaps I should start wedding planning…” she added.

Sounds like these two aren’t wasting any time.

But the real question is, will the nuptials be televised?

The pair have previously said they’d be open to it, and with Higgins being touted as the “most popular Bachelor in history,” ABC is sure to have the cameras rolling.

According to Inquisitr, Higgins and Bushnell have already met with network executives to put the plan in motion.

As determined as they sound, earlier this month rumors surfaced alleging that the couple were experiencing “extreme tension” due to Bushnell’s discomfort watching her fiance tell JoJo Fletcher he loved her on national television.

Whether or not that’s true, it sounds as if these two will be making that walk down the aisle in the very near future.