Showing posts with label Bloom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bloom. Show all posts

Monday, May 22, 2017

Waitress Gets Fired for Having "Incredible Sex" with Orlando Bloom

A British waitress says she’s been sacked for taking a roll in the sack with mediocre actor Orlando Bloom.

According to The Sun, a 21-year old named Viviana Ross was working at a restaurant inside London luxury hotel Chiltern Firehouse when she struck up a conversation with Bloom.

A friend explained to this publication how Ross and Bloom – who was in town to do press for the film Unlocked – got along from the outset of their meeting, describing the “fireworks” that figuratively exploded between the waitress and the star.

Shortly after she finished pouring drinks for Bloom, Ross reportedly saw the actor again outside the establishment once her shift ended. 

He invited Ross back to his room and “made the first move” after the pair downed a gin and tonic, The Sun writes.

“He’d been staying at the hotel for five days and the sexual tension had been building up,” the friend tells the newspaper, adding that Bloom then left “early for an interview and Viviana stayed in bed.”

And this is where the story goes from sexy to scandalous.

With Ross lying naked in Bloom’s hotel bed, a general manager apparently let himself into the star’s suite.

It’s unclear why he would do such a thing, but he got a very clear look at Ross between the sheets, asking if she worked at the hotel.

She replied “yes” and the manager left the room.

Within an hour of having this brief exchange, however, Ross received a text informing her that she was fired for “fraternizing with clients.”

The Sun says Ross quickly departed the premises and has not returned since.

“Viviana was not working when she went back to the room. It was in her own personal time,” this source emphasizes, adding:

“It’s a shame because she is very hard-working and she was well liked…

“She didn’t get Orlando’s number so he won’t know what happened to her. I think he’d be angry if he knew she had been sacked.”

Well, hopefully Bloom reads The Hollywood Gossip and will soon find out!

Despite losing her job because she lost her inhibitions with the Pirates of the Caribbean star, Ross supposedly has no regrets.

How could she after spending such an incredible evening with Bloom?!?

“It was one amazing night with incredible sex that Viviana wanted to be a good memory,” the insider says.

Can this friend tell us more about Bloom’s talents between the sheets? Can she got into more detail about the nude time her pal had with the 40-year old star?


“She said she had an amazing time and his body was very good. He was an exceptionally good lover.”

This isn’t too shocking, we suppose.

Yes, Bloom is a bland actor. It’s hard to imagine him generating much excitement in bed.

However, he was married to Miranda Kerr. And he dated Katy Perry.

So there must be something to the guy that continues to attract beautiful women (including Ross, who, as you can see in the photos above, is no slouch herself in the looks department.)

And, after extensive research, we think we’ve found it. We think we’ve discovered why so many hot women jump into bed with Orlando Bloom.


UPDATE: Reached for comment about the situation by The Sun, Ross simply said the following:

I don’t work at the Firehouse anymore and I won’t comment on anything that happened there.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Orlando Bloom Leaves a New Cliff-hanger By Cliff Jumping (PHOTO)

Orlando Bloom’s leaving us in suspense with a new cliff-hanger … by jumping off a cliff. Orlando’s in St. Barts with Kristy Hinze and her billionaire husband James Clark — been there since Friday, actually — and he’s getting over Katy…


Orlando Bloom Leaves a New Cliff-hanger By Cliff Jumping (PHOTO)

Orlando Bloom’s leaving us in suspense with a new cliff-hanger … by jumping off a cliff. Orlando’s in St. Barts with Kristy Hinze and her billionaire husband James Clark — been there since Friday, actually — and he’s getting over Katy…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Orlando Bloom: Caught Cheating on Katy Perry?

Earlier today, we reported that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have broken up after about one year of dating.

The former couple issued a joint statement assuring fans that the split was entirely mutual and amicable, and that Katy and Orlando would remain close friends.

The press release read, in part:

“Before rumors or falsifications get out of hand, we can confirm that Orlando and Katy are taking respectful, loving space at this time.”

“Respectful, loving space”?

