Showing posts with label Adorable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adorable. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2017

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson Share First Tandem Video Since Pregnancy News, Are Totes Adorable

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson have not yet confirmed the baby news that nearly brought down the Internet last week.

At least not directly.

Not in so many words.

But the famous couple basically came out over the weekend and doubled down on this exciting piece of news.

Thompson shared a Snapchat video on Saturday that depicted the parents-to-be cuddling together and teasing each other in very cute fashion.

“I ate too much,” Thompson says, to which Khloe replies: “Your tummy hurts?”

The Cleveland Cavaliers power forward then laughs and agrees: “My tummy hurts.”

Of course, it’s Khloe’s tummy that has captured the attention of the celebrity gossip, as numerous outlets reported on September 26 that Kardashian is pregnant with her first child.

The father is Thompson, who actually welcomed a baby with his ex-girlfriend this past December and who’s been dating the E! reality star for over a year now.

An insider close to Kardashian told Entertainment Tonight late last week that Khloe is due early next year and that “everyone is thrilled” over the development.

Those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and/or have followed Khloe’s life over the past several weeks are aware that she’s wanted to start a family for a very long time.

She and ex-husband Lamar Odom reportedly tried to procreate for a number of years back during their marriage, but were unable to do so.

Khloe went on to date James Harden and French Montana after she split from Odom, but sources have said she never tried to have a baby with either.

The relationships simply weren’t serious enough.

Conversely, it’s been clear for awhile that she and Thompson are in love; they’re in this for the long haul.

Does this mean the stars will be getting married before their baby arrives? It doesn’t sound that way.

Does this mean Khloe will pose naked alongside Kylie Jenner at some point in the near future?

Wait… what?!? Yes, this is an actual rumor.

We don’t exactly see that happening, but it is true that Kylie is also pregnant.

She’s expecting a child with short-term boyfriend Travis Scott and is also due in early 2018.

Pretty crazy, right? But it actually gets crazier:

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are ALSO expecting a child next year, albeit via surrogate.

Still, though. This means THREE babies will become part of the Kardashian-Jenner clan in just a few months.

While the world shakes its collective head and wonders how we arrived here, Kris Jenner just laughs up a storm and counts her upcoming money.

Think of all the potential spinoffs that are likely already in the works!


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Prince Harry Unleashes Adorable Baby Faces for Little Girl at Invictus Games

Pay attention Meghan Markle … Prince Harry’s got a serious case of baby fever — based on the baby faces he busted out with a toddler, anyway. HRH was hamming it up Wednesday with the daughter of British paralympian Dave Henson during…


Prince Harry Unleashes Adorable Baby Faces for Little Girl at Invictus Games

Pay attention Meghan Markle … Prince Harry’s got a serious case of baby fever — based on the baby faces he busted out with a toddler, anyway. HRH was hamming it up Wednesday with the daughter of British paralympian Dave Henson during…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See Her ADORABLE Son Say His First Word!

Chelsea Houska is considered by many, many fans to be the best mother in the entire Teen Mom universe.

And sure, it"s mostly because she"s one of the few moms who came from wealthy families, and because her father, Randy, was there for her emotionally and financially in a way most of the other moms didn"t experience.

And yes, she definitely had her questionable moments — mostly the way she refused to let Adam Lind go even after he repeatedly proved to her what a terrible, terrible person he was (and still is).

Remember when he called her a "fat stretch-marked bitch" and told her he wanted to give up his rights to their daughter, Aubree?

Who, by the way, he actually referred to as "that mistake."

So yeah, Chelsea has some lovers, but she also has some critics.

But none of that will matter when you watch this painfully adorable video she was kind enough to share on Instagram.

In the video, Chelsea is tending to her second child, little bitty Watson Cole DeBoer.

It seems like just yesterday that she gave birth to him, but he"s actually seven months old now!

And, as you can see in the video, he"s ready to start talking!

We see her coaching him, making a "ma" sound over and over …

And it pays off, because with her help, Watson technically says his first word: mama!

As she explains it in her caption, "He may not know what it means yet … but I"m gonna go ahead and count it as his first word."

And we don"t blame her one bit.

