Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wendy Williams Actually Apologizes to Kesha

Whoa! Look out! We think we just saw some pigs flying across the sky.

This would typically take us by surprise, but it makes a lot of sense considering what happened on The Wendy Williams Show this week:

The host actually apologized for something!

A few weeks ago, Williams questioned Kesha for claiming that she was raped by music producer Dr. Luke.

The irritating talk show host asked on air why Kesha didn"t videotape any of the incidents, a non-sensical statement on which to base her misguided claims.

Now, however, following an Instagram post that featured Kesha saying she refuses to let Dr. Luke off the hook, even if it means she could break her record contract as desired, Williams has changed her tune.

“Kesha, I want to (a) apologize to you, and (b) say you’re a hell of a woman,” Williams said on Monday, adding:

"Unfortunately, a lot of people lie about rape, and so I was just being skeptical. That’s what I do. I wasn’t sure, but I’m also woman enough to say, ‘Damn, Kesha, I apologize."

"I don’t think a lot of women could rise to the occasion the way you did, Kesha. You keep going."

There"s plenty here we could pick apart, but we"ll just say we"re glad Williams has finally apologized for one of her ridiculous opinions.

Now, she just has to issue a Mea Culpa to Kimye for saying they have a sham marriage… and to Christina Aguilera for saying she"s fat… and to Caitlyn Jenner for saying she"s not a woman

Wendy williams actually apologizes to kesha