Showing posts with label Blake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blake. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Blake Griffin Making Out with Mystery Blonde in L.A.

Even in the off-season, Blake Griffin’s rebound skills are on point — just ask the blonde chick he was sucking face with in his Land Rover. The NBA star and his mystery woman are definitely living on the edge. Saturday’s date night included riding…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Blake Painter, Former Deadliest Catch Captain, Found Dead of Possible Overdose

Very sad news today out of the world of reality television:

Blake Painter, who served as the captain on Season 2 and Season 3 of Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch, was found dead at his home in Oregon on Friday.

He was 38 years old.

Based on initial reporting by TMZ, it appears as if Painter passed away from some kind of drug overdose.

This well-sources celebrity gossip website quotes law enforcement insiders who say a friend of Painter’s grew concerned late last week after not hearing from Blake for a few days.

He therefore called the authorities out of fear of what may have happened.

Officers responded by arriving at Painter’s residence and gaining entry, where they tragically determined Painter had been dead for several days.

No autopsy has been conducted yet as far as we know, and no cause of death announced.

However, the police discovered substances inside the home that they’ll test for possible narcotics.

Moreover, they found prescription pills, although it’s unclear if they were a factor in Painter’s death. We’d prefer not to speculate wildly at this time.

painter guy

Both the autopsy and toxicology tests will be completed this week, at which time we’ll know more about this tragedy.

We can confirm, however, that police do not believe foul play was at work in whatever transpired.

Painter was the captain of the F/V Maverick on the hit Discovery Channel show cited at the outset of this article.

The expert crab fisherman appeared on multiple season 3 episodes in 2007, after having appeared on even more a year prior, before deciding to quit.

Deadliest Catch, meanwhile, explores the real-life high-sea adventures of Alaskan crab fishermen and has been on the air since 2005.


Aside from this very sad piece of news, the series has sparked headlines of various kinds over the years.

Just a few days ago, crab boat captain Sig Hansen pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge that he spat on an Uber driver in 2017.

As a result, the 52-year-old was ordered to abstain from drugs and alcohol.

That same year, Jake Harris was reportedly arrested for car theft and drug possession.

According to multiple accounts at the time, police found Xanax, a prescription medication used to treat anxiety disorders, as well as crystal meth, which he admitted was for personal use.

Finally, 2015, fellow Deadliest Catch star Tony Lara died at age 50 from a heart attack.

May Blake Painter rest in peace.


"Deadliest Catch" Captain Blake Painter Dies

Blake Painter — best known for being a captain on seasons 2 and 3 of “Deadliest Catch” — has died, and police are testing substances found at the scene of his death. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Painter’s body was discovered Friday in his…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Blake Bortles Stops Alleged Truck Thief at Jaguars House Party

Blake Bortles — along with 2 of his Jacksonville Jaguars teammates — stopped an alleged thief from stealing the QB’s truck from a Florida house party … cops say.  It all went down late Wednesday night … Blake and Jags lineman Chris Reed…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton: We"re FINALLY Ready to Get Hitched!

From the moment the world first learned that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are dating, rumors that the couple is headed for the altar have been circulating non-stop.

For the most part, Gwen and Blake have been coy about their plans, hinting that there are wedding bells in their future, but stopping just short of providing a timeline for their engagement and wedding.

Both Blake and Gwen enjoy the attention of particularly obsessive fan bases, and the hunt for clues that the singers are getting ready to wed is never-ending.

Now, one outlet is claiming that Shelton has taken an important step toward proposing to Stefani.

“Gwen was raised in a Catholic family and religion is a big part of her life,” a source close to the situation tells Celebrity Insider. 

“Shelton converting to Catholicism is a final step towards the altar.”

And that’s not the only major change Blake has reportedly made in his lifestyle in recent weeks.

Apparently, Stefani has asked her future husband to quit the activity he’s most famous for aside from singing so that he can be an ideal stepfather to her three kids:

“Shelton has given up drinking,” says the insider.

If you know the man, you know that Blake’s drinking is the stuff of legend.

Shelton’s booze consumption is a significant part of his persona, but the source says he was happy to put the plug in the jug for good when Gwen asked him to.

