Saturday, May 21, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 5 Photos: Check Out the HOT New Character!

Well, we knew this day would come.

We"ve officially reached the point in Game of Thrones where characters who haven"t even been introduced in George R.R. Martin"s novels are beginning to impact the course of events in the Seven Kingdoms.

The showrunners have taken liberties with the plot before, but this may be the first time that we"ll meet major character who will eventually appear in A Song of Ice and Fire, but has not yet been introduced by Martin.

Her name is Kinvara, and all we really know about her so far is that she"s played by smokin" hot Israeli actress Ania Bukstein, and like Melisandre, she"s a Red Priestess of R"hllor.

Many fans have suggested that her choker indicates she"s keeping a secret similar to Melisandre"s.

Some are speculating that she"ll be backing Daenerys" play for the Iron Throne, which may lead to a dueling "chosen ones" situation. (Melisandre believes Jon Snow is the man who will be king.)

We have no idea if those theories are accurate, but we"re sure we"ll enjoy Kinvara"s time on screen.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for this week"s episode and check out some production stills in the gallery below:

1. Ania Bukstein as Kinvara

Ania bukstein as kinvara

Meet Kinvara! We can’t help but wonder if all the R’hllor priestesses are this hot, and if they are, how do we get on board with this religion?

2. Sansa and Littlefinger

Sansa and littlefinger

This looks like a considerably less happy reunion. We can’t blame Sansa for being pissed. Littlefinger did marry her off to freakin’ Ramsay.

3. Daenerys and Daario

Daenerys and daario

Reunited and it feels so good. Hopefully these two can resist gettin’ it on within earshot of Jorah.

4. Bran and the Night’s King

Bran and the nights king

Bran is obviously just “warging” here, but it still looks a pretty damn scary encounter. That’s not a face you want to see when you turn around.

5. The Greyscale Struggle is Real

The greyscale struggle is real

Jorah’s dealing with a pretty nasty disease. It’s probably even worse than anything Daario has picked up in his travels.

6. Arya and Jaqen H’Ghar

Arya and jaqen hghar

We keep forgetting that she dropped her name. Make that “Girl Formerly Known as Arya.”

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