Showing posts with label Bills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bills. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2018

O.J. Simpson Has Not Left Nevada to Watch Bills, Jaguars Game

O.J. Simpson was seen rockin’ a Buffalo Bills jersey as his ex-NFL team took on the Jaguars in the playoffs this weekend … but the Juice isn’t loose in Florida.  THE JUICE IS LOOSE #Billsmafia — Barstool…


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Jaguars" Marcell Dareus: "Happy" for Bills, But Now I Gotta Crush "Em

Jaguars bruiser Marcell Dareus spent his whole career with the Bills until this season … but says that ain’t gonna stop him from smashing his bros when they meet this Sunday. “To see my dudes I fought with so long … sh*t, it’s gonna be crazy,…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Andy Dalton"s Charity: Bills Fans Donating BIG Money After Playoff Heroics

Think Andy Dalton’s popular in Bills Country?? Since his miracle TD pass that punched Buffalo’s ticket to the postseason, Bills Mafia has given over $ 57k to his charity — in just 24 hours since the 1st donation!! FYI, Dalton’s 49-yard toss…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Tom Brady: I Hope Gronk Isn"t Suspended For Late Hit on Bills Player

Tom Brady hopes he won’t have to play without Rob Gronkowski next week … despite the superstar tight end’s controversial late hit on a defenseless Bills player on Sunday. TB12 spoke with ‘Kirk and Callahan’ on WEEI Monday morning and addressed…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Larsa Pippen: Mooching Off Kourtney Kardashian to Pay Bills?

Few things in life are more stressful, painful, or gossip-friendly than divorce.

But one reality star felt the need to take to Instagram to claim that hers, at least, isn’t so bad that she has to rely on a little help from her friends.

Larsa Pippen is more than just a reality personality with the name that surely belongs to a whimsical side-character in an epic fantasy story.

She’s also a mother, a close friend of Kourtney Kardashian, and … had a fairly epic breakup last year.

Recently, a story ran alleging that Larsa’s ex, Scottie Pippen, had cut her off during their divorce.

Now, that’s a real thing that happens in so many divorces — it can be months before a court actually orders payments, and breadwinners can do all sorts of nasty things in the mean time to sabotage their spouses, from closing lines of credit to emptying shared accounts.

To say nothing of custody fights, blackmail, and a host of other tricks and strategies that people employ to try to ruin the lives of the person they once loved.

Divorce can be an ugly, ugly business.

But apparently things aren’t nearly that bad for Larsa and Scottie, because Larsa took to social media to clear things up.

“Where do they get this from!!” she captioned on Instagram.

“So false.”

Scottie’s attorney also confirmed to E! that the report was untrue.

In fact, apparently Larsa and ex Scottie are working towards some sort of reconciliation.

Considering that police were called to their home at least twice last October, we can’t wholeheartedly applaud them for trying to mend fences.

Anybody can work past alleged cheating if they want to.

But when the police are called, things are a lot more serious, even if it isn’t a domestic violence scenario.

There’s just a lot that we don’t know about these two.

But, yeah, if they’re having an amicable divorce and working towards reconciliation — which is almost always the advice that any ethical attorney gives — then that doesn’t sound like a scenario where Scottie would have cut her off.

Let alone where Larsa would be mooching off of Kourtney.

Surely Kourtney’s dealing with enough ex nonsense of her own.

We’re not saying that we know for sure that the story was fake.

Clearly, Larsa and Scottie would both have every motive to deny it even if it were true.

“Fake news,” like imagined child sex-rings run out of non-existent basements, can be about anything.

Though unfortunately certain people heard the stories that they’d latched onto described as “fake news” and started parroting the term, like toddlers who’ve just learned an obscenity, whenever they don’t like a headline.

But a celebrity gossip story that turns out to not be true is usually super believable.

It’s super believable that a woman would be financially cut off during a divorce.

It’s similarly believable that her famously wealthy friend might help her out.

If nothing else, it’s because so many fans can easily imagine Kourtney, who’s generally regarded as a nice person, supporting her friend during a tough time.