If that’s not an overcompensating statement, then we’ve never heard one.

Given that there was talk of Perry and Bloom getting engaged just a few short months ago, it seems clear that this wasn’t a case of just gradually growing apart, and that something happened that led these two to call it quits.

At first, theories sprung up that the relationship went up in flames during the Vanity Fair after-party following the 2017 Academy Awards.

Now, new rumors seem to support that theory, and the blame is being placed squarely on Orlando’s shoulders.

Both parties attended the party, but they reportedly stuck to opposite sides of the room, like opposite sex middle-schoolers at a semi-formal dance.

“Katy didn’t spend much time with Orlando,” said the onlooker.

“They got together for a photo, but that was about it.”

Until moments ago, it was widely assumed that Katy and Orlando had gotten in some sort of fight, and that we’d likely never figure out the exact cause of it.

Now, Radar Online is claiming to have uncovered the cause of their deal-breaking blowout:

According to the site, Orlando was spotted getting flirty with an heiress named Erin McCabe at the star-studded bash.

Some insiders feel that he and Katy were already broken up before the party, and Orlando has simply already moved on to someone new.

Others claim that Katy witnessed the flirtation, got pissed, and dropped Orlando on the spot.

Either way, it seems the situation isn’t as respectful and loving as Katy and Orlando initially led us to believe.

We guess Orlando can join Russell Brand and John Mayer on the lengthy list of Katy Perry’s douchey exes.

The girl just doesn’t seem to have great luck with men.

It’s a shame she doesn’t get along better with Taylor Swift, because those two could team up on a mean duet.


Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom Break Up For Now

Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry are officially on a break from each other … but a very tender one. The couple were together Sunday night at the Vanity Fair Oscars party, but Tuesday night their reps said, “Before rumors or falsifications get…


Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom: It"s (Respectfully) Over!

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are no longer dating.

But this doesn’t mean that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are no longer getting along.

The singer and the actor, who had been together for just over a year, issued a joint statement on Tuesday night, updating fans about the change in their relationship status.

They wanted to get out ahead of any chatter that would start running rampant once word of their break-up went viral.

“Before rumors or falsifications get out of hand, we can confirm that Orlando and Katy are taking respectful, loving space at this time,” reads the statement.

Having not been seen in the same place for weeks, due to busy schedules, Perry and Bloom were spotted at the annual Vanity Fair Oscars party on Sunday.

They did not pose together on the red carpet of the event, however.

And while they chatted a bit once inside, a witness tells People Magazine that Katy and Orlando were clearly on different pages during the shindig.

“Katy didn’t spend much time with Orlando,” said the onlooker. “They got together for a photo, but that was about it.”

Perry and Bloom kept their romance quiet for the first few months, but it then became apparent just how serious things were between the stars.

There was once talk of an engagement.

In December, folks started to wonder if Perry was pregnant with Bloom’s baby.

While not exact reason was cited for the split, both Bloom and Perry have been traveling the globe of late. On their own.

The actor, for example, recently returned from a UNICEF mission to Diffa, the southeast region of Niger.

In late January, he also visited a high school in Greater Manchester, England in order to spend time with a drama class taught by his former teacher.

Perry, meanwhile, has been been busy promoting and performing her new single, “Chained to the Rhythm.”

She did so first at the Grammys in Los Angeles last month… and then in Great Britain at the BRIT Awards.

She’ll take to the stage again at the iHeartRadio Music Awards on Sunday in Los Angeles.

In other words: this really may have been a cast of busy schedules breaking a famous couple apart.

Prior to hooking up, Perry was married to Russell Brand, while Bloom was wed to Miranda Kerr, with whom he shares a six-year-old son named Flynn.

As much as we love drama here at The Hollywood Gossip, it doesn’t sound as if we’ll be adding Perry and Bloom to the photo gallery above.

This seems to be a mature, amicable break-up.

We wish both of the stars luck in their future personal endeavors.


