Friday, May 6, 2016

Harry Styles CHOPS OFF Hair for the Best Reason

Ever since Harry Styles first hit the scene with One Direction, he’s been known as “the one with the hair.”

His debut ‘do was this floppy, mussy, kinda cah-razy mop that went in all directions, but he and his adorable baby face somehow pulled it off.

Remember this?

In recent years, he grew out his tresses, and it was getting pretty Rapunzel-like for a minute there.

But it’s all gone now. Or, at least, a good portion of it.

Just check out this alarming pic of his chopped-off braid he posted to Instagram.

“Whoops,” he wrote in the caption, along with the hashtag #littleprincesstrust

Fans are going absolutely berzerkeroo, posting comments like, “OMG I’M F**KING SCREAMING” and “I WILL DIE.”

But there’s more to Harry than just hair, folks, because that hashtag up there actually meant something. 

The boy bander is donating his locks to Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides wigs to children suffering hair loss due to cancer treatment.

Well done, Harry.

Now what is Kendall Jenner going to run her hands through? Or is it Chelsea Handler?

Harry is the second teeny bopper heart throb to cut his hair in the past several days.

Last week, Justin Bieber also got rid of his runaway dreadlocks, but the damaged vanilla sausages weren’t missed by fans.