Showing posts with label Confession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confession. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Chris Brown Admits He"s a Stalker in Terrifying Instagram Confession

Hey, so you know that thing that Chris Brown does where he"s a terrible human being?

Well, he"s at it again!

To recap, in case you"ve somehow managed to block out any and all information about Chris Brown for the past decade or so, Chris has quite the temper.

We found out about it, of course, when he viciously assaulted his then-girlfriend, Rihanna, in 2009.

Since then, he"s been arrested numerous times, he"s been accused of assault numerous times, and he"s flown into violent rages and destroyed property numerous times.

He"s not a catch, no matter how good he is at dancing.

And Chris is proving that all over again with this new Instagram video, which, fair warning, is filled with expletives and also genuinely upsetting.

In the video, which is directed at the "ladies," he says that women complain when guys are "being, like, stalkers and in love with y"all, kinda crazy and sh-t."

But, as Chris freely admits, he"s one of those crazy stalker guys.

"If I love you, bitch, ain"t nobody gonna have you," he says. "I"m gonna make you miserable."

Look, the most innocuous of men could make the same video and it would raise up about a billion red flags.

But all this coming from Chris Brown, convicted woman beater?

It"s scary. It"s real scary.

Check out Chris" admission in the video below:

Chris brown admits hes a stalker in terrifying instagram confess

Saturday, January 28, 2017

NFL"s Robert Turbin Scores Victory in Weed Case ... Despite Apparent Confession

Indianapolis Colts running back Robert Turbin is officially off the hook in his marijuana case … despite the fact he seemed to take responsibility for the incident on Twitter. Turbin was pulled over Utah on July 8 for running a stop sign and…


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ellen Pompeo Denies Eating Disorder, Makes Shocking Confession

In May, ABC wrapped up Grey’s Anatomy Season 12.

This fall, ABC will kick off Grey’s Anatomy Season 13.

That’s an incredibly impressive run and it doesn’t appear as if the Thursday night juggernaut will be slowing down any time soon.

At this point, it’s pretty clear Grey’s Anatomy will stick around for as long as creator Shonda Rhimes wants it to stick around.

And, perhaps, for as long as Ellen Pompeo is still willing to portray Dr. Meredith Grey, practically the one stable main character on a series that has seen its share of big cast changes.

But fans of the program can rest easy:

Based on a new interview with People Magazine, it doesn’t appear as if Pompeo is going anywhere any time soon.

“My decision to stay on Grey’s was based solely on age,” Pompeo admits.

“At 33, I was wise enough to know my clock was already ticking in Hollywood.”

You don’t see an actor or actress make that sort of confession very often, do you?

Pompeo, who acknowledges she got a “super late start” in Hollywood, is shining a light here on the kinds of challenges older actresses often face.

When contract negotiations came up recently she “was definitely aware of how challenging it would be to find other roles in my late 30s and early 40s.”

Patrick Dempsey departed Grey’s Anatomy toward the end of Season 11, while other original cast members (such as Katherine Heigl and Sandra Oh) have also left.

But not Pompeo.

“I thought, ‘Why would I leave something that is super successful and pays me great to search the landscape?’

“I decided that I would stay on Grey’s and be grateful and try to ride it out for as long as I could,” she says.

“And I am very happy that I made the decision to stay. It’s only gotten better with time.”

But while Pompeo is happy with this choice, she has been less than thrilled over the years with the way tabloids have covered her body.

“I used to get a lot of criticism for how thin I was, and I didn’t have a lot confidence because of it. But I was naturally thin,” the 46-year-old says.

“I always thought it was irresponsible of the media to portray me as someone with an eating disorder because if some girls look up to me and think that’s what you have to do to look like me, it’s a horrifying concept.

“I listened to the criticism a little too much – and this was pre-social media. It’s even crazier to think what women have to deal with now.”

It really is.

Fortunately, she has a great attitude about her looks.

“For me, personally, I don’t do Botox or anything like that,” the star tells People. “It can’t be what’s on the outside; it’s gotta be what’s on the inside.”

Friday, May 13, 2016

Tyler Baltierra Shocks Fans With Drug Use Confession

Before he matured into one half of the mist stable couple in Teen Mom history, Tyler Baltierra struggled with substance abuse.

In the recent memoir he co-wrote with wife Catelynn Lowell, Baltierra revealed that he began experimenting with weed and alcohol at the age of 8 and eventually moved on to harder drugs, such as cocaine and ecstasy.

