Monday, April 4, 2016

WrestleMania 32 Results: Who Returned? Who Won the Title?

The biggest event on the WWE calendar took place on Sunday night from the biggest stadium in the country.

What went down on WrestleMania 32 in Dallas? Only a few shocking returns and one unexpected main event result…

WrestleMania 32 poster

Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match: Seven men entered the ring, along with one ladder.

Surprisingly, the man who stood at the top of it and grabbed the belt at the end was Zack Ryder, as the least expected of all the participants took down Kevin Owens, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Sami Zayn, Stardust and Sin Cara.

Chris Jericho defeated A.J. Styles via pinfall. Another surprise. Most fans assumed Jericho would put Styles over so that the WWE brass could really give him a push.

League of Nations defeated New Day via pinfall. This was unexpected given how clean of a loss it was for New Day, but whatever. Afterward, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels and Mick Foley came down to the ring and used their finishes to take care of League of Nations.

The crowd went insane.

Brock Lesnar defeated Dean Ambrose via pinfall in a No Holds Barred Street Fight. Lesnar used 13 (!!!!) suplexes to get the job done, throwing Ambrose on to a pile of chairs with the final one before nailing the F5.

Charlotte defeated Becky Lynch (via submission) and Sasha Banks to return the Women’s Championship. Snoop Dogg led his cousin to the ring and the three combatants put on what many consider to have been the Match of the Night.

The Undertaker defeated Shane McMahon via pinfall in Hell in a Cell. As expected, Shane hurled his body all around, highlighted by a Van Terminator that sent both men out of the cage, along with a 20-foot dive from the top of the structure.

But of course The Undertaker actually won in the end.

Baron Corbin won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Shaquille O’Neal showed up for this event! He didn’t last long in the ring, however. Corbin threw Kane over the top rope to win.

The Rock defeated Erick Rowan via pinfall. This was an impromptu match that lasted sis seconds after The Rock hit a Rock Bottom.

John Cena then showed up and helped The Rock clear the ring of The Wyatt Family members.

Roman Reigns defeated Triple H via pinfall. We have a new champion, folks! The tide changed after Reigns hit Stephanie McMahon after Triple H moved out of the way of a spear. The veteran than grabbed his sledgehammer, but Reigns countered with a successful spear and a three-count.