Wednesday, April 6, 2016

North West Falls Down, Kim Kardashian Contines To Stare at Phone

I suppose of the perks of being part of a large family is that you"re never without a babysitter for your child.

Over the weekend, the Kardashians took a field trip to the Los Angeles County Museum, and everyone was having a grand old time with one of the interactive exhibits.  

Kourtney Kardashian knelt down to assist North West during on particular exhibit, while Kim Kardashian stood behind them and played with her phone.

North took ahold of a yellow rope, then took a tumble.  Aunt Kourtney sprung into action immediately, helping the toddler up.  

Meanwhile, Kim must have been in peace talks with North Korea, because she didn"t so much as flinch when her daughter fell in front of a huge crowd of people.

I don"t have any children of my own, and even I react when a stranger"s child falls.  So imagine my disappointment when I saw Kim continue on as though the help would take care of her offspring while she edited her Instagram account.

Those cheekbones aren"t going to photoshop themselves!

I"ve been watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians since it premiered in 2007, and the series has become increasingly difficult to watch since every scene features the girls with their heads down, glaring into their smart phones.

In one scene, Khloe told Kim she was so jetlagged from her trip to Australia.  Kim, without even looking up from her phone, asked "really, why?"


North west falls down kim kardashian stares at phone