Friday, November 25, 2016

Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom -- Don"t Look Broken Up to Us (PHOTOS)

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom supposedly broke up … if you believe some of the stories, but when’s the last time 2 people split but reunited days later for a Thanksgiving family dinner? Looks like the shindig went down in Santa Barbara, where…


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom -- We Party Like Bill and Hillary!!! (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom shamed all the celebrity guests at Kate Hudson’s Halloween party … not only dressing up exactly like Bill and Hill, but showing up with a phalinx of Secret Service. The video’s hilarious.  Although the party was…


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Miranda Kerr on Orlando Bloom Penis Pics: WTH?!?

Miranda Kerr has seen Orlando Bloom naked on many occasions.

The model and the actor were married for about three years prior to getting divorced in 2013.

But that doesn’t mean the model was prepared to turn on her computer one day this summer and simply see Orlando Bloom’s penis right there in front of her.

It was just hanging out on the Internet.

For all to see.

Earlier this month, Bloom was paddleboarding with girlfriend Katy Perry – and he wasn’t wearing a bathing suit.

Or underwear. Or any bottom layer of any kind.

Indeed, Bloom was simply naked, making himself an easy target for photographers in the area.

As a guest on KIIS FM’s Kyle & Jackie O show this Tuesday, Kerr was asked about this strange incident.

“I don’t know if you’ve seen the same photos.

“But even when people are paddleboarding, people are supposed to be wearing pants of some description,” cohost Kyle said to Kerr.

To her credit, the model didn’t hem, haw or change the topic.

She just jumped right in with her take on Bloom’s public birthday suit.

“Oh, my God, he texted me,” she said.

“And he was like, ‘Um, I’m really embarrassed. Some photos are coming out. Just thought I should let you know."”

That was fair of Bloom.

And how did Kerr respond?

“I was like, ‘Hmm … right, what were you thinking? Seriously, what were you thinking?"”

We may never know the answer to that question.

The Pirates of the Caribbean actor and the Victoria’s Secret beauty broke up in 2013 after three years of marriage; they are parents of a five-year old son named Flynn.

Both have since moved on from the romance.

Bloom is seriously involved with Perry, while Kerr is actually engaged to Evan Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat.

Still, the two clearly keep in close touch, much to their credit. They both play a key role in their child’s life.

Bloom is yet to comment on his famous (infamous?) penis photos, but an insider tells Us Weekly that the star hasn’t lost much sleep over it.

“[Orlando] finds the whole thing amusing,” a source told Us Weekly a couple weeks ago.

As for Perry, the source added that the situation wasn’t “something that would annoy her.”

She does seem rather laid back as a person and performer.

And the same goes for Kerr.

We could see some ex-wives getting angry if asked about their former husband’s penis.

But she seemed to role with it here. Kudos!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom: BABY on the Way?!

It’s only been about seven months since we first learned that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are dating, but the couple appears to be moving very quickly.

They haven’t even officially confirmed that they’re an item yet, but we’d say the recently-leaked photos of Orlando’s penis did a good job of spreading the word for them.

Friends with benefits don’t generally take naked tropical vacations together, ya know?

Anyway, Katy and Orlando are definitely a thing, but it’s unclear how serious they are.

But don’t worry, there’s still been plenty of widespread speculation.

First, there were the obligatory rumors that Katy and Orlando are planning a wedding.

Now we have reports that Katy and Orlando are eager to settle down and start popping out babies.

Remarkably, however, the latest comes from the usually-reliable People magazine.

A source tells the mag that Bloom and Perry are “not engaged yet, but seem to be heading that way,” and both are eager to start a family.

Bloom already has a son with ex Miranda Kerr, and he’s reportedly in awe of how well Katy and his kid get along.

“He would love to settle down with Katy and have more kids,” says the insider.

“He hasn’t been this serious about a girl since Miranda.” 

Perry, however, is understandably cautious about taking the leap again.

“Katy’s divorce from Russell [Brand] really messed her up emotionally,” the source says.

“She’s not going to rashly make a huge commitment like marriage again unless she thinks it’s absolutely right.”