So it’s sounding more and more like Gwen and Blake are getting their ducks in a row for the day fans have been anticipating for years.

Unfortunately, it looks as though the wait isn’t over quite yet.

 “I don’t think it’s anytime soon or anything,” says the source when asked when Blake and Gwen plan to exchange vows.

We’re guessing Blake would prefer that the wedding take place sooner rather than later.

He went from guzzling bourbon on a nightly basis to choking down nothing but vinegar-y communion wine.

The least Gwen can do is reward the man by putting a ring on it!


Kendall Jenner: Pregnant with Blake Griffin"s Baby?

Last week, we discussed the incendiary report from an industry insider that says that Kendall Jenner is pregnant and that she’s been canceling modeling gigs to hide the baby bump.

Kendall is the only one of Kris Jenner’s children to have not yet had a child, so this idea has a lot of people very excited.

But is she pregnant? Let’s take a look at the evidence.

Reportedly, during a call to set up a modeling shoot, it was confided by a photographer that Kendall Jenner is not modeling at the moment.

She’s a supermodel who makes, like, $ 20 million a year from doing shoots. So that might strike people as odd.

But the photographer reportedly claimed — on a private call — that Kendall is taking this quiet leave of absence because she is pregnant.

We have stressed from the beginning that this is not confirmed. It’s not even a firsthand report of hearing the statement.

But … some people have pointed out that probably is how something like this would leak.

As in, not from someone who could be directly traced to the knowledge, but from someone who heard it from a friend or coworker.

If Kendall really is pregnant, it is widely expected that the baby daddy would be Blake Griffin.

But many who may hope to see Kendall and Blake produce yet another beautiful grandchild for Kris Jenner to love and monetize, Gossip Cop reports that they have a statement on record from Kendall’s representative.

“Kendall is not pregnant.”

That was crushing for many to hear.

At the same time, some wonder if they should trust an official statement.

After all, last year, both Kylie and Khloe were bizarrely coy about their pregnancies for months.

While it is totally their right to tell people about their bodies if and when they see fit, a number of fans feels that they are less willing to trust official statements as a result.

So let’s look at some clues, instead.

Just a few weeks ago, Kendall Jenner shared this photo.

In the caption, she writes: “The party Gods got me.”

We don’t think that she’s announcing to her fans that she was kidnapped by Dionysus and has only just returned from an otherworldly realm of merrymaking.

Instead, and coupled with the photo, this was widely interpreted as an announcement that she was suffering from a major hangover.

Hey, it happens.

Naturally, if Kendall were pregnant, one would absolutely hope that she is not drinking anything, let alone drinking enough to give herself a hangover.

(Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is no joke, folks)

Additionally, Kendall and Blake have been spotted together, out and about.

That in and of itself has done nothing to quell rumors that they’re having a child together.

But those who have seen Kendall have noted that, just as in the recent photos of her that we have pointed out, Kendall is showing no sign of a baby bump.

Additionally, Kendall has stated recently — what with all of the chatter about Kylie giving birth to sweet baby Stormi — that she doesn’t plan on having any kids until her late twenties.

She is, again, only 22. This is a very sensible plan on her part.

So it looks like her flat tummy will be here for years to come.

We do find ourselves wondering where the claim that she’s pregnant originated.

Did someone make an offhand remark or a poorly phrased joke that others took seriously?

We may never know.

We can only imagine how amazing it would be if Kendall were pregnant with Blake Griffin’s baby.

And we have the perfect name suggestion for her child.

Pepsi Griffin.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert: Their Feud is Nastier Than Ever!

Miranda Lambert is dating Evan Felker, a man who is still married. And Blake Shelton is gloating, shading his ex for being “exposed” as an alleged homewrecker.

A couple of industry insiders dish on the resurgence of this explosive feud.

And it doesn’t sound like Miranda’s going to quietly put up with Blake’s attacks for much longer.

Now, Life & Style spoke to a few insiders on this explosive Blake and Miranda feud.

For starters, a source confirms that Blake’s cryptic subtweet was exactly what everyone thinks — aimed at Miranda facing “karma” for past alleged misdeeds.