Check out Watson in action in the video below!

Chelsea houska see her adorable son say his first word

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Derrick Rose Drops $4,600 On Adorable New Puppy

Cleveland Cavs star Derrick Rose just got a brand new family member — he’s adorable, he’s furry and he ain’t cheap!  TMZ Sports has learned Derrick and GF, Alaina Anderson, brought home a 10-week-old Chocolate Goldendoodle puppy this…


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Audrey Roloff Shares ADORABLE Details of Her Pregnancy!

Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday that we learned Audrey and Jeremy Roloff were expecting their first child?

How are we supposed to relish reality star pregnancies when they just move so darn fast?!

In reality, we’ve known about Audrey’s pregnancy for a good while now, but still, with all the things this family has been up to lately, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Molly had her wedding earlier this month, and Jacob has been working his way back into the family spotlight.

And that’s not even touching on the birth of the insanely precious Jackson

But now it looks like things are settling down a bit, and with Audrey’s due date just days away — it’s September 1st!!! — all Roloff-loving eyes are on her.

So thank goodness she gave this in-depth interview all about the impending birth of her baby, right?!

About the little angel’s upcoming arrival, she says “I’d say we’re very excited, but there are definitely some nerves that come along with it!”

“At this point, we’re just trying to relax and bring some calm back into our life.”

She says that Jeremy “has the house almost wrapped up,” so “now we’re looking forward to spending these last few days just the two of us.”

Speaking of Jeremy, Audrey explains that “One of the best things about big milestones in life is being able to do them alongside your spouse.”

“Jeremy has been so patient with me during this process. I really couldn’t imagine doing it without him.”

To give an example of the kind of doting soon-to-be father he’s been, she says “I have full confidence that when I need something, or even just want a scoop of ice cream, that he’ll be off the couch and getting it before I finish my sentence.”

“I feel loved and am thankful for a husband like Jeremy.”

But that adorable little story doesn’t mean she’s been spending her time asking her husband for ice cream!

She says that she hasn’t really had any cravings during her pregnancy, except that “I craved sour candy in the beginning and have consistently craved sparking drinks.”

Still, it’s nice to know that Jeremy is there for her if she does decide she needs anything!

He’s not the only one, either — don’t forget, for a while there, she and her sister-in-law, Tori, were pregnant at the same time.

“It’s been so fun being able to experience this season of life alongside Tori,” she says.

“She and Zach are always so willing to answer any question we may have, or have us over to hang with Jackson and talk.”

Sharing this time together has been “great,” she says, “and our sister bond is definitely strengthening through this process.”

As close as they are, though, of course they won’t be in the delivery room when Audrey has the baby.

“At this point,” she reveals, “I’m planning on it only being our midwife, Jeremy and our doula. We will have family and friends outside anxiously waiting, I’m sure!”

She also says that “We’ve got one name in mind that we really like, but haven’t fully committed on it yet!”

“We’ll probably name her once we see her beautiful face!”

We can’t wait to see her beautiful face either, and we’re sure they’ll pick a beautiful name to match!

Congrats again, Roloffs!


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Shares ADORABLE Photos of New Baby with Isaac and Lincoln!

Look, we all know that there’s a lot of stuff going on with Kailyn Lowry right now.

She just gave birth to her third child, all three kids have different fathers, she’s not romantically involved with the new baby’s dad … we know all that.

But while sometimes it’s fun to get into the drama, how about, just this once, just even for a few moments, we set it aside?

Instead of focusing on Kailyn’s questionable decision-making skills or how active Chris Lopez is going to be with this baby, why don’t we just focus on the positive aspects of this situation?

After all, there’s a seriously precious new baby in the Teen Mom universe, and that’s certainly something worth celebrating!

Although Baby Lo still doesn’t have a name, we know that he does have some killer hair.

And thanks to some new photos Kailyn shared, we also know that he’s got two big brothers who look very excited to welcome him into the world:

This is so cute it hurts, isn’t it?

Isaac and Lincoln just look so thrilled to have a brand new baby brother, and as for Baby Lo himself …

He’s almost too adorable.

