Friday, April 1, 2016

Kim Kardashian & Spencer Pratt: No Longer Besties!

It’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when Kim Kardashian clung desperately to the bottom rung of D-list.

She’d pop up on the occasional gossip blog, but she was known as Paris Hilton’s friend with the giant butt, and that’s about it.

Obviously, the Kim Kardashian sex tape hit the web in 2007, and the rest is history, but for the first few years she was in the spotlight, Kim was forced to pal around with the worst kind of reality TV nobodies.

And when we say “the worst,” we mean the worst. We’re talking people life Spencer freakin’ Pratt:

Spencer shared the above tweet yesterday as a reminder of a time when he used to pal around with big-bootied hangers-on and NFL players. (Kim was dating Reggie Bush at the time.)

Frankly, we’re surprised to see that Spencer has a sense of humor about his eternally-plummeting popularity.

After all, this is the same guy who – presumably with a straight face – compared the cancelation of The Hills to 9/11.

We guess in that analogy, Kim is Condoleeza Rice, Heidi Montag is Dick Cheney, and the show’s declining ratings are a melting steel support beam. Or something.

It’s possible we’re giving way too much thought to the crap that comes out of Spencer Pratt’s mouth.