“Make no mistake — it was a direct shot at Miranda.”

It sounds like Blake is filled with schadenfreude at the moment.

“Blake is reveling in Miranda’s humiliation now that she’s been accused of having an affair with a married man.”

This is personal for Blake, for the same reason that he divorced her in the first place.

“Because he believes she cheated on him.”

The industry insider assures Life & Style that, even though they’ve been apart for yeras, the feud between Blake and Miranda “is still on”

Blake reportedly “believes some things never change.”

In this case, it sounds like he’s believing that a cheater never changes their stripes.

And apparently Blake believes that Miranda is the same person she always was, which allegedly includes “what he sees as Miranda’s twisted relationship antics.”


The insider shares that Blake, even though he played his divorce well enough that the Country community sided with him and he even managed to land Gwen Stefani with his sob story, feels like he’s been villainized.

“Blake was always made out to be the bad guy after he filed for divorce and sent Miranda packing from Oklahoma.”

Literally packing — reports claimed that she just came home to find her belongings outside of their house.

Nonetheless, Blake apparently feels that Miranda has “played the victim.”

And now he thinks that she’s getting exactly what she deserves.

“Blake believes that if she’s embarrassed now over allegations that she ran off with another woman’s man, it’s sweet justice.”


Calling this “justice” sounds a little odd to a lot of fans, especially considering that Blake has admitted that he fell for Miranda while he himself was still married.

Another industry insider sums it up pretty succinctly: 

“He’s a hypocrite.”

They continue, pointing out that:

“Miranda still fiercely denies she cheated on Blake or had anything to do with the breakup of Evan’s marriage.”

And she’s apparently ready to hit back.

“Don’t expect her to sit back and take the disses for long.”

It’s only a matter of time until she retaliates.

“She’s going to return fire on Blake.”

It sounds like, as predicted, these exes are going to war.

Another source elaborates on their ongoing feud, even though it’s been three years since they split.

“Both Blake and Miranda were deeply shaken by their divorce, and it doesn’t look like they’ll ever get over it.”

Sometimes, you move on. Sometimes, you don’t.

“They’ll be trading insults, put-downs, and breakup songs for a long time to come.”

Well … this could at least be good for their music careers, we suppose.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Ryan Reynolds Responds to Blake Lively Unfollow: I"m Very Sad ...

Earlier this week, Blake Lively unfollowed Ryan Reynolds, and it was no accident.

A lot of fans immediately feared the worst for this gorgeous married couple.

Now, Ryan is speaking up … in true Ryan Reynolds fashion.

In an interview with Australian radio show Smallzy Surgery (it’s Australian and a radio show, so of course that’s its name), Ryan acknowledged that, yes, his wife did unfollow him.

“Yes, she did. I’m very sad about that.”

He goes on to share how it feels.

“Definitely stinks. It’s a terrible way to find out that I’ve been kicked out of the house, to be honest.”

As you may have gathered, this response is all tongue-in-cheek, as we’ll explain in a moment.

“Absolutely terrible. I don’t know where rage like that comes from.”

He even suggests what it would be like to explain this situation to their child.

“Mommy unfollowed Daddy on Instagram. My child would just fart and then walk away.”

There’s a reason that he’s in such good humor about this.

Because the unfollowing was nothing personal.

As we mentioned when Blake so famously unfollowed him, she also unfollowed almost everyone. And no, she’s not doing an Instagram purge.

It’s a stunt.

Blake Lively is currently following only 38 accounts on all of Instagram, and each belongs to a woman named Emily Nelson.

Blake Lively is starring as a woman named Emily Nelson in the upcoming film, A Simple Favor.

In the film, Emily goes missing suddenly, leaving a mommy blogger (played by Anna Kendrick) who describes herself as Emily’s best friend guessing about what happened.

This is the sort of film with mystery, twists and turns, and even the appearance of a dead body at some point during the film.

Throughout, Anna Kendrick’s character comes to admit that she did not know Emily as well as she thought that she did.

The teaser trailer dropped on Wednesday, so Blake’s stunt’s timing was not a coincidence.

At present, that teaser trailer is the only post on her Instagram page.