A lot of Kailyn’s followers are also pointing out that little Baby Lo looks quite a bit like Isaac did when he was a baby, and we can see the resemblance.

Which is lucky for him — Isaac has to be one of the cutest kids in the world, hands down.

In addition to having two doting big brothers, Baby Lo also seems to be enjoying breastfeeding!

“Shout out to breastfeeding moms!” she tweeted yesterday. “I forgot about cluster feeding. This mom is tired.”

Then, a little later, she asked her followers “What’s bigger, pregnancy appetite or nursing appetite?”, which leads us to believe that Kailyn is currently living her life with a baby on her breast and snacks in her face.

As for the baby name, she explained that she still hasn’t decided on one — which is fair. It’s a big decision.

“Isaac said the name Murphy was ‘eh, ok… for a dog,’ and also suggested Francis. Lunc is still adamant about naming baby Lo ‘Climber,"” she wrote.

We have to agree with Isaac on both of his thoughts, and Climber Lowry-Lopez has a certain ring to it too, doesn’t it?

But it does sound like she’s considering a more realistic option.

One of her followers suggested the name Milo, and she responded with “Yes! That one keeps coming back to me!”

She does have some time though — in Delaware, you have ten days after the baby’s birth to choose a name for the birth certificate.

Whether she goes with Milo (which actually is very, very cute) or Climber or Francis or something different entirely, what a lovely little family she has here.

Congrats, Kailyn!


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Jill Duggar Posts Adorable New Photos of Baby Samuel!

It’s safe to say that Jill Duggar is in love with her boys.

In early July, the 26-year-old Counting On star and her husband, Derick Dillard, welcomed their second bundle of joy into this world.

Like their first, Israel David, it was a son.

Above is the first photo of the family of four since the addition of Samuel Scott Dillard, who appears alongside his mom, dad and brother.

Jill wrote, “#littlehappyfamilyof4 #soblessed #boymom,” and in another picture on Instagram, complimented Derick’s parenting skills.

“This papa @derickdillard is the best at getting bubbles outta gassy tummies … and this little fella is adorbs!” Duggar added.

“Couldn’t pass up this pic! #bestpapaever”

“#besthubbyever #lovemyguys.”

Jill and Derick are known for being Counting On’s most PDA-loving duo, so it’s no surprise that she often gushes about him openly.

On July 8, the Dillard family announced on their website that they had welcomed Samuel following a tumultuous two days for Jill.

“We are excited to finally announce the arrival of Samuel Scott Dillard,” the family said. “He weighs 9lb 10oz and is 22” long.”

“After 40 hours of labor, he was delivered via C-section at the hospital. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!”

Jill may well need those prayers more than usual.

In typical fashion, her family has stuck to the company line that things are going smoothly with the new mother, son, and family of four.

The difference is that this time, Duggar fans have picked up on some signs – or perceived signs – that Jill may be having health problems.

Much of this is pure conjecture, of course.

The Duggars, and the Dillards, have been unusually quiet in the weeks since Jill had Sam, which could be chalked up to many things.

On the flip side, this is a family that posts to social media almost daily, especially while trying to get people to watch Counting On online.

Births and weddings are the Duggars’ meal ticket, and Jessa, conversely, gave People an all-access sitdown just after her second birth.

All of which doesn’t tell us that much conclusively about Jill and Derick’s current situation, but it’s more than enough to get fans wondering.

The silence, as they say, is deafening. 

It wasn’t until two weeks after the birth that a photo of Samuel appeared on Jill’s Instagram, but Bible quotes (one in particular) have.

“Such a great reminder from the Bible #Psalms5023,” Jill wrote.

“It’s easy to praise God when things are going great, but do we continue to count our blessings when things aren’t going like we planned?”

A nice sentiment, but this came on the heels of the reality star’s second arduous pregnancy and birth in a span of three years.

Fans may Jill is suffering from post-partum depression in its aftermath, or worse, had to undergo a hysterectomy due to uterine rupture.

It is worth noting, again, that we’ve heard no evidence of this.

Whatever the case may be, we wish the parents the best, and hope that Jill has the support system she needs to recover and thrive.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See the Most ADORABLE Moment Between Aubree and Cole DeBoer!

