Monday, May 2, 2016

Prince Was Not a Fan of Justin Bieber. At All.

Soon after Prince died at the age of 57, Justin Bieber allegedly threw shade at the legendary musician.

It was never confirmed, but multiple sources claimed Bieber responded on Instagram to someone’s assertion that the world lost “the last of the greatest living performers” by writing as a comment:

“Well not the last greatest living performer.”

We cannot be sure at this time whether or not Bieber really wrote that.

But we can now be certain that Prince was not a big fan of his fellow younger singer.

Excerpts from a lost Prince interview with Rolling Stone have gone viral and one of them focuses on the artist’s dissatisfaction with the music industry in 2014, when he Q&A was conducted.

“You’re trying to find the personality first, make sure you’ve got that locked in,” Prince said, expressing his disappointment in the state of entertainment world.

The seven-time Grammy winner proceeded to argue that music executives are not putting talent first when trying to find the next big thing.

“And it’s better if they got scandal on ’em or a reality show or sex tape. And they have it down to an art,” he said, prior to firing the big Bieber shot:

“They’re getting street cred for Justin Bieber now!”

Aside from dissing Bieber, Prince peered ahead and took a guess as to the identity of the President who would follow Barack Obama.

“We’re in the feminine aspect now. That’s where society is,” he said.

“You’re gonna get a woman president soon. Men have gone as far as they can, right?  … I learn from women a lot quicker than I do from men.

“At a certain point, you’re supposed to know what it means to be a man, but now what do you know about what it means to be a woman? Do you know how to listen? Most men don’t know how to listen.”

Prince. The man was profound at all times, wasn’t he?

According to a new report, Prince had been in an outpatient program program prior to his death on April 21.

But many questions still surround his sad passing.

Strangely enough, while Prince was critical of Bieber, he seemed to have kind words for Chris Brown in this interview.

After saying it was too hard for him to discuss the death of Michael Jackson, Prince elaborated:

“He is just one of many who have gone through that door – Amy Winehouse and folks. We’re all connected, right, we’re all brothers and sisters, and the minute we lock that in, we wouldn’t let anybody in our family fall.

“That’s why I called Chris Brown. All of us need to be able to reach out and just fix stuff. There’s nothing that’s unforgivable.”

Eh, we wouldn’t go that far.

We love you and we miss you, Prince.

But Chris Brown sucks.