Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Farrah Abraham Praises Catelynn Lowell For Completing Rehab

It’s not every day that Farrah Abraham has something nice to say about one of her fellow Teen Mom stars.

And by “not every day,” we mean this might actually be the first time that Farrah paid another person a compliment.

Anyway, as you may have heard Catelynn Lowell checked into rehab last month to receive treatment for emotional issued stemming from her struggle with post-partum depression.

Catelynn completed her treatment earlier this week, and for some reason, Farrah was asked about all of this whole working the red carpet at Saturday night’s MTV Movie Awards: 

“Yes, of course. And you know what? That is such a good thing to do,” Farrah replied.

“As we all know, mothers need to take time out for them and wherever they are it’s good to be healthy mentally, physically and soulfully so that’s good.”

As usual, Farrah sounded like Sarah Palin moments after the peyote kicked in, but we think the point is that she respects and admires Catelynn for recognizing she needed help and seeking it out without attempting to hide it from the public.

Considering last time we mentioned these two in the same breath, Catelynn was calling Farrah a “hoebag,” we’d day that’s some pretty major progress.