If you watch Teen Mom, chances are you really, really love your trashy reality television — and hey, there"s nothing wrong with that.

Most people can"t look away from a good train wreck, and, for the most part, that"s what Teen Mom is.

But in between all the relentless drama, between Jenelle Evans having meltdowns and Farrah Abraham yelling at literally every person she comes across, it"s good to have a palate cleanser.

You know, a cute moment, something to lighten the mood.

And Chelsea Houska"s life has become the sweetest palate cleanser there is.

Sure, she"s still got some Adam Lind drama, but we don"t see as much of it as we used to on Teen Mom 2.

These days, it"s pretty much just baby stuff, sweet scenes with Aubree, and Chelsea and Cole being #relationshipgoals all day long.

If you"re not quite sure what we mean, just check out this new sneak peek for Monday"s episode.

In the clip, which is seriously so very, very precious, Aubree and Cole are hanging out while Chelsea tends to little baby Watson.

They decide to make some ghost spray, or as Cole calls it, "Aubree"s Powerful, Butt-Kickin" Ghost Spray."

He helps her make the label and mix the formula — it looks like the ghost spray consists of mostly glitter — and then instructs her to spray him once "so I can have protection."

Yes, Cole, a grown man, lets Aubree spray him with glitter.

The love must be so real.

She then uses some of the spray on Chelsea — just her legs though, since she"s feeding Watson — and she also squirts some around the living room.

When she"s done, she gives Cole a hug as he congratulates her on a job well done.

And just like the Grinch, our hearts grew three sizes by watching this.

So go on, treat yourself by watching the extremely darling video below:

Chelsea houska see the most adorable moment between aubree and c

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See Footage from Her ADORABLE Baby Shower!

Don"t you just adore Chelsea Houska?

While you"re watching Teen Mom 2, seeing Jenelle Evans fighting with anyone and everyone, Kailyn Lowry"s endless drama, and Leah Messer"s personal tragedies … well, it can get tough.

It"s hard to watch clip after clip of sadness and awfulness, you know?

But thanks to Chelsea, we always know we"ll get to see at least a little happiness in every episode.

All the Adam Lind nonsense aside, that girl has a happy, healthy family, and it"s a welcome change on the show.

And if you need an example of the kind of thing we"re talking about, think back to all the Teen Mom 2 sneak peeks we"ve seen this week, then check out this new one.

Instead of Leah being blamed for her ex-husband"s breakup or Jenelle having yet another meltdown in front of her children, we have this pure clip of Chelsea"s baby shower.

Or, sorry, her "diaper keg."

When Chelsea was pregnant with adorable little Watson, she wanted to have a party to celebrate, but not a traditional baby shower.

So her family and friends gathered together and … well, you"ll see how it goes.

In this darling footage, we see Aubree being just as cute as ever, and Chelsea and Cole are #RelationshipGoals just like always.

We also see Chelsea eating a cupcake and twerking while very pregnant, so there"s that.

And instead of traditional baby shower games, some of the guests chug baby bottles full of beer to see who can finish the fastest.

As if we weren"t excited for this new season already …

Check out the baby shower shenanigans in the video below:

Chelsea houska see footage from her adorable baby shower

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Briana DeJesus Baby Photo: First Adorable Look!

Briana DeJesus is a new Teen Mom 2 cast member.

Similarly, she now has a new baby at home who is simply too cute for words.

And we’ve got the photographic evidence down below!

Over the weekend, DeJesus celebrated the birthday of this great country by establishing a birthday for her second child:

She welcomed a little girl named Stella into the world on July 2, just a few months after causing quite the online stir by telling the universe she was pregnant all over again.

According to MTV News, the child was born around 2 p.m and, according to Briana herself, she weighed in at the time at six pounds, 11 ounces, while measuring 19.5 inches in length.

The controversial reality star simply wrote “what a blessing” as a caption to the following image in confirming that she was a mother once more.


DeJesus is also a parent to a five-year girl named Nova.

She created this first daughter with ex-boyfriend Devoin Austin, who has been out of the picture for quite awhile and whose relationship with Briana was documented way back in the day on MTV’s 16 & Pregnant.