And everyone who fantasizes about being rich tends to imagine the things that they could do for their friends.

So, even if that story about Larsa was false, it still would have been believable to many people who read it.

We have to say that it’s always interesting to see when a celebrity reacts to a story about them.

A lot of celebrities remain dead silent about the news about them.

Many, like Kylie Jenner, seem to exist in a bubble where they’re protected from most genuine criticism.

What little they do see online, whether on Twitter or Instagram or wherever, they seem to dismiss as “hate,” even if someone has a valid point.

Probably because an especially famous celeb might get thousands of hateful messages in a single day, and don’t have the time or energy to read them all, let alone consider which of the dozens or so that they do see might have merit.

But Larsa noticed this and felt a need to respond.

Kind of makes you wonder how often other stars see pieces about themselves but don’t reply, huh?


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Buffalo Bills RB Jonathan Williams Not Guilty In Drunk Driving Case

Great day for Buffalo Bills running back Jonathan Williams — who fought his 2016 drunk driving arrest … AND WON. TMZ Sports broke the story … Williams — a 5th round pick out of Arkansas in 2016 — was pulled over in Fayatteville, AR on July…


Buffalo Bills RB Jonathan Williams Not Guilty In Drunk Driving Case

Great day for Buffalo Bills running back Jonathan Williams — who fought his 2016 drunk driving arrest … AND WON. TMZ Sports broke the story … Williams — a 5th round pick out of Arkansas in 2016 — was pulled over in Fayatteville, AR on July…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Buffalo Bills Locker Room Pool Table Fetches BIG MONEY At Auction (Photo)

Big win for the Buffalo Bills — the team pool table (which was recently banned from the Bills locker room) just sold at auction for $ 8,000 … TMZ Sports has confirmed.  As we previously reported, new Bills head coach Sean McDermott 86’d the…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Josh Duggar: Selling Cars to Pay the Bills in Exile!

Josh Duggar is out of rehab, but not back to the public life he once led as the beloved first-born of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 Kids & Counting.

The former reality star is selling cars in relative exile in Arkansas.

It seems like a lifetime ago that Josh torpedoed the Duggar brand when the fact that he molested his own sisters as a teen came to light.

Furthermore, his parents’ handling of the situation “in-house” drew a great deal of criticism as well, dinging their once-impeccable image.

If that were the end of it, this might have been possible to get through, chalking it up to his days as a confused, but now reformed, teen.

But then Ashley Madison was hacked in 2015.

Josh was exposed as a client of the cheating website, exposing himself as an adulterer, a porn addict and the world’s biggest hypocrite.

All but banned from the family’s TV life ever since he emerged from a Reformers Unanimous in early 2016, Josh has been toiling away.

Doing what, though?

Josh and his long-suffering wife Anna Duggar, both 28, have spent the past year trying to get a grasp on their new normal back in Arkansas.

He resigned from his high-profile lobbyist post for the pro-marriage Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. in the wake of these scandals.

After a long stint in sex rehab slash Christian labor camp, and having somehow convinced Anna to not leave him, he’s back in Arkansas. 

Selling cars to pay the bills, far away from the cameras.

“Josh and Anna spend most of their time at home when Josh isn’t selling cars,” a source told the venerable gossip site Radar Online.

“The family has been busy filming [Counting On].”

Josh, however, “is not going to be featured.”

Despite talk of the family easing Josh back into the spotlight, Christmas was isolating for the black sheep of the Duggar family, the source says.

When you’re a pariah who not only acted against everything your family stands for, but nearly ruined their careers, well, there’s resentment.

“They stayed at home Christmas morning, but they did end up going to the [family] compound later in the day,” said the Duggar insider.

While he can be seen in the above photo from Thanksgiving, the family clearly goes to great lengths to censor his involvement.

In TV, and in life. For the Duggars, it’s one and the same.

They can’t keep him from family functions, but TLC cut his out of Jinger’s wedding special by having him hide behind his own kid (below).

Quite a fall from grace over the last two years.

Can we say for certain whether he’ll be scuttled from any reality TV gigs and shackled to his car dealership desk for the rest of his life?

