Showing posts with label Blac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blac. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2018

Blac Chyna Sex Tape Leaks, She"s Calling in Cops

A sex tape Blac Chyna made — with an unknown guy — has leaked online, but it doesn’t appear she has anything to do with it, and she wants cops to track down whoever posted it. The video shows Chyna performing oral sex on the mystery…


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Blac Chyna"s Getting in Baby Stroller Business with Momiie Brand

Blac Chyna’s now wheeling and dealing in the baby stroller biz … because this MILF sees green, baby! Sources connected to the new project tell TMZ … BC just signed up to pimp the new baby stroller brand Momiie … set to launch in the U.S.…


Friday, February 16, 2018

Blac Youngsta Says Lil Pump"s Gun Arrest is BS

Lil Pump and his mother are getting a raw deal from law enforcement … according to his homie, Blac Youngsta, who has some choice words for cops. Three to be exact.  We got Youngsta outside Ciroc Studios in Hollywood, and he took a break…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner Back as Defendants in Blac Chyna Lawsuit

Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against the Kardashians for allegedly killing her reality show has taken a new twist … she has changed course, adding Khloe and Kylie to her case. It’s puzzling, because Chyna had dismissed the 3 women from the lawsuit…


Blac Chyna Wishes You a Booty-ful Valentine"s Day, in a Bikini

Blac Chyna doesn’t need any Valentine’s Day gifts … she’s got plenty, and she put them ALL on display at the beach. BC hit the sand for a photo shoot in Malibu this week, and it was V-Day themed … packed with balloons and a very revealing…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Blac Chyna to Kim Kardashian: I"m Suing You, You Petty B-tch!

Back in July of 2017, Rob Kardashian posted nude photos of Blac Chyna as revenge for sleeping with another guy after they had already broken up.

Needless to say, Rob’s not the most stable individual, and it doesn’t come as much of surprise that Chyna is suing him for inflicting emotional distress and damaging her career prospects.

And now it seems she’s broadened her scope in hopes of taking the entire Kard clan along with Rob after being triggered by a passive-aggressive present.

Yes, Blac has decided to include Rob’s famous sisters in her lawsuit after apparently being enraged by the Valentine’s Day gift she received from Kim Kardashian.

In fairness, the perfume that she received from Kim’s new line of fragrances was sent in connection with a Snapchat video in which Kim revealed 

“Chyna was furious when she got Kim’s perfume Valentine,” an insider told Radar.

“It was so rude of Kim to send that to her. Chyna was disgusted that she would be that condescending.”

Things get worse from there, with some quotes that lead us to believe this “source” is actually just Chyna:

“Chyna knows Kim is a petty b-tch, she always has been. And this was it for her. She said she wasn’t going to hide the truth about how awful Rob’s whole family has been to her,” the weirdly angry and knowledgeable insider claims.

“She has kept everything with the family to the court and hasn’t done anything on social media or anywhere else against the family, but this was low, even for them.”

The anonymous tipster went on to praise Blac for her patience in not going after the Kardashians sooner, as well as for her bravery in speaking out against them now:

“Chyna had tried to let all of the personal nasty things everyone had done to her not bother her, but she finally made the decision to stand up to the Kardashians and Jenners with all of the ammunition she had.”

In court documents obtained by Radar, Blac’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, slams the Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney for all the “false” statements “Defendants Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and/or their respective agents made.”

Bloom also quotes Kim as saying:

“The only reason Chyna wants to be with my brother is for this show. She does not love Rob and their relationship is too fake and destructive. The public has been exposed to what a fake relationship they have and it’s embarrassing and makes us all look fake.”

So the lawsuit isn’t technically about Kim shading Blac with free perfume…

…But let’s be honest, it’s totally about Kim shading Blac with free perfume.