DeJesus went on to star in the only season of Teen Mom 3 before the network announced earlier this year that she would be brought back for the new season of Teen Mom 2.

It debuts on July 17.

Viewers need not wait to watch Teen Mom 2 online or on television in order catch their first glimpse at Briana’s baby, however, because the 23-year old has shared a precious picture on Instagram.

“My StellyBelly girl,” DeJesus wrote as a caption to the snapshot below:

An Instagram user named “trudiibee” thinks Stella looks like Briana’s mother, while someone with the handle “__mamaof2__” believes she more closely resembles Nova.

What about her father?

Does Stella look like Briana’s mysterious estranged lover, Luis?

We have no idea. No one has really ever seen Luis.

In footage from the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2, we see Briana crying over the fact that Luis apparently cheated on her, so we aren’t certain if he’ll lend any sort of hand in raising his daughter.

All we know about this baby daddy is that he’s 31 years old and DeJesus really thought he was The One at one point.

“We’ve been just trying to figure it out for the sake of this baby,” she told producers in a clip from her recent MTV special, adding:

“We want to move in together… I would like to get married, all this grown up stuff. Cause I’m an adult, not 16 and pregnant.”

But DeJesus doesn’t sound very hopeful about their future any longer.

On a Teen Mom after-show last month, she said the following when asked if Luis would play an ongoing role in Stella’s life:

“That’s up in the air, to be honest. We’re still going through it. You will see him on the show. It won’t be a mystery forever. You will definitely see him.

“It gets very intense. There are some deep moments. A lot of educational moments, but it’s very intense. That’s where my life is right now…

“[I’m] excited to continue sharing my story because things left off right around when life was becoming hectic and now I get to finish sharing that story.

“You get to see in-depth the choices we make and the struggles we go through.”

No wonder MTV is bringing Briana back, right?

What sort of viewing fun would it be if she and Luis would just in a normal, stable and happy relationship?


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Audrey Roloff: See All the Photos from Her Adorable Baby Shower!

It"s almost time!

In less than two months now — her due date is August 31st — Audrey Roloff and her husband, Jeremy, will welcome their first child.

They"re expecting a baby girl, and as they"ve said, they"re really very excited about it.

They"re not the only ones!

If Jackson Roloff is anything to go by, the family from Little People, Big World sure can produce some adorable babies.

And to celebrate the impending arrival of this surely precious bundle of joy, Audrey"s friends and family gathered to throw her a beautiful baby shower.

You know you want to see the pictures …

1. She’s Glowing!

Shes glowing

Seriously, how gorgeous is Audrey?

2. Cupcakes!


You can already tell this baby shower is going to be too cute for words, can’t you?

3. Memories!


Photos from Audrey’s own childhood were used as decoration for the special event.

4. Tori and Jackson make an appearance!

Tori and jackson make an appearance

Can you even handle this cuteness?

5. Speaking of Jackson …

Speaking of jackson

Tori shared a photo of this precious little baby all dressed up for the shower!

6. A Special Moment

A special moment

Looks like Audrey’s sister prepared a rap … hopefully they filmed this for the show!

View Slideshow

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Jessica Simpson"s Daughter Graduates Preschool: See the Adorable Picture!

Jessica Simpson has been battling internet trolls over the way she has been dressing her daughter, Maxwell for quite some time now.

We always jump to her defense because the majority of the time the trolls have been trying to get a rise out of the star, and their claims about the way little Maxwell is dressed have been bizarre. 

For what it’s worth, Jessica had been sending subtle digs at the haters with even more pictures of her daughter.

In short, she knows how to create controversy amongst her followers, and that’s a good thing when you consider that the only time she seems to be in the media these days is when the trolls come out to play. 

Hey, she needs to keep herself in the spotlight somehow. And no, we’re not talking about her rambling on for dear life on Ellen. That was lame and bizarre. 


Maxwell has officially graduated from preschool and Jessica opted to keep the outfit in line with what the kids are supposed to wear for a graduation, so it’s not like the trolls could appear from the woodwork on this one. 