Ryan Reynolds is playing along with the “unfollowed” because he’s goofy and lovable.

It also brings more attention to his wife’s project.

Of course, it just so happens that Ryan has a new movie of his own coming out soon.

Deadpool 2, the much-anticipated sequel of the spectacular first film, follows the fourth wall-shattering adventures of an unkillable pansexual anti-hero named Deadpool.

Marvel and DC have long parodied and copied each other in comics, but Deadpool (originally intended as Marvel’s answer to the DC villain, Deathstroke) has become a truly unique character with a dedicated fanbase.

And Ryan’s own sense of humor meshes extremely well with the character.

We suppose that one of the greatest things about two young, stunning actors being married is that they can support each other’s projects.

Supporting each other is one thing, but using long-standing divorce rumors to promote a film is taking an extra step.

While Ryan’s film is more anticipated and is likely to draw a larger audience, many are intrigued by Blake’s movie.

And you have to admit that this is a great marketing strategy.

After all, how many people might never have even heard about this film, let alone researched it, had it not been for this marketing ploy?

It’s always nice to see social media marketing done well.

And, of course, to see a cooperative husband support his wife’s work.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Blake Lively: Did She Just Confirm She"s Divorcing Ryan Reynolds?

Last month, a rumor that Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively were headed for divorce made its way across the social media landscape.

At the time, the notion seemed somewhat ridiculous.

After all, Reynolds and Lively have long enjoyed a reputation as one of Hollywood’s happiest and most stable couples.

But to shock and chagrin of fans, reports of Blake and Ryan calling it quits just kept rolling in.

“The past few years, Ryan’s been working out of town while Blake stays home with the kids,” a source told Us Weekly.

“The distance between them has taken its toll.”

Reynolds employed his signature sardonic wit to shoot down the first round of reports:

“I wish,” the actor tweeted. “I could use a little ‘me time."”

Fans were relieved, of course, and the controversy was thought to be over and done with.

But earlier this week, Lively’s Instagram followers noticed that something was amiss on her page.

As Radar Online points out, not only had Lively deleted all photos of Reynolds from her page, she had also unfollowed him and changed her bio so that it read simply:

“What happened to Emily?”

Adding fuel to the fire, Lively then followed 28 accounts of women named Emily Nelson.

And like that, Emily Nelson became 2018’s answer to “Becky with the good hair.”

Fans assumed that Reynolds had been caught cheating and that Lively was determined to get to the bottom of his infidelity by hunting Nelson down.

Sadly, this high drama nosedived into a disappointing conclusion today when it was revealed that “Emily Nelson” is merely the name of a character Lively is playing in an upcoming film,

Yes, it was all an elaborate promotional stunt.

Whenever you roll your eyes about something like this, some smart ass always has to chime in with, “Well, I guess it worked! You’re talking about it, aren’t you?!”

Sure. In that sense, it worked.

But apparently the film in question – A Simple Favor – doesn’t open until September!

Does Blake really think this stunt is gonna stick with potential moviegoers for the next four months?!

She’d have to actually divorce Ryan to win our attention for that long.


Blake Shelton Addresses His Cryptic Karma Tweet: Here"s the Deal ...

Recently, Blake Shelton shaded ex Miranda Lambert in a subtweet. He seemed to be gloating over her recent bad press.

He"s gotten a fair amount of backlash over it, but he"s never actually confirmed that his tweet was about Miranda.

In the video below, he"s asked directly. And he gives a very blunt answer.

The tweet, of course, read:

"Been taking the high road for a long time."

That"s debatable, but whatever.

"I almost gave up. But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!!"

It is then that he shares that he believes that someone is getting what they deserve.

"Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It"s karma!!"

That tweet was almost universally interpreted as a dig at Miranda Lambert, after it was revealed that she was dating a married man.

As you will see in the video below, E! caught up with Blake Shelton and asked him about the tweet.

At first, he replied:

"I don"t care what …"

He then trailed off, as if thinking better of whatever he had been about to say.

Which was probably smart.

But then … his fellow The Voice coach, Kelly Clarkson, decided to chime in.

Clarkson eagerly tells the interviewer:

"You have to know, y"all: Blake just loves stirring the pot — even if there"s nothing to stir!"