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Blac Chyna Accuses Kim Kardashian of Bullying with Valentine "Gift"

Blac Chyna’s firing off a Valentine’s Day message for her almost sister-in-law Kim Kardashian — don’t be cruel! Sources close to Chyna tell TMZ … she’s pissed about the “gift” she received the other day from Kim. As we first reported, KK sent a…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian Shades Taylor Swift, Blac Chyna & The Rest of Her Enemies List

On the surface, it may not seem like Kim Kardashian and Richard Nixon have a whole lot in common, but dig a little deeper, and you’ll realize they’re more similar than they appear.

Both will be forever associated with scandalous tapes; both have complicated relationships with their mothers; and both understand the importance of a comprehensive enemies list.

Us peasant people might have one or two enemies – perhaps one Starbucks barista who always spells your name wrong, and another who always glares at you for walking across his freshly mopped floor – but the rich and powerful often have more foes than they can easily keep track of.

And that’s where the value of a well-organized enemies list comes into play.

Kim recently became a mother of three, and she says she’s in the best shape of her life these days.

She’s leveling up in every way possible for 2018, and apparently, that includes taking her pettiness to new heights.

And what does that mean for her carefully-cultivated catalog of adversaries?

Kim Kardashian Valentines

Why, it means they get roasted with blue Valentines, of course.

Kim has a new fragrance out, and she’s promoting it by delivering samples encased in chocolate hearts to some of her celebrity associates … even the ones she doesn’t like.

Mrs. Kardashian-West posted a Snapchat video detailing her plan, and as you can, see the recipients in blue comprise a special class:

“I’m going to send them to my lovers, to my haters, to everyone that I think of, because it’s Valentine’s Day, after all,” Kim said in the clip.

So it looks like we now have the definitive list of Kim’s haters:

There’s Piers Morgan, Sharon Osbourne, Bette Midler, and Chloe Grace Moretz – who have all called out Kim’s nudes over the years.

There’s Blac Chyna and Taylor Swift (no big surprises there).

There’s Naya Rivera, Wendy Williams, and Pink, all of whom have mom-shamed Kim at one point or another (or at least they have in Kim’s eyes).

And there are some surprises in the mix, as well.

(Since when do Kim and Sarah Michelle Gellar have beef?)!

In all fairness, this might be Kim’s way of extending an olive branch – but we prefer to think of it as gloriously subtle shade.

Yes, the first non-Tide Pod-related trend of 2018 is officially here, so send a blue Valentine to your haters today!


Kim Kardashian West Sends Valentines to Taylor Swift, Blac Chyna and Other Enemies

Kim Kardashian is making sure both her lovers and her haters will get a Valentine this year … and that list includes Taylor Swift, Blac Chyna and Wendy Williams. Kim’s been on a promo whirlwind for her new Valentine’s Day-inspired fragrance,…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Blac Chyna to Kim Kardashian: Congrats on the Baby! I"ll Still Beat You in Court!

For a woman who was just delivered a serious blow in her court battle against the Kardashians, Blac Chyna seems to be in astonishingly good spirits.

She’s vowing to keep fighting after her huge setback.

But she’s also congratulating Kim and Kanye on the birth of their third child, calling the baby girl a “blessing.”

You didn’t miss Kim Kardashian’s new, bizarre baby’s name, right? Kimye’s youngest daughter’s name is Chicago West.

(Chicago West sounds like the name of a fashion line or perhaps like Carmen Sandiego’s apprentice, so … it’s fine)

Before the news of the baby girl’s name even broke, The Blast caught up to Blac Chyna and asked what she thought of Kim’s third child being born.

Chyna replied: “It’s always a blessing. They deserve blessings.”

Some may find it surprising that Chyna could be so chipper about the Kardashians, considering recent developments.

So, you know how Blac Chyna is suing the entire Kardashian clan?

She claims that they used their influence to sabotage her reality career when it had scarcely begun, effectively blacklisting her at E!

If true, this would mean that the Kardashians cost her not only the money she would have earned through reality TV income, but cash from merchandising and endorsements and appearances. Which is why she’s suing.

The Kardashians argue that they didn’t maliciously undercut her career — that she missed out on work because she refused to film scenes with Rob, and even got a restraining order against him.

Blac Chyna reportedly hates that argument, and countered that she shouldn’t have lost her job over her fear of Rob.