No. The Duggars play a lot of things close to the vest.

Nor can we say if Anna Duggar is pregnant with baby #5, as has been widely rumored of late, and how that would impact everything.

What we can say is that when Season 3 of Counting On premieres this month, it will be very interesting to see the direction TLC takes.

Are they planning a public apology tour eventually? Or are they content to pretend he never exists, save for an occasional social media pic?

All hope is not lost for him, in any case.

“Josh is of course selling cars, but he’s getting back into selling limos again too, and he made some money on one limo sale,” the insider adds.

Oh yes. The future looks very bright.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Patriots vs. Bills -- Flag Down ... Dildo on the Field

A scofflaw tried inserting himself in the Patriots / Bills game Sunday by firing a dildo on to the field. A ref was tasked with the duty to remove the errant projectile from the 5-yard line. Unclear what happened to the fan but we’re guessing he…


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Kim Kardashian Slams Senate for Failed Gun Control Bills

For the second time in just over a week, we’re forced to say the following:

Kim Kardashian is right.

Shortly after the tragic Orlando shooting that claimed the lives of 49 people last week, Kardashian didn’t simply offer hollow thoughts or prayers.

She Tweeted an actual solid point, referencing the “Terror Gap” in the United States, a loophole that allows suspected terrorists on the FBI Watch List to purchase automatic weapons.

“We have repeatedly called on Congress to close this loophole that makes it easy for dangerous people to get guns & kill,” Kardashian wrote last week.

“Nothing has changed!!!! People continue to senselessly die. When will these gun laws be changed?!?!?!?!!!!?????”

Fast forward to Monday night and the Senate rejecting a quartet of legal measures, each of which would have made it more difficult for certain people to purchase guns in America.

Most of this proposed legislation centered on the extension of background checks… and no bill received the 60 votes it needed to pass.

This is how Kardashian responded to the failure of politicians to change anything about gun control in her country:

“So terrorists on fbi’s wanted lists can legally still buy guns. Oh & mentally ill people can buy guns without a background check too..

“The fact that anyone can so easily access guns is so scary & after all of the devastating loss the Senate should have not failed us!!!”

Kardashian also re-Tweeted a multitude of related messages, such as the list of which Senators voted for or against one of the measures.

There is also a list going around of how much money these Senators have received over the years from the National Rifle Association.

It may sound silly, but Kardashian could have actual influence on issues such as these.

She has over 74.5 million Instagram followers. She can get, like, half of them to purchase some kind of lipstick she likes.

Imagine what she could push them to do if she were to focus on topics that truly impacted the nation…

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Brittany Burns, Fiancee of Buffalo Bills Player Tony Steward, Dies of Cancer

Buffalo Bills player Tony Steward revealed on Tuesday that his fiancee, Brittany Burns has died after battling cancer at the age of 26.

In a heartfelt Instagram post, the linebacker paid tribute to his bride-to-be, a former star on the Clemson University rowing team.

“Brittany Ann Steward! Wow BEAUTIFUL is the only way I know you. You have the biggest heart I have ever seen in my entire life.”

While Brittany may be gone from this world, “I promise you that it will live on in me, our family and every single soul you have touched.”

“You are the strongest and most loving soul to step foot in this world,” Tony wrote to his late partner, in touching fashion.

“You have been my rock, my motivation, my heart, my soulmate, my everything since the day I laid eyes on you.”

“Every single day of your life you have been a fighter and I know this because of the unbelievable family you brought me into.”

“We will all honor everything you stand for in life. I will continue to be the person that you always bring out in me.”

“Believe me when I say that I deeply love you with every ounce of everything in me. Love always, Your Fiancé #fightinglikeagirl #fightlikebritt”

According to media reports from Upstate New York, Burns was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer on December 9.

The couple got engaged in December, which they documented on social media, shortly after Burns was diagnosed with cancer.

Following Burns’ diagnosis, the adorable couple started a fundraiser called “Britt and Tony’s Fight Like a Girl Campaign.”