Some people like to create chaos just to see what the reaction is.

Kelly says that Blake will instigate things between her and Adam Levine for his own capricious enjoyment.

"He will literally start a fight between me and Adam out of nothing."

Here, she employs a strange analogy.

"He just enjoys to sit back and watch — and people take off like little ants! Y"all are playing into it. You are playing into it!"

We suppose that we"ve seen ants behaving frantically, but that is not the first comparison that comes to mind for frenzied speculation and drama.

Blake, after watching with amusement as Kelly exposes him as a drama instigator, does eventually decide what he wants to say.

"Look, here"s the deal: If I meant for people to know what I was talking about, I would have said what that thing was."

We told you that he was blunt.

"I"m not gonna stand here and talk about it."

Even though he is literally standing there and talking about it.

"All I"ll say is it"s amazing to see people turn it into what they want it to be, even if it doesn"t even make sense in that context."

So that"s … super vague.

Kelly then reminds him:

"You like to stir that pot!"

Miranda Lambert was with a man named Jeff Allen before she ever hooked up with Blake. Also, allegedly while she first hooked up with Blake.

Which, among other cheating rumors, doesn"t give Blake a lot of moral high ground.

Allen"s response to that subtweet about karma was to blast Blake as a lying, cheating SOB.

He later deleted the tweet, but he clearly wasn"t amused by Blake"s gloating.

We doubt that he"s amused by Blake "stirring the pot," either.

Take a look at the video and decide what you think of Blake"s "explanation."

Blake shelton addresses his cryptic karma tweet heres the deal

Monday, April 30, 2018

Blake Shelton Blasted for Hypocrisy, Cheating by Miranda Lambert Ex

Recently, Blake Shelton shaded ex Miranda Lambert on Twitter with an unkind subtweet, seeming to gloat over the “karma” of 

Well Blake isn’t Miranda’s only ex. Jeff Allen, whom she dated for years before she ever met Blake, 

He’s since deleted the tweet, but you have to read his impassioned words.

Blake Shelton’s tweet, which got the ball rolling, reads:

“Been taking the high road for a long time…”

By which he means that he hasn’t spoken as much as he could have about how things ended between him and Miranda.

“I almost gave up.”

Now he starts his bit.

“But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!!”

He’s referring to the accusations that Miranda Lambert stole her new boyfriend from his wife.

“Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It’s karma!!”

Oh boy.

Jeff Allen tweeted, writing words that he must have been sitting on for years and years.

“You know, i’ve always given you the benefit of the doubt and chalked it up to just being human.”

You can feel his anger in the now-deleted tweet.

“But you must be one arrogant SOB to pop off something like this.”

And here comes the accusation:

“When I know damn good and well you were cheating on your wife and Miranda was cheating on me when you two started up.”

Jeff Allen dated Miranda Lambert for about three years before they broke up and she dated — and later married — Blake Shelton. 

Allen has since deleted that tweet, but he did tweet this:

“I kept my mouth shut for 13 years.”

That’s a long time to hold onto something like this.

But he, if you can imagine, apologizes for his tweet.

“Sorry, his karma tweet rubbed me wrong.”

As well it should have. It certainly looked like hypocritical gloating.

“All of this is pointless.”

If you believe all of the accusations, Miranda Lambert cheated on Jeff Allen with Blake Shelton, who was also cheating.

Then, Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert allegedly both cheated on each other, though the Country community seemed to side with Blake.

Then, Blake and Gwen Stefani bonded over both having been cheated on. At the time, they were both judges or coaches or whatever on The Voice.

Since then, Miranda spent over two years with Anderson East.

But now, she’s accused of “stealing” Evan Felker from his wife.

And yes, Miranda has been called out on social media by a very unhappy Mrs. Felker.

All of that alleged cheating is in the past, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be smooth sailing for Gwen and Blake from here on out.

Gwen Stefani has only had a few serious relationships in her life. She takes cheating very seriously.

Is she going to kick Blake to the curb when she realizes that he’s a huge hypocrite who used her heartbreak to bond with her?