The insider adds, however, that Katy feels her relationship with Bloom couldn’t be going any better:

“They’ve been getting along really well. They are serious about each other and their relationship.” 

Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom: BABY on the Way?!

It’s only been about seven months since we first learned that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are dating, but the couple appears to be moving very quickly.

They haven’t even officially confirmed that they’re an item yet, but we’d say the recently-leaked photos of Orlando’s penis did a good job of spreading the word for them.

Friends with benefits don’t generally take naked tropical vacations together, ya know?

Anyway, Katy and Orlando are definitely a thing, but it’s unclear how serious they are.

But don’t worry, there’s still been plenty of widespread speculation.

First, there were the obligatory rumors that Katy and Orlando are planning a wedding.

Now we have reports that Katy and Orlando are eager to settle down and start popping out babies.

Remarkably, however, the latest comes from the usually-reliable People magazine.

A source tells the mag that Bloom and Perry are “not engaged yet, but seem to be heading that way,” and both are eager to start a family.

Bloom already has a son with ex Miranda Kerr, and he’s reportedly in awe of how well Katy and his kid get along.

“He would love to settle down with Katy and have more kids,” says the insider.

“He hasn’t been this serious about a girl since Miranda.” 

Perry, however, is understandably cautious about taking the leap again.

“Katy’s divorce from Russell [Brand] really messed her up emotionally,” the source says.

“She’s not going to rashly make a huge commitment like marriage again unless she thinks it’s absolutely right.”

The insider adds, however, that Katy feels her relationship with Bloom couldn’t be going any better:

“They’ve been getting along really well. They are serious about each other and their relationship.” 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom: Wedding on the Way?!

Rumors that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are dating began to circulate back in February.

Last week they were confirmed in the most blatant (and most Hollywood) way possible.

Nude photos of Bloom showed the actor on vacation with Perry, his penis pointing directly at the actress like some sort of sexual divining rod.

Sure prior to that, Perry revealed that Bloom assisted her with her DNC speech, but anyone can help you introduce the probable next president.

Pointing genitals at one another suggests a next-level sort of intimacy.

So just how close are these two getting?

Well, they reached the penis-pointing stage in their relationship rather quickly, so it’s no surprise that there’s already talk of them taking it to the next level.

Several media outlets have reported that Katy and Orlando are talking marriage, but sources for Hollywood Life have a different take on the matter that makes perfect sense.

Apparently both parties are understandably a bit gun-shy when it comes to walking down the aisle.

“She really is having a great time with Orlando, but she wants to wait with marriage because she has already done that and it failed, and the same thing has happened for him,” says one insider.

You may remember that Katy’s marriage with Russell Brand lasted about as long as one would expect a marriage to Russell Brand to last.

Bloom split with Miranda Kerr back in 2013 after three years of marriage.

So it should come as no surprise, that for right now at least, these two are happy to just around on exotic beaches wagging dongs.

“They really want to keep having fun and don’t really want to add any titles to their relationship,” continues the source.

“They are totally fine with how things are going and marriage isn’t going to change that for the better! It really is the best case scenario for both not to be married right now. They’re happy with the way things are.”

Yes, from the looks of those pics, Orlando was at least halfway happy to see Katy.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry React To Nude Pics!

For those of you wondering if Orlando Bloom is mad about those nude photos that surfaced yesterday, wonder no more.

“[Orlando] finds the whole thing amusing,” a source told Us Weekly of the candid photos taken of Orlando in Sardinia, Italy, where he’s on holiday with girlfriend Katy Perry.

In fact, Orlando joked that he was quite pleased with the “size” of the black rectangle New York Daily News created to censor his private parts.

Paparazzi snapped several photos of Orlando, 39, paddle boarding in the buff with Katy at the front of the board.  Though the “Rise” singer (get your mind out of the gutter) opted not to go skins, she was fine with Orlando stripping down.

“This isn’t something that would annoy her,” the source said.