“Spread your wings and prepare to fly for you have become a butterfly,” Simpson captioned a photo of her daughter. Thus far, it seems like the trolls have been successfully kept at bay, and Jessica can breathe a huge sigh of relief. 

We do think she would have liked some controversy, but it’s somewhat refreshing to look at comments on Instagram and to find people praising her. Is this, like, an alternate reality? 

We kid, of course. 

Jessica uploaded another picture of the event which showed her little one jumping for joy, presumably because she knows her mother’s phone is not going to be blowing up with hate for another few days. 

“Someone is excited for kindergarten! How do all you moms do it? I need help,” Simpson captioned the second picture. 

They sure grow up fast!

During Jessica’s  recent controversial appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Ellen wanted to find out whether the Simpson-Johnson family was expanding. 

“Are you sure that you’re not pregnant?” host Ellen DeGeneres asked. “I heard that you were.”

“Oh, gosh!” Simpson replied. “We had an IUD. Nothing’s gonna get in that uterus!” Jessica promised she’s “not having a third” child, explaining, “They’re too cute! We really can’t top that.”

Watch the full video below if you want to see what all the fuss was about. 


Monday, May 22, 2017

Jessa Duggar Pens Adorable Letter to Ben Seewald for His Birthday!

The Duggars have their problems, everybody knows that, but sometimes, every once in a while, they can actually be pretty cute.

And this weekend, one of them was darn near precious.

On Friday, Ben Seewald celebrated his 22nd birthday. Yeah, you’d think he’d be a little older, what with being married with two children, but hey, it’s the Duggars.

What can you do?

So Ben had his birthday, and to celebrate, Jessa Duggar wrote just the sweetest little letter to him and slapped it up on the family’s website.

She begins the letter by telling Ben that she’s been reminiscing about how their relationship began, and “just thinking about how blessed I am to do life with you!”

“When first I laid eyes on you,” she writes, “a dapper seventeen-year-old young man, I never could’ve dreamt of what the future held for us.”

She explains that the first time she met Ben, they were at church on Sunday morning, and their eyes just happened to meet across the pews.

“Our first conversation was slightly awkward because we both wanted to say ‘Hey!’ but we were a bit nervous,” Jessa recalls.

“You tried to break the ice. ‘Is that an iPhone?’ you questioned, pointing at the device I was fumbling around in my hands. I held up my beat-up iPhone 3 in a lime green case.”

“‘Yeah, it’s an ancient one.’ You were an android user at that point (though I’ve since converted you), so I guess that was a genuine inquiry.”

After that, their families interrupted, and their first conversation was over.

Ah, young love.

Jessa says that after that first meeting, it took three weeks for Ben to show up at the Duggar’s church again, and after that service, her brothers invited him over to the compound.

They seemed to have a good time, so Ben made the trip back once a month, and after a while, he brought up the idea of transferring schools to be closer to Jessa.

This whole time, if you can believe it, she wasn’t sure about his age, and when she found out that he was over two years younger than her, she thought “Surely he wouldn’t be interested in an older gal.”

But he was!

“Over those next few months,” Jessa says, “we talked a lot during your visits. And the more we talked, the more I started to fall for you.”

“It was as if I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t know many guys in their 30’s with the passion for Christ that you had! I was amazed by the depth of the spiritual conversations we would have. You went deep with God.”

How could a girl resist that?

They continued meeting, and between meetings, they texted. Eventually he asked her on a date, and then shortly after that, they decided to “spend forever together.”

Jessa — sweet Jessa — says that she told Ben to “buy me a ring from Claire’s,” and that she “didn’t care if it turned my finger green if it meant we could save up quicker for our future together!”

But he saved up until he could buy her a diamond, and almost a year later, he proposed in a chapel decorated with candles and rose petals.

After that, of course, they had their gorgeous wedding, then began their life together.

She makes a long list of things she loves about Ben, including the way he supports her but still pushes her to try things out of her comfort soon, his corny sense of humor, and his tenderness.

“You are so tender with our children,” she gushes. “Spurgeon loves wrestling with you, and playing hide & seek. Henry loves ‘talking’ to you! His face lights up and he gets so excited when you’re around!”