Or is she so besotted that she’s going to keep going and perhaps even marry Blake … and only break things off if and when he cheats on her?

No one deserves that kind of heartbreak.

It may be that Miranda Lambert is, as some accuse her of being, a “serial cheater.” But she certainly has not stolen anyone’s husband.

Those men, if the allegations are true, have made their own choices.

And Blake was one of those men. It sounds like Jeff Allen was totally justified in tweeting what he wrote.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blake Griffin Responds To Ex-Fiancee, Says He Owes Her Nothing!

Blake Griffin is adamant he does not owe his baby mama any money … after she accused him of abandoning her and their kids for Kendall Jenner … in courts docs obtained by TMZ Sports. We broke the story … Brynn Cameron — Blake’s former fiancee…


Blake Griffin Responds To Ex-Fiancee, Says He Owes Her Nothing!

Blake Griffin is adamant he does not owe his baby mama any money … after she accused him of abandoning her and their kids for Kendall Jenner … in courts docs obtained by TMZ Sports. We broke the story … Brynn Cameron — Blake’s former fiancee…


Blake Shelton Throws All the Shade at Miranda Lambert for Dating Evan Felker

Blake Shelton holds many titles:

Blake Shelton, Country Music Superstar.

Blake Shelton, The Voice Coach.

And to this list, we must now add: Blake Shelton, Flamethrower Extraordinaire.

The beloved singer took Twitter followers by surprise on Wednesday afternoon when he heated up social media via one simple message that was clearly intended to burn his ex-wife to her core.

And here’s why:

Earlier this week, it was confirmed by multiple outlets that Miranda Lambert is dating Evan Felker.

On its own, this development isn’t particularly shocking, considering Felker fronts the band that has been opening for Lambert on tour.

HOWEVER, both Radar Online and Us Weekly report that Lambert very likely broke up Felker’s marriage by sleeping with the musician, as the former website has even obtained the artist’s divorce papers.

They cite Felkner’s “abandonment” of ex-wife Staci Nelson and they were filed in February, right around the time Felkner allegedly got with Lambert.

Just this revelation on its own was newsworthy and noteworthy.

Heck, we wrote an entire article about it.

But now we get to write a follow-up because Shelton has seemingly responded to the rumor that his ex-wife is a homewrecker by Tweeting the following:

Been taking the high road for a long time.. I almost gave up.  But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!! Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It’s karma!!

Whoa there!

Well, alright then!

Do you want a coat from all the shivering you must be doing now that so much shade has been hurled in your direction, Miranda?

Blake Shelton tweet

There’s really no way for anyone to interpret Blake’s message as anything other than a statement that Lambert cheated on him.

The stars were married for four years and then split up in 2015 amid chatter that each side was unfaithful.

But Shelton said very little at the time.

He said at every occasion that he and Lambert would always be close and he’d always have a special place in his heart for her and yadda, yadda, yadda.

However, it’s not as though there weren’t rumblings of Lambert’s cheating.

Heck, there was one rumbling that said she cheated on Shelton FIVE times.

The following tabloid cover alleged as much, quoting an insider who said Shelton caught Lambert in the act as one point and was left “heartbroken and furious” by her actions.

If these reports were accurate, it would be hard to blame Shelton for now enjoying the fact that Lambert’s reputation has taken a hit due to her sexual intercourse with a married man.

The country legend, of course, has moved very far on from Lambert.

He’s been happily dating Gwen Stefani for ages, constantly gushing over her on Instagram and considering marrying her, if certain gossip out there is to be believed.

Shelton also once said the following to Billboard about Stefani, who had recently broken up with husband Gavin Rossdale when she became intimate with Blake:

“Who else on earth could understand going through a high-profile divorce from another musician? You can’t even imagine the similarities in our divorces.”

If you’ll recall, Rossdale supposedly cheated on Stefani for years with the couple’s nanny.

Could being the victims of cheating be what Shelton was talking about when citing the pair’s “similarities.”

You tell us.

(The answer is yes.)


