Tuesday, May 17, 2016

David Eason: Jenelle Evans" WORST Boyfriend Ever?!

Jenelle Evans has dated some real winners over the years.

And by “winners” we mean you could fill a museum with these guys’ mug shots and still have enough left over for a family photo album.

As you probably already know, Jenelle’s latest partner in dysfunction is David Eason.

Eason has been arrested many times on a wide variety of charges including assault and larceny.

But thus far, for the most part, he’s seemed to be a relatively positive influence on Jenelle and a stabilizing force in her life.

Unfortunately, last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2 revealed a side of David that we hadn’t seen before:

Yes, it was David’s first ugly encounter with Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, and it went about as well as you would expect.

David didn’t shy away from the conflict, accusing Babs of child abuse and even calling the cops on her, but he proved no match for the woman who brought the Carolina Hurricane into the world:

“You live here and she pays the bills like every other guy,” Babs yelled at one point.

When David understandably slammed the door in her face, things really got ugly:

“I’m going to charge you with assault for that,” she screamed. “You are the worst boyfriend she’s ever had!”

Wow. This is coming from a woman who’s been there for Nathan, Courtland, “Kief-ah!” and all the others.

If she thinks Eason is the worst of the lot, well…that probably means he and Jenelle will get hitched sometime in the very near future.

There are a lot of fan theories floating around about last night’s strangest scene and little Jace’s revelation that Jenelle and David spend all their time locked in her bedroom.

Some say David’s got her back on drugs. Others believe his negligent parenting style has rubbed off on her.

Whatever the case, we know that the more messed-up the dude is, the more likely that it is that Jenelle will fall for him – and this is starting to look like true love.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s unhealthy relationships.