“There is just so much more that I could say,” Jessa finishes, “but I shall close for now with this: I know that I married up. God has blessed me beyond measure in giving me you! I am so thankful for you!”

“Happy birthday, Lovey!”

Congrats on all the love, you crazy kids.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Newborn Baby Holds Mom"s Failed IUD in Adorable Viral Photo

The story of a woman named Lucy Hellein and her brand new baby boy is going viral, and for good reason.

It’s fascinating, it doesn’t really make sense, there’s a precious little baby involved … there’s something for everyone!

Lucy just gave birth to her fourth child, a little boy she named Dexter, on April 27th.

Dexter was born in Fort Benning, Georgia, and weighed in at just over 9 pounds.

You may be thinking something along the lines of “Congrats or whatever, but why are we talking about this?”

And the answer, friends, is that we’re talking about this because of this photo of the baby, which has gone viral this week:

That’s precious little Dexter experiencing the world for the very first time. He’s also — and this is the real fun part — holding his mother’s IUD in his tiny baby hand.

Yep, Lucy had the Mirena IUD implanted last year as her chosen form of birth control.

Obviously it did not take.

A couple of weeks ago, Lucy wrote a post on Instagram, explaining what went down.

“Back in December, I found out I was already 18 weeks pregnant,” she wrote.

And to all the people wondering how she could have gone so long without knowing about the pregnancy, she said that she still had her IUD in.

“This boy was definitely a HUGE surprise,” she continued. “Apparently I’m part of the 1% who end up with a viable Mirena pregnancy.”

The baby’s due date was May 4th — she said that “even my OB said The Force is Strong with this one.”

However, she scheduled a C-section for April 27th “to find the mirena and close down the baby factory.”

Doctors found the IUD behind her placenta, then placed it in the baby’s hand because, come on, it’s a great photo.

In an interview, Lucy admits that she didn’t think the photo of her son would go viral, and that her doctor estimates she conceived about three weeks after getting the IUD.

A Planned Parenthood nurse has commented on the story as well, explaining that it’s “next to impossible” to get pregnant while on Mirena.

Specifically, she said “You have a better chance of winning the lotto.”

Well, better start buying up those tickets, ladies: as Lucy’s photo has been making the rounds on social media, several women have been sharing their own stories about their “Mirena fails.”

Congrats to the happy little family!


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Javi Marroquin: See His Adorable Magazine Cover with Son Lincoln!

For a good long while now, even before the divorce, Teen Mom 2 fans have been split into two camps: Team Kailyn and Team Javi.

Surprisingly, it seems like the vast majority of people — like, we don’t want to say all, but it might be all — are on Team Javi.

These people have created a “poor Javi” narrative, all about how Kailyn was never kind or warm to him, and when he was overseas, fighting for his country, Kailyn stayed at home and cheated on him and broke his heart.

And to be fair, some of those are some solid points, but even Javi will say that both he and Kailyn contributed to the ultimate destruction of their marriage.

But the point is that when it comes to Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin, most people seem to take Javi’s side.

And those people will be absolutely thrilled to see his latest move.

He landed a magazine cover, y’all!

That’s Javi with little Lincoln on the cover of Posh Kids, looking dapper as dapper as can be.

In the accompanying interview, he revealed quite a bit of information about his split from Kailyn and how he handled it, as we heard yesterday.

When he returned home from his deployment, he said, he was an “angry person,” and “everything was still raw and still so new, and I was in a bad place.”

He seemed to put at least a little bit of blame for the divorce on MTV, explaining that filming “adds stress,” but “MTV doesn’t hold a gun to your head.”

Everything that happens on the show, Javi explained, “it’s what we say, and it’s what we do … I’m not going to attribute the show to the fail of my marriage.”

“I think we both made decisions and some were right, some were wrong and that is what ultimately lead to the end of our marriage.”

So while he says “I think I could have handled it a lot better than what I did,” he still has a ton of people supporting him.

He shared the magazine cover on his Instagram, and the comments were quickly flooded with sweet, positive messages from his fans.

His followers were quick to tell him how gorgeous he was, and how handsome both he and Lincoln look in the photo.

Several women asked if he was single — he just broke up with Real World star Madison Walls, so depending on how fast he moves, there’s a good chance he’s available.