Well, RadarOnline reports that Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against the Kardashians saw a major setback.

““Chyna lost today,” their source claims.

“But it is a temporary situation. Chyna is going to fight back.”

That’s no surprise. Chyna’s a fighter, clearly.

“She is going to go back and try again and try and convince the judge of his error.”

What error, you ask?

Reportedly, the judge in the case indicated that he’s going to remove both Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner from the lawsuit.

This weakens Blac Chyna’s case, we imagine, in two ways.

One, because Kris and Kim have deep pockets, and if they’re not the targets of her lawsuit, she can’t be awarded damages directly from them.

Two, and we’re just guessing (not legal experts), but one imagines that Blac Chyna will have a harder time arguing that, say, Rob pulled some carefully crafted scheme to sabotage her reality career. Rob is … well, Rob.

He’s not exactly an evil genius.

But apparently Blac Chyna stands fully poised to convince the judge that Kim and Kris do belong within the scope of her lawsuit.

Failing though, though, she’s said to be prepared to amend her lawsuit in such a way that she can still win.

Still, though Blac Chyna’s called the Kardashians all sorts of nasty things during the course of her falling out with the family and these legal fights, it’s not a surprise that she’s speaking pleasantly about Chicago’s birth.

Blac Chyna’s link to the Kardashians isn’t Rob — it’s Dream.

When Chyna talks about Chicago, she’s not just talking about the child of her enemy, she’s talking about the newborn cousin of her own baby daughter.

Her feud with the Kardashians is … very complicated.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner Win Big Victory in Blac Chyna"s E! Lawsuit

Blac Chyna just got nailed by the judge in the lawsuit she’s filed against Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner … the judge has tentatively agreed to dismiss them entirely from her lawsuit claiming the Kardashians torpedoed her reality show. Chyna’s…


Blac Chyna"s House Manager in a Coma, Rob & Tyga Help With Medical Expenses

Blac Chyna’s house manager is in a coma and it’s got Chyna’s exes, Tyga and Rob Kardashian, opening their wallets to help pay for medical expenses.   Patty, who also helped run Chyna’s clothing line, suffered a stroke in July…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Blac Chyna: The Kardashians are Evil, Vindictive Liars!

Back in the day, Blac Chyna used her bush to lure in Rob Kardashian.

Now, in excerpts from a lawsuit, the former reality star is not beating around the bush when it comes to her feelings about her ex-lover’s family.

In legal documents obtained by TMZ, the mother of two (including Rob’s first and only daughter, Dream) alleges that the Kardashians and Jenners flat out sabotaged the series Rob & Chyna because they didn’t want to see Blac succeed.

This is what Chyna claims in the lawsuit she has filed, regarding E! highest-paid stars:

“The unwritten rule no one told (her) when she began her relationship with Kardashian is that the entire family will come after you if you leave, using their fame, wealth and power to take you down.”

How so?

Chyna says the family made sure her television show got “cancelled (despite great ratings)” and that they “spread lies” about her, “even funding a bogus lawsuit about a crumbled gingerbread house.”

Wait… what?

Come again, regarding that last part cited?

In September of last year, Rob went public with the allegation that Chyna once beat him up pretty badly.

This including choking Kardashian with an iPhone charging cable, striking him frequently in the head and, yes, smashing a gingerbread house.

Chyna is saying in these new documents that such an attack, at least against the gingerbread house, never took place.

Blac, who was very good friends with Kim Kardashian a long time ago, goes on to say the famous family was dead set on destroying her career because they feared she would not compete with them commercially and on social media.

She filed her lawsuit back in October, claiming at the time that Kris Jenner and her daughters used their “power and influence over the E! network to kill the second season.”

How have the Kardashians responded?

By asking a judge to throw out the lawsuit for two reasons:

1. The show garnered terrible ratings. That’s just a fact.

2. Chyna has filed for a restraining order against Rob, making it legally impossible for him to film scenes with his baby mama.