Friday, April 20, 2018

Austin Rivers Says Blake Griffin Is Happy in Detroit, "Fresh Start for Him"

The Clippers shipped Blake Griffin’s ass out to Detroit, but Blake’s getting the last laugh … ‘cause he’s 100% “happy” in the Motor City — so says Austin Rivers. “It’s a fresh start for him. He’s been here for a long time,” Rivers…


Austin Rivers Says Blake Griffin Is Happy in Detroit, "Fresh Start for Him"

The Clippers shipped Blake Griffin’s ass out to Detroit, but Blake’s getting the last laugh … ‘cause he’s 100% “happy” in the Motor City — so says Austin Rivers. “It’s a fresh start for him. He’s been here for a long time,” Rivers…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Blake Shelton: I Really Might Marry Gwen Stefani!

Blake Shelton would really prefer it if you did NOT believe everything you read.

Over the past few weeks, there have been multiple reports about Shelton and Gwen Stefani splitting up.

For whatever reason, it’s like people just don’t want to accept that these two artists are fully and truly in love.

“Gwen doesn’t know what hit her. She’s heartbroken,” In Touch Weekly wrote as recently as last month about the alleged demise of this romance.

But Shelton is here to tell you the truth straight from the horse’s mouth.

(If it’s possible for a horse to be very handsome and have a great singing voice, that is.)

In an interview with CMT’s Cody Alan over the weekend, Shelton came right out and said he thinks about marrying Stefani, making it as clear as possible that he’s in this for the VERY long run.

“I don’t think it’s anytime soon or anything,” he clarified, although he made a point to add:

“The more time that goes by, I guess, the closer you’d be getting to that.”

The question did not come out of nowhere.

It was posed up in response to Stefani’s recent appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where the former No Doubt frontwoman said candidly that she was very much open to marrying Shelton.

Like, soon.

Like, all it would take it him asking.

“You know what? I love weddings, the kids love him,” she told DeGeneres. “Everybody loves him. He’s lovable. I think about [marriage] all the time.”

Watch this interview HERE.

Shelton and Stefani are downright adorable together, surprising many celebrity gossip followers who thought this would be some kind of post-divorce fling.

(The stars got together not long after Shelton broke up with Miranda Lambert and Stefani broke up with Gavin Rossdale.) 

The two have now been dating for well over a year and they have the full support of the music community.

Entertainment Tonight, for example, caught up with Shelton friend and American Idol judge Luke Bryan at the Academy of Country Music awards on Sunday, where he said the following about any future Blake-Gwen nuptials:

“I’ll do the sermon. The sermon? The service? I would be honored to marry Blake and Gwen.”

He then made a joke at his buddy’s expense:

“If Blake were smart, he would marry her before she goes to an optometrist. Every time I meet Gwen, she’s holding her phone way out here. I’m like, ‘That’s it, she can’t see!"”


As for chatter that Stefani is pregnant, let’s all slow down and chill out with that talk.

She’s 48 years old and she already has three kids.

We do not see children in Shelton and Stefani’s future, as much as some folks out there and nearly every tabloid would love to see this happen.

We’ll just be content instead to sit back and watch these adorable lovers gush over each other in public, quietly wishing they really do tie the knot someday.

“I love you, pretty girl, #truth,” Shelton recently wrote on Instagram.

These two are the best.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Gwen Stefani: I Think About Marrying Blake Shelton All of the Time!

Gwen Stefani is opening up and speaking directly about her relationship with Blake Shelton.

On Tuesday, she spoke to Ellen DeGeneres and confessed that she thinks about marrying the Country crooner "all of the time."

You can see her say that and more in the video below.

We hear a lot of reports about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton. We"ll hear that Blake dumped Gwen after a fight, or that the two are married or expecting.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to parse what is true and what is a rumor.

What is very clear, however, is that Gwen and Blake"s relationship is still the subject of a lot of speculation. And a lot of fans want to see them stay together.

Blake Shelton gushed about Gwen on social media recently, and now Gwen"s sitting down with Ellen DeGeneres to speak up about how she feels.

And the results, as you"ll see, are very cute.

Gwen Stefani was visibly anxious when discussing her relationship.

When the subject of marriage comes up, she asks Ellen for advice.

"Well, how do you feel about it? I mean, you"re married. What do you think I should do about it?"