The only issue people had with the cover was that they wished Javi’s former stepson, Isaac, would have been able to be in the photo as well.

And we agree, it would have been nice, but either way, looking good, Javi!


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Swizz Beatz & Alicia Keys 2-Year-Old Son"s Beatbox Is So Freakin" Adorable!!! (VIDEO)

Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz’s youngest son is not only adorable he’s a beatbox prodigy at the mere age of 2!!! Swizz uploaded a video of Genesis throwing down a beat to the count of 10 and he has mad skills even for a toddler. Pay attention to how…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ariana Grande Hangs With North West Backstage: See the Adorable Pics!

North West is only three years old, but she’s already being invited to Hollywood’s most exclusive parties and enjoying meet-and-greets with her favorite A-listers.

But for active as Kim Kardashian is on social media, she and Kanye West have done a decent job of allowing their kids to maintain relatively low profiles, and new photos of North and Saint are something of an event for diehard Kardashi-fans.

So Kim obsessives reacted with unchecked glee last night when the mother of two posted pics of her North hanging out backstage with her favorite singer:

Yes, that’s lil Norrie with Ariana Grande.

It seems mother and daughter were invited backstage prior to Ari’s performance at The Forum in Inglewood, California Friday night.

Grande is a favorite of North’s, who apparently prefers catchy pop to her father’s experimental, introspective hip hop.

Who would’ve thought?

Anyway, it seems Ariana was more than happy to oblige her biggest little fan with a backstage photo sesh, even posting some pice to her own Snapchat page:

Ariana’s been owning it lately and staking her claim as one of the biggest names in music.

Of course, with massive fame comes massive scrutiny of one’s personal life, and Ari has proven no exception to that rule.

It started innocently enough, with fans fawning over the singer’s relationship with Mac Miller.

Things took a turn for the decidedly weird last week, however, when a rumor that Ariana is pregnant began to spread like wildfire across social media.

Thankfully, thus far, it seems no one has taken these pics with North as a sign that Ari’s nurturing instincts are kicking in, but we’re sure that’ll come with time.

And hey, Kim’s uterus has been a topic of online conversation lately, so at least she and Ariana had something to bond over.

Of course, in Kim’s case, she was the one who started the rumors, reportedlas part of a last-ditch effort to save Keeping Up With the Kardashians from cancelation.

Yeah, in case you haven’t figured it out, we’re living in very strange times.

Hopefully, North will grow up surrounded by so much weirdness that her method of rebellion will be to mature into a perfectly well-adjusted, non-fame-hungry adult.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Beyonce Shows Off HUGE Baby Bumy in Adorable New Video!

In news that should come as no surprise to you, unless you"ve literally spent the last two months under a rock or in a cave or on another planet, Beyonce is pregnant with twins.

She hasn"t revealed her due date, or any other details about the pregnancy, but judging by the size of her bump the last time we saw it, we"d have to imagine those babies are coming soon.

We also keep hearing reports about how tired and miserable she is, so you know the end is near.

But while we"re so happy that Beyonce is bringing two new beings into this world, little children that will surely be full of love and magic and beauty …

Is it wrong to wish that we could have seen more of her pregnancy?

After all, she basically went into hiding after the Grammys, with reports saying that she doesn"t want people to see her because she"s gained weight.

That"s a tough pill to swallow, since Beyonce oozes confidence and also because she"d be flawless at any weight whatsoever.

But whatever the reason for her hiding, it still hurts a little, you know?

Well, trust Beyonce to heal all wounds — the goddess herself just shared a new video of herself and that glorious bump.

It"s a little weird, but we"ll take it.

Check out Beyonce looking so radiant (and SO PREGNANT) in the video below:

Beyonce shows off huge baby bumy in adorable new video

Monday, March 27, 2017

Steph Curry Drops $3,800 On Adorable New Puppy (Photo)

Steph Curry’s got a brand new family member — he’s adorable, he’s furry and he ain’t cheap!  TMZ Sports has learned Steph and Ayesha just brought home a 10-week-old Golden Doodle puppy this week from a place called Murphy’s Doodles … a high…