The restraining order was asked for due to Rob sharing naked photos of his ex-girlfriend, prompting a discussion around the Internet about revenge porn and whether Rob would actually go to jail for his actions.

It’s been pretty darn ugly between these parents for a long time now.

But that’s the thing: they are parents. They will always be parents.

Little Dream was born in November of 2016 and the most important thing here is that she be raised in as healthy an environment as possible.

Many fear, however, that it’s too late.

Thankfully, to date, Chyna has not asked to restrict Rob’s access to his child. The stars are sharing custody and, at the very least, not slamming each other left and right online.

That is progress to some degree for the pair.

We don’t know what will happen with this lawsuit…

… but we do know Dream deserves to have both parents in her life. Let’s hope Chyna and Rob both keep this in mind going forward.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Blac Chyna Says Kardashians Using their Power to Destroy Her

Blac Chyna says leaving the Kardashians is like leaving Scientology … they make your life hell. Chyna just filed legal docs in her lawsuit against Kim, Kris and Rob, claiming they sabotaged the reality show, “Rob & Chyna.”   Chyna…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Blac Chyna: A Protective Order Against Rob Shouldn"t Cost Me My Job!

The Kardashians and Blac Chyna, through the precious and innocent Dream Kardashian, will always be linked. Right now, they’re also linked through a couple of major legal battles.

You know how the Kardashians are saying that it’s Blac Chyna’s own fault that her reality career didn’t take off, because her restraining order made it impossible to film scenes with Rob?

Well, Blac Chyna thinks that the argument is hogwash (not her word) and sends a horrible message to survivors of abuse.

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian both accuse each other of drug-fueled violence, which is honestly pretty horrifying on its own.

(Domestic violence should never happen, folks)

Blac Chyna claims that she was only violent in self-defense, while Rob claims that she went on a destructive rampage that caused about $ 100,000 in damages to the house he was renting from his sister Kylie.

These very serious accusations aren’t just a huge factor in why the infamous couple broke up.

They’re also a huge factor in Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against the Kardashian family.

See, Chyna is suing the family, claiming that they blacklisted her with E! and killed her potential reality career, starting with the show that she had with Rob.

She’s reportedly seeking a 7-figure amount in compensation for what she could have made in wages and also what she could have made in endorsements.

Apparently, however, the Kardashians aren’t worried about Blac Chyna’s lawsuit … because they claim that it’s Chyna’s own fault that her show got canceled.

Those domestic violence accusations we mentioned?

They included a restraining order against Rob Kardashian. He couldn’t go near her because, well, Chyna was afraid of what he might do.

The Kardashian argument seems to be that the show’s cancellation wasn’t part of some conspiracy, but simply because two stars can’t film a show (not easily, anyway) if one has a restraining order against the other.

At the very least, they can’t film scenes together like that.

TMZ reported that the Kardashian team was making that argument, and is now reporting exactly what Chyna thinks of it.

Apparently … she’s not a fan.

In fact, Blac Chyna reportedly believes that this sends a message that women who suffer domestic violence like she did shouldn’t get a protective order, or it might later be used against them.

While her circumstances — filming a reality series with her baby daddy who became her alleged abuser — are pretty unusual, there are plenty of women who work with their partners.

Should our world be one in which women who get protective orders against their abusers have to fear professional consequences?

What if a woman gets a restraining order from her husband and, say, the office job where they both work fires her in order to resolve the problem of their cubicles being too close?

At least, that’s what we think that Chyna is getting at.

Of course, TMZ notes that there’s arguably one hiccup with Blac Chyna’s argument.

She dropped her order of protection after she won big time in her custody fight.

So … it might appear that, by example, she’s promoting the use of restraining orders as a bargaining chip.

But maybe she dropped it as a sign of good faith, in the hopes that Rob is no longer a threat to her.

And to make custody trade-offs a little easier between the two.

Not everything has to be a calculated ploy, right?

Not even when we’re talking about Blac Chyna’s legal struggle with the Kardashians.



