Monday, May 2, 2016

Michelle Duggar Recalls Rock-Bottom Moment, Credits God With Helping Her Raise Kids

This may come as a shock, but the Duggars are somewhat of a religious family.

And by that we mean if you watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for all of about four seconds, it’s a safe bet someone will talk about God.

But the Dugz don’t just preach when the cameras are rolling.

Some of their beliefs may be controversial, but there’s no denying these folks walk the walk when it comes to their beliefs.

Well, most of them, anyway. More on that later.

Anyway, on her blog this week, Michelle shared a story of her lowest point, which apparently took place at 1 am one morning about twelve years ago when she was feeling overwhelmed with the colossal load of housework that comes with raising a veritable army of kids:

“I cried aloud, ‘Lord, I need your help, I can’t do it all! I feel so inadequate! Diapers, dishes, laundry, meals, cleanup, school lessons, baths, hugs, kisses, correction,” Michelle wrote.

“Then it was as if a still small voice said, ‘Michelle, it’s easy to praise ME when things are going good, but are you willing to praise ME now?’ Immediately the scripture that says, ‘Offer up a sacrifice of praise,’ came to mind.”

“I said, “OK Lord, I will praise you even now! It really is a sacrifice!” So through the tears I began to sing, “The joy of the Lord is my strength”. In my heart there was a release as if a burden had been lifted. I finished the laundry at 2 AM and went to bed.”]

She goes on to say that the family’s piano teacher noticed her dozing off a few days later and asked if everything was okay.

Michelle confessed that she was exhausted, at which point the teacher revealed that she loves doing laundry (?!) and would be happy to help Michelle wash her kids’ clothes.

For 12 years now, our piano teacher, whom we consider a part of our family and loving call “NaNa” has faithfully come (now twice a week) to help us with laundry! GOD sent “An angel” in answer to my cry for help.

As we stated earlier, not all of the Duggars are firmly committed to the family ideals, and it’s a bit odd that Michelle didn’t cite the Josh Duggar sex scandals as her low point, but then again, we can see not wanting to get into that in what’s supposed to be an uplifting blog entry.

Some problems can’t be fixed by even the most devoted laundry angels.