In an effort to help “other women who are battling ovarian cancer,” they had raised thousands of dollars by the time of her passing.

A press release from the Bills, Tony’s employer, also offered the professional football team’s condolences earlier today.

The team remembered Burns as “an active member in the community through the Buffalo Bills Women’s Association.” 


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Candy Spelling Pays Tori Spelling"s Bills! Not Helping With Amex Suit!

Candy Spelling is a true Hollywood champion.  

On January 19th, Aaron Spelling"s widow was getting into her car after dinner at West Hollywood celebrity haunt, Madeo when a TMZ videographer asked her about Tori Spelling"s financial woes.

The videographer brought up the $ 38,000 + lawsuit American Express filed against her daughter, who took out a loan last summer when money was tight.  Tori also suffered burns after an accident at a local Benihana, which required medical attention.

Candy remained expressionless as the videographer yammered on, as if she was all too aware of the position Tori and husband Dean McDermott have found themselves in.

"Would you be willing to help her out?" The videographer asked.

"I"ve been helping her out," Candy answered.  "I"m paying all her bills now.  I"m not paying [for] extras like that."

"But she has a year of back payments," the videographer pressed on.

"I"m not paying any back payments," Candy continued.  "Just for the house and the kids" school, and the food."

"Why did she miss a bunch of payments?"

"I don"t know," Candy replied breezily.  "Extravagance, I guess."

Dean has reportedly asked Tori to consider filing for bankruptcy, since they owe money to other credit card companies as well.

However, a source told Radar Online that Tori refuses to even discuss the possibility of bankruptcy,"

Candy spelling reveals she pays tori spellings bills

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

David Foster: STILL Paying Yolanda Foster"s Medical Bills?!

It’s been over two weeks since we first learned that Yolanda and David Foster are getting divorced, and sources say that even though Yolanda is the one who decided to call it quits, she’s still milking David for everything he’s worth.

According to TMZ, the couple signed a prenup when they married in 2011, but David is giving Yolanda much more cash than he’s required to.

In fact, the website claims that David is still paying for Yolanda’s medical bills, which is odd for a few reasons:

For one thing, Yolanda’s bills are astronomical, as she frequently travels internationally to receive expensive stem cell treatments that aren’t legal in the US.

But what makes the situation even more surprising is the fact that friends say David doesn’t even believe Yolanda has Lyme disease!

“David is telling friends he believes she was cured of it long ago, but she’s been playing up ongoing symptoms because she enjoys the attention,” one insider recently told Radar Online.

Sources say Yolanda decided to end the marriage over a year ago, but David has continued to provide emotional and financial support.

When David sold his $ 27 million Malibu home, he reportedly gave Yolanda “a big chunk” of the money, and she recently purchased a $ 5 million home in the upscale Wilshire Corridor section of Los Angeles.

Yolanda may or may not be sick, but from the sound of things, her bank account has never been healthier.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Footing Lamar Odom"s Medical Bills?!

While racking up millions of dollars in medical bills, Lamar Odom celebrated his birthday on November 6. The basketball star, who just turned 36, is slowing making progress after overdosing in a Nevada brothel in October.

In the meantime, Odom’s estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian, is stepping in. According to Radar Online, Khloe will foot the bill for her soon-to-be ex-husband’s medical treatment.

An insider revealed, “Lamar is still a rich man on paper, but he’s cash poor because most of his savings are tied up.”

“He burned through an absolute fortune on drugs and hookers this past year or two, so finding immediate funds for these huge private health care bills is getting difficult,” the source added.

Khloe, 31, has shown an overwhelming amount of support and compassion since Odom was admitted into the hospital.

Odom and Kardashian were in the midst of divorcing when Odom overdosed.  Though neither party officially signed the divorce papers, they were in the process off splitting up.

After Odom’s nearly fatal incident, Kardashian rescinded the divorce papers until Odom is healthy again. Now, she is showing her support by paying his medical bills. 

“Khloe told them to send her the bill,” the insider explained. “Money is the least of her worries right now — she just wants Lamar back on his feet as soon as possible.”