Blac Chyna Claims Kardashians Have No Right to Trash a Domestic Violence Victim

Blac Chyna is irate over the Kardashians’ claim she’s responsible for the cancellation of her reality show with Rob, and she thinks they’re sending a terrible message to women that getting a domestic violence restraining order is a bad thing…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kardashians Fire Back at Blac Chyna, You Ruined Your Reality Show, Not Us

The Kardashians have come out swinging in Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against them in which she claims the fam sabotaged her reality show with Rob, saying it was all her doing. As we reported, Chyna is suing Rob, Kim and Kris claiming they orchestrated a…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Blac Chyna: I Only Beat Up Rob Kardashian to Defend Myself!

Even though they never actually got married or owned much property together, Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna’s breakup has been anything but easy.

There’s the custody dispute, plus lawsuits on both sides. Among other things, Rob Kardashian — with Kylie’s help — is suing Blac Chyna for her alleged violence against Rob.

Well, Blac Chyna claims that she was only violent in self-defense, and wants the suit thrown out.

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian both accuse each other of drug-fueled violence. Lovely.

You know, if we believed classist stereotypes, we’d say that these antics sound like they’d be happening in a trailer park and not between millionaires in a southern California mansion.

But domestic violence, accusations, and drugs don’t know any socio economic boundaries, folks.

Rich people are just better at keeping it quiet.


So, Blac Chyna is demanding $ 10 million from Rob Kardashian.

Or, more accurately, from his family. Because we all know that Rob, though he’s a Kardashian, doesn’t exactly have the net worth of even the “poorest” of his sisters.

In fact, Rob may be too broke to pay Blac Chyna.

That gives the rest of the Kardashians some extra incentive to help out their brother.

So, Rob Kardashian accused Chyna of choking him with a phone charger cord and of beating him.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, the alleged fight happened at Kylie Jenner’s house (a house, which Rob was renting) … and resulted in about $ 100,000 worth of damages.

We’re talking about destroyed phone, a destroyed television, and damage to doors and walls … all allegedly caused by Blac Chyna.

Now, just because Blac Chyna is 5-foot-2 doesn’t negate the possibility that she could commit domestic violence and property damage.

The question is: did she do it?

According to court documents viewed by RadarOnline, Blac Chyna doesn’t seem to be denying that she was in some way violent with Rob.

(While not necessarily admitting to everything that Rob and Kylie accuse her of doing)

Instead, she’s taking an affirmative defense — claiming that she only took action in order to defend herself.

(And, according to the legal language of the suit, she may or may not have been taking action to defend someone else)

Chyna is trying to dismiss the suit against her over this December 16th, 2016 incident. 

Some might be eager to sit back and find entertainment in this situation.

Neither Rob nor Chyna project a very likable image — especially in this context. Many believe that Chyna got pregnant on purpose to create a financial tie to a wealthy family.

Many believe that Rob is gross, and his revenge porn attack against Chyna over the summer pretty much confirms that.

So, if you can’t stand either of them, it’s easy to just look the other way and hope that they both ruin each other’s lives.

Maybe you believe that it’s what they deserve.

Even if you don’t feel sorry for Kylie for having been caught in the middle of whatever happened between this former couple (because honestly, what’s $ 100,000 to Kylie? Proportionately to her wealth, that’s a drop in the bucket), you should worry about this situation.

Because, whether it was an accident or the result of a soap opera-style scheme, Blac Chyna and Rob had Dream together.

That baby daughter is a true innocent, and can’t help but be caught in the middle as her parents go to war in the courtroom.


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Blac Chyna Gets Piece of Ass for Christmas

Blac Chyna’s got the Christmas spirit … because she’s all about the pa-rump-a-rump Rump. Chyna was at Karrueche Tran’s Christmas party Saturday night at Paloma nightclub in WeHo when a random chick backed into her and Chyna did not view it as an…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Blac Chyna"s Kids Dream and King Pose For Christmas Card

Blac Chyna’s Christmas card screams both naughty and nice … nice because her two kids — 5-year-old King and 1-year-old Dream — are so damn cute, and naughty because of the “Dear Santa let me explain …” caption. Blac Chyna’s noticeably absent…