The photos sent the internet into a tizzy, with many creating GIFs to express their appreciation for Orlando’s chiseled body.  What was especially interesting to fans was the shadow on Orlando’s thigh, which seemed to indicate that he was, well, doing alright in the size department.

Back in 2013, Orlando told Elle Magazine that he got used to the idea of walking around naked after a role in the film, Zulu required him to get in tip-top shape.

“I got so comfortable [being naked]… It is what it is. It’s flesh and bone. It’s all we are,” he explained.

It’s safe to assume he applied that reasoning to his vacation, because while some are offended by the photos and see it as an invasion of privacy Orlando clearly gave zero f—s.

Orlando and Katy have been dating since their flirtation at the Golden Globes back in January.  

Since then, they attended the Cannes Film Festival in May, and Orlando proudly filmed Katy’s performance at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

These days, fans are less focused on the status of their relationship…for obvious reasons.

Orlando Bloom Nude Pics: Invasion Of Privacy or Well-Deserved Praise?

Photos of Orlando Bloom paddle boarding in the nude were published yesterday, prompting the internet gave a collective “WOW!”

To some, it appeared to be a harmless photo of a good-looking actor enjoying himself on holiday.

To others, it was a clear invasion of privacy, and those photos never should have seen the light of day.

The thing is, Bloom wasn’t photographed in his hotel room, or somewhere where he expects a reasonable amount of protection.

This was out on the ocean, and Bloom was paddling along with girlfriend Katy Perry at the helm of his board.

A post on Bustle deemed this a glaring example of the double-standard when it comes to nude photos.  Had this been a woman, the writer argues, the internet would have been up in arms.

To be fair, Bloom did not consent to the release of these photos.

On the other hand, he’s stark naked in broad daylight.  On the ocean.

Bloom’s 2013 interview with Elle was referenced, in which the British actor got candid about his preference for being nudity after filming Zulu, which he said he had to get in (naked) shape for.  All of a sudden, he didn’t mind walking around stark naked.

“I got so comfortable [being naked]… It is what it is. It’s flesh and bone. It’s all we are,” he explained.

The photos spurred a slew of funny GIFs, most of which were complimentary of the actor’s…assets? Yes, as a woman I should know better, and should be angry that this is violating someone and we shouldn’t be oogling someone’s body parts.

Yet, at the end of the day, it was more or less a celebration of some guy who enjoys the paddle boarding in the nude, and who doesn’t seem to care that he could very well end up on the front page of a newspaper.

And for those of you who still feel the need to oogle, uncensored photos are still on the interweb.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Orlando Bloom: Naked! Aiming Dong at Katy Perry!

Last week, rumors of a Katy Perry-Orlando Bloom romance were confirmed after the singer acknowledged that Bloom helped write her speech at the Democratic National Convention.

So now we know for certain that Perry and Bloom are an item.

But here’s another way we now know that Perry and Bloom are dating:

A photo has surfaced of the actor sticking his penis pretty much in Perry’s face.

Indeed, British tabloid The Daily Star has run an eye-catching cover picture of Bloom and Perry on a paddle board.

In the image, which has gone viral for understandable (read: NAKED) reasons, Perry is sitting and chilling, wearing a yellow and black bikini.

Bloom is behind his girlfriend, on his knees and in control of the water vehicle, oar in hand.

He’s also donning nothing but his birthday suit.

“Brit star’s naked beach rump with Katy Perry,” reads the newspaper’s headline, adding via parenthetical:

(Whose latest single – out today – is called Rise!)

That’s an erection joke, people.

Bloom and Perry made their relationship Instagram official back in May, but nothing screams “WE’RE DATING” like a paddle board romp in which one half of the couple is going full-on commando.

Is that why Bloom didn’t wear any clothing for this adventure?

To confirm his feelings for Perry in the most scantily-clad way possible?

We have no idea. And Twitter users who have seen the photo are equally flummoxed.

“Why is Orlando Bloom going paddleboarding naked? Like why?” one has asked.

Another, meanwhile, doesn’t care about Bloom’s motivations. Only about the impressive unit that he’s packing.

