Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Kim Kardashian Slams Senate for Failed Gun Control Bills

For the second time in just over a week, we’re forced to say the following:

Kim Kardashian is right.

Shortly after the tragic Orlando shooting that claimed the lives of 49 people last week, Kardashian didn’t simply offer hollow thoughts or prayers.

She Tweeted an actual solid point, referencing the “Terror Gap” in the United States, a loophole that allows suspected terrorists on the FBI Watch List to purchase automatic weapons.

“We have repeatedly called on Congress to close this loophole that makes it easy for dangerous people to get guns & kill,” Kardashian wrote last week.

“Nothing has changed!!!! People continue to senselessly die. When will these gun laws be changed?!?!?!?!!!!?????”

Fast forward to Monday night and the Senate rejecting a quartet of legal measures, each of which would have made it more difficult for certain people to purchase guns in America.

Most of this proposed legislation centered on the extension of background checks… and no bill received the 60 votes it needed to pass.

This is how Kardashian responded to the failure of politicians to change anything about gun control in her country:

“So terrorists on fbi’s wanted lists can legally still buy guns. Oh & mentally ill people can buy guns without a background check too..

“The fact that anyone can so easily access guns is so scary & after all of the devastating loss the Senate should have not failed us!!!”

Kardashian also re-Tweeted a multitude of related messages, such as the list of which Senators voted for or against one of the measures.

There is also a list going around of how much money these Senators have received over the years from the National Rifle Association.

It may sound silly, but Kardashian could have actual influence on issues such as these.

She has over 74.5 million Instagram followers. She can get, like, half of them to purchase some kind of lipstick she likes.

Imagine what she could push them to do if she were to focus on topics that truly impacted the nation…