Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sharon Osbourne: "Proud" That Daughter Kelly Shamed Ozzy"s Mistress

Really, Sharon?

We know you’re hurt and upset that your husband was unfaithful to you, but what Kelly did was pretty lame.

If you hadn’t heard, Ozzy Osbourne has been carrying on an affair with hairdresser Michelle Pugh, which his wife Sharon Osbourne discovered recently.

As a result, Sharon threw the rocker out of her house and implied that she’d be filing for divorce after 33 years of marriage.

In some kind of fit of vengeance and rage, Sharon and Ozzy’s daughter Kelly Osbourne proceeded to act like an ass.

The former Fashion Police host took to Twitter and wrote a scathing, slut-shaming tweet about Pugh and actually published her phone number.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a blowjob call [phone number].”

Talk about LOW.

Oh, but Sharon just thinks it’s a hoot.

She defended her daughter’s actions during a recent episode of The Talk.

“Oh, Kelly has the best sense of humor ever. And you know what? In cases like this, what can you do but laugh?” Sharon said.

“What are you gonna do – be angry with her because she loves her mom and dad and she wants us to be together?” she continued.

“She loves us. She can do what she wants, because she’s an adult. You have to laugh. She is just so funny. I’m always proud of my girl.”

Listen, Pugh was wrong. It’s wrong to sleep with someone else’s spouse. That goes without saying.

But what I will never understand and frustrates me to no end is how people constantly focus on the mistress and fail to blame the ACTUAL CHEATER in the scenario.

Ozzy lied, cheated and broke his vows. And somehow he gets off scot-free?

Pugh likely received death threats as a result of her number being published. Has Ozzy? Not that he should, but neither should she.

We all know if Pugh was a man this would not have happened. 

Disappointed in all of you – Kelly, Sharon, and yes, Ozzy.