“Orlando Bloom could make world peace happen with this machine,” this person wrote, while another agreed, chiming in with:

“I’ll say it. Orlando Bloom has a massive penis.”

Here’s another theory:

In July of 2014, Bloom and Justin Bieber got into a reported fight after Bieber allegedly slept with Bloom’s ex, Miranda Kerr.

As you can see in the photo gallery above, Bieber is another celebrity who has been photographed naked and whose penis has blown away many on the Internet due to its girth.

Might Bloom be trying to show up his former rival with this nude excursion?

Might he be trying to say that anything Bieber can do, he can do better? Err… bigger?

We don’t know.

We do know, however, that many women out there are outraged over censorship in this case.

We’ll let the following critic speak for them all:

bloom tweet

Friday, May 20, 2016

Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom: Now Instagram Official!

In celebrity land, posting a photo of your new relationship to social media is a big deal.

It’s basically saying, “this is the REAL DEAL, guys” and is typically followed up with rumors of a secret pregnancy.

We’ve known that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have been coupling for a while now, with the first reports hitting the tabloids in January.

Since then, they’ve been seen packing on the PDA together on numerous occasions, and it became clear they were no longer in hiding.

And now, Perry has made the bold move of sharing a pic of herself with Bloom to Instagram.

Here they are, the now-official couple, lying on some steps whilst wearing robes in the South of France:

“We cannes’t,” she wrote in the caption, trying to be punny about their visit to the French city.

Perry performed last night at the amfAR Gala during the Cannes Film Festival, where Bloom was also in attendance.

Oddly enough, despite Perry’s social media confirmation of their coupledom, she walked the red carpet solo, and while inside the gala, the pair were seated separately.

According to Us Weekly, photographers were instructed not to snap photos of the pair, and insiders claimed the two avoided appearing together.

So it’s certainly curious why Perry would so freely share a pic of her and her beau to Insta the next day.

Blame it on the alcohol?

Earlier this month, Bloom was photographed getting cozy in a club with Selena Gomez, who the actor was rumored to have been dating last year.

Fans were quick to assume he was going behind Perry’s back.

However, both Perry and Gomez shut down the rumors on social media about as quickly as they started.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Katy Perry, Selena Gomez Attempt to Squash Orlando Bloom Love Triangle Rumors

Earlier this week, photos that appeared to show Orlando Bloom hooking up with Selena Gomez surfaced online.

Given Orlando’s past beefs with Justin Bieber, the photos probably would’ve gained plenty of notice even if Bloom had been single at the time.

As it is, Bloom is dating Katy Perry, and the Internet went absolutely nuts over the prospect of an Orkana love triangle.

(That’s Orlando, Katy and Selena mashed into one name. Hey, they can’t all be gems!)

We all know Katy is not one to shy away from a public feud (Right, Taylor Swift?), but it seems that in this case, she’s eager to put the kibosh on this story before it gets off the ground.

Last night, Katy got in front of the rumors in a very direct way by singing Bloom’s praises on Twitter: 

“Instead of giving energy & eyeballs to dumb conspiracy [trash emoji] check out how COOL this is,” Perry tweeted, along with a link to Bloom hanging out with orphans in Ukraine as part of his work as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador.

To make things even more interesting, Selena herself offered up an encouraging subtweet: 

“#killemwithkindness – one day they’ll get it lol,” the 23-year-old singer wrote.

So maybe everything is actually kosher between these three?

Whatever the case, Katy’s latest tweets don’t jibe with her social media activity from earlier in the week, which seemed to indicate that Selena had taken a much darker view of Orlando’s alleged infidelity.

So maybe she believed the rumors and then Orlando explained that he and Selena are just friends?

Sadly, we may never know for sure.

Unlike her feud with Taylor, it seems like Katy is playing this one close to the chest.

Hey, speaking of Katy’s chest:

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Orlando Bloom: Cheating on Katy Perry With Selena Gomez?!

It’s only been a few weeks since we learned that Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry are officially a couple, but apparently Orly is already getting restless.

