Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian to Receive Award For Nude Photos

Remember back in November of 2014 when Kim Kardashian “broke the Internet” with her nothing but her naked butt and about 40 gallons of lube?

Well, it looks like someone is finally getting around to honoring her for a feat that had previously only been performed by Time Warner.

Yes, in their ongoing effort to attract celebrities and thus become a thing that people actually care about, the organizers of the annual Webby Awards are honoring Kim with their first ever “Break the Internet Award.”

Producers released a statement this morning reading:

“In recognition of her unprecedented success online and the bold and creative ways she has used the Internet, social media, apps and video to connect with a truly global audience.”

They went on to list her many online “accomplishments” such as amassing nearly 70 million Instagram followers.

The whole thing might seem a tad ridiculous, as celebrities usually receive awards on the strength of their creative achievements and…well, Kim doesn’t have any, but in many ways she has revolutionized the way in which celebrities interact with fans online.

Mainly through nudity, but still…

Yes, the Kim Kardashian sex tape changed the way we look at celebrities, sex…and tapes.

Kids who are in college now have probably never even seen a VHS, but they still call the naked stuff they post on Snapchat “sex tapes,” and that’s all because of Kim!

Okay, maybe not, but Kim transformed online nudity from an unfortunate accident into a career-making moment.

Unfortunately for the aspiring young naked people of today, that window of opportunity closed not long after it opened.

Otherwise, Mimi Faust and Nikko London would be household names today.

In conclusion, it was briefly possible to shock the world by getting naked on the Internet, but those days are done.

We think we just wrote your acceptance speech, Kim. You’re welcome.