Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Only Snow White Can Make This Autistic Boy Smile

It’s easy to become a cynic when you work in the world of celebrity gossip.

So we"d just like to take a moment and give thanks to a two-year old boy named Jackson.

The son of photographer Amanda Coley, this infant has a form of Autism that causes him to be non-verbal and to be very shy around strangers.

Most strangers, that is. 

But not one stranger in particular.

Coley captured footage of Jackson meeting Snow White during a family trip to Walt Disney World in Florida and the video has gone viral due to the child"s amazing reaction to this iconic princess.

Unable to stop smiling while in the presence of this character, Jackson even rests his head on her lap at one point.

It"s enough to turn even the hardest cynic into a giant bowl of mush.

“If he thinks I am leaving him with those strangers he will get very upset and cry,” Coley told The Huffington Post of Jackson, adding of her son:

“Most times he just ignores them and runs away.”

Jackson had a similar reaction to other Disney characters at the park… but not to Snow White.

“He was so at ease. We had never witnessed this before … I missed several photos because my eyes were full of tears,” Coley says.

“It was so amazing to have him react in this way to somebody and to see him smile and gaze at her. I have never seen him do this to anyone outside of his brothers, his dad and myself.”

And you can see here how the woman portraying Snow White understood, at some level, just how special this experience actually was for the child.

“She has no idea how much that actually meant to us that she engaged in that way,” Amanda told the Orlando Sentinel.

“It was like she just had that sense that [Jackson] needed that.”

Amazing. Watch for yourself and prepare to cry in 3… 2… 1…

Autistic boy falls for snow white wins over entire internet