According to a new report from TMZ Bloom was caught hooking up with Selena Gomez in Vegas over the weekend.

We don’t know how their relationship works, but we’re gonna go ahead and guess that Katy was less than pleased by the news.

Sources say the 39-year-old actor was unexpected guest at an after-party for Selena’s concert in Sin City on Saturday.

Onlookers claim Gomez was very happy to see Bloom, and the two of them got handsy almost right away.

One witness describes the close friends as being very “touchy feely,” and eventually retiring to a more private part of the club where they began kissing and “neck-nuzzling.”

Sounds like Selena couldn’t keep her hands to herself!

This is far from the first time we’ve heard rumors about Selena and Orlando hooking up.

In fact, they’ve reportedly been friends with benefits for years – but the extracurricular activity had been limited to occasions when both of them were single. 

As for Katy, she has yet to publicly respond to the rumors, but by all accounts she and Bloom are still very much an item.

The two were coupled up at the 2016 MET Gala just last week, and there’s insiders say they’ve been talking about moving in together.

Obviously, part of the problem is that she seems drawn to the douchiest of dudes, but does Katy have the worst luck with men, or what?

Of course, the real victim here is all those Beliebers who are still holding out hope that Selena will marry Justin.

Just kidding; the victim is Katy. She’s a victim of her own douche addiction.

Orlando Bloom: Cheating on Katy Perry With Selena Gomez?!

It’s only been a few weeks since we learned that Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry are officially a couple, but apparently Orly is already getting restless.

According to a new report from TMZ Bloom was caught hooking up with Selena Gomez in Vegas over the weekend.

We don’t know how their relationship works, but we’re gonna go ahead and guess that Katy was less than pleased by the news.

Sources say the 39-year-old actor was unexpected guest at an after-party for Selena’s concert in Sin City on Saturday.

Onlookers claim Gomez was very happy to see Bloom, and the two of them got handsy almost right away.

One witness describes the close friends as being very “touchy feely,” and eventually retiring to a more private part of the club where they began kissing and “neck-nuzzling.”

Sounds like Selena couldn’t keep her hands to herself!

This is far from the first time we’ve heard rumors about Selena and Orlando hooking up.

In fact, they’ve reportedly been friends with benefits for years – but the extracurricular activity had been limited to occasions when both of them were single. 

As for Katy, she has yet to publicly respond to the rumors, but by all accounts she and Bloom are still very much an item.

The two were coupled up at the 2016 MET Gala just last week, and there’s insiders say they’ve been talking about moving in together.

Obviously, part of the problem is that she seems drawn to the douchiest of dudes, but does Katy have the worst luck with men, or what?

Of course, the real victim here is all those Beliebers who are still holding out hope that Selena will marry Justin.

Just kidding; the victim is Katy. She’s a victim of her own douche addiction.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom: Totally a Couple, Show Major PDA in Hawaii!

Ever since Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom were caught canoodling at the Golden Globes, the pair have been devilishly coy about the status of their relationship.

Over the past few weeks, they"ve been spotted in the same place at the same time, but always as part of a group and in a manner that left us questioning whether or not they were a bona fide couple.

But now, all doubts have been quashed.

This pair were recently seen packing on the PDA during a romantic getaway in Hawaii, basically confirming their status as "in a relationship."

In one pic, a topless Orlando shows off his washboard abs while holding hands with his new bae during a hike up and down the Napali Coast.

Other photos depict Orlando with his arm tightly wrapped around the brunette beauty.

An insider gives the details of their relationship to E! News.

"Katy likes how down to earth Orlando is," said the source. "They seem to be getting serious and are an official couple."

"She calls him her boyfriend," added the source.

While the two seem exceedingly happy together, one person who is reportedly not feeling the love is Orlando"s ex, Miranda Kerr, with whom he shares a five-year-old son.

Miranda was evidently upset that Orlando already introduced Katy to their son so early in the relationship.

Check out pics from Katy and Orlando"s tropical vacation below.

Katy perry and orlando bloom totally a couple shows major pda in