Saturday, May 21, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio Takes Private Jet to Accept Environmental Award

This week, Leonardo DiCaprio was bestowed with a prestigious award for his environmental activism by New York nonprofit Riverkeeper.

Awesome. Except that he arrived to the city via private jet.

Maybe not so awesome.

The actor was in France for the Cannes Film Festival when he jetted off to NYC, and then returned to the South of France the next day in another private jet.

Needless to say, many fans weren’t thrilled, because that’s a lot of gas for just one dude.

Nevertheless, DiCaprio’s rep explained that the Oscar-winner was due back in Cannes to speak at the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS Gala and had few options for transportation.

“He was asked to speak at both Riverkeeper and amfAR events, but the only way to attend the two fundraisers was to hitch a ride with flights that were already planned,” the rep told Us Weekly.

“Leo helped both events raise millions, donated his own funds, auctioned off his house and had speaking roles in both programs.”

Yeah, but still. The optics.

During the gala, DiCaprio auctioned off a stay at his Palm Springs home for $ 336,000, which benefitted the charity.

DiCaprio dedicated a good portion of his acceptance speech at the Academy Awards this year to the subject of climate change.

“Climate change is real. It is happening right now,” he told the audience. “It is the most urgent threat affecting our entire species.” 

“We need to support leaders around the world… who speak for all of humanity… I thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take this award for granted.”

After the speech, he received a standing ovation and the adoration of environmentalists everywhere.