Ellen, who is married to Portia De Rossi and has been for many years, answered her bluntly:

"I love being married. I think you should get married."

"Really?" Gwen asks.

Ellen presses her, asking: "Don"t you?"

"WHAT are you doing?!" Gwen exclaims.

Ellen points out that Gwen came to her for advice.

As a general rule, don"t ask for advice if you don"t want it.

That goes for television interviews, too.

Gwen clarifies that she loves Ellen — who doesn"t? — and, speaking of love, she talks about how Blake gets along with her children.

"The kids love him," she reports.

"We love him," Gwen continues. "Everybody loves him. He"s lovable."

That last may not be quite as accurate as the lovestruck pop singer may want to believe.

Apparently the Country singer has ruffled some feathers at The Voice.

Some reports even claim that Blake is high on fame and money. But if that"s true, it doesn"t sound like she and her family see that side of him.

Ellen tells Gwen to "think about" marrying Blake, but emphasizes that there is no rush.

And this is when Gwen confesses, saying: "I do. I think about it all of the time."

That sure makes it sounds like wedding bells could be in the air.

Watching this, one is reminded that it wasn"t so long ago that anti-marriage equality activists were arguing that same-sex marriage would ruin straight marriage.

But here we see Ellen DeGeneres talking about how her marriage is so wonderful that she wants that for Gwen Stefani. It"s beautiful.


Gwen stefani i think about marrying blake shelton all of the tim

Monday, April 9, 2018

Blake Shelton to Gwen Stefani: I Love You, Pretty Girl

It looks like Blake Shelton is doing his level best to quash rumors that he dumped Gwen Stefani.

He’s taking to social media to gush about Gwen, calling her his “pretty girl.”

And he’s even referring to her as an “adopted Okie,” which we’re sure that he means as a compliment.

Blake Shelton’s tweet  even tags his lady love.

“Hey @gwenstefani it’s official …”

Despite the use of the word official, no, this is not a confirmation that the two of them are engaged or married or expecting.

“With your arrowhead finding eye you are now an adopted Okie!!!”

Honestly, it’s super impressive that she’s managed to spot so many — as you’ll see in the photo that he tweeted.

It’s a lot.

Blake Shelton Gushes About Gwen Stefani

By “Okie,” he means Oklahoman. Gwen is a California girl who’s learning to 

“Side note: I love you pretty girl… #truth.”

Well, she is gorgeous. And she deserves love.

Incidentally, if you were looking for confirmation that Gwen really did spot all of these arrowheads simply by perusing Blake Shelton’s property, you’re not alone.

A fan asked Blake, and he replied:


This isn’t the first time that we’ve seen signs of Gwen adopting Blake’s habits and hobbies.

Recently, she shared photos of herself in what appears to be hunting gear in the woods of Oklahoma.

She even had her children with her, which we cannot imagine that Gavin Rossdale loved.

Gwen is a California native. Plenty of people move to California after they become famous, but she was born there.

(Which is not really surprising — more than 12% of the nation resides in California)

And yet it looks like she’s taking to Blake’s lifestyle and to Oklahoma like a duck to water.

Fans have joked on social media that, in another timeline — perhaps a better one — we would see Blake adapting to Gwen’s lifestyle instead of the other way around.

One cannot help but imagine the sight of Shelton wearing more colorful, stylish clothing as he dines at a restaurant near the beach in California.

Or if he were to gush online about his growing love for sushi, or share that he’s started to really enjoy getting pedicures.

Instead, fans have watched Gwen seem to lose herself in a less successful and ultimately less famous musician.

Love can do that to a person.

It may seem strange that two singers from totally different worlds — one a pop star with a wide, international audience, the other one of the most famous Country singers — were brought together by a singing competition and a pair of failed relationships.

But while bonding over both having allegedly been cheated on might not be the normal definition of a meet cute, love can start that way.

And this whirlwind romance, which has lasted for years, may just end in marriage.

We don’t know that this would mean that Gwen Stefani will live in Oklahoma full time for the rest of her life.

But it looks like, if it does, she’ll fit right in.

Think what you will about the pairing, but we think that the woman who taught the world how to spell “bananas” deserves happiness in whatever form.