Tyler wrote of using in the early days of his relationship with Catelynn and of his struggle to get clean, and it was widely believed that he had been drug-free for the past several years.

So some fans were surprised when Baltierra admitted on Twitter last night that he still drinks and smokes pot.

“Marijuana is only bad if the user makes it bad,” he wrote. “Alcohol is only bad when the user abuses it… crack, heroin & meth? #ScrewAllThat.”

Obviously, there’s nothing unusual about a 24-year-old drinking or smoking weed, but some fans expressed concern as a result of Baltierra’s well-publicized past.

“I have a defective brain & used coke, pills, shrooms, LSD, ecstasy, etc,” Tyler tweeted, making no effort to downplay the severity of his former addictions. “I just chose not to deny my weakness w/ drugs.”

He added that he has no such problems with booze or pot and posted the following retweets:

“Just like alcohol or any other substance or habit, if it’s not negatively impacting your life, it’s fine. #allinmoderation”

“As long as a person has this bills paid, food in the house & babies taken care of FIRST. I don’t think it’s a problem.”

Despite recent rumors that Lowell and Baltierra were headed for divorce, the couple is still going strong and Tyler frequently gushes about his wife and daughter, Novalee.

We say if they can safely take the edge off now and then, more power to them.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive Catelynn and Tyler’s years together.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Courtney Stodden Consoled by Heidi Montag After Mom"s Gross Confession

Blonds hugging blonds after moms make creepy confessions.  That is what Lifetime brings us every Tuesday on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition.

Last night, Courtney Stodden and her mother, Krista couldn"t get through an interview because Courtney was so upset by Krista"s admission.

You see, children.  When a mom allows her 16-year-old daughter to marry a 51-year-old, it"s a sign that mom may not be playing with a full deck of cards.

And when mom admits to kinda/sorta falling in love with her daughter"s husband at some point, that"s something everyone else saw coming.

Fishwrapper shared a clip in which Krista stood up and started to remove her mic, telling the camera that she was "emotionally attached to [Courtney"s] husband."

Errr, que?

"I admitted that I told your husband that I loved him," Krista said to Courtney.

"That"s the first time I heard her say that," Courtney told whatever producer drew the short straw and had to sit in on their interview.

"I"ve been saying it on my interviews!" Krista insisted.

"Why don"t you ask your husband what his fantasy was," Krista then asked her daughter, something I hope to never, ever hear again. Ever.

"She fell in love with my husband," Courtney told the cameras.  "A mom isn"t supposed to do that."

This is like the time Jackie Taylor got too coked up to function at a high school fashion show on Beverly Hills, 90210…BUT WORSE.

After their sex talk ended, Courtney stormed out of the room with a glass of wine and her hair bun head piece (we won"t address the contrast of her bun"s color against her real hair).    Heidi Montag went into her room and tried to calm the child bride down.

Watch the clip below to see it all unfold.

Courtney stodden consoled by heidi montag after moms gross confe

Friday, February 5, 2016

O.J. Simpson: Shocking Confession, Detailed Suicide Plan Revealed

Though the murders of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman took place over two decades ago, the FX miniseries The People v. O.J. Simpson has prompted a renewed interest in the case, as well as some surprising revelations from those who were closely involved.

Mike Gilbert is a friend and former agent of Simpson’s who stood by him during his infamous double murder trial.

Gilbert now claims he knows with certainty that Simpson is guilty of the murders, as he was witness to a tearful confession by the former NFL great.

“O.J. told me he did it,” Gilbert recently told Radar Online in a revealing interview.

Gilbert also revealed new details about O.J.’s planned suicide, which was teased in the first installment of the FX series:

“O.J. was going to kill himself on Nicole’s grave,” said Gilbert.

“But when he snuck out of the house with Al Cowlings and went to her grave, there were cops there guarding the grave site. So that’s when the infamous Bronco down the freeway chase happened.”

According to Gilbert, Simpson claimed that he actually attempted to end his life during the famous chase:

“He told me that while he was sitting in the car he was planning to kill himself. So he pulled the trigger on the gun but it didn’t go off,” he says, adding that Simpson didn’t respond when asked why he didn’t attempt to shoot himself a second time.

“O.J. seemed surprised by my question,” Gilbert said. “He told me I had no feelings for him.”

Simpson is currently serving a 33 year sentence on robbery and kidnapping charges unrelated to the 1994 murders of his wife and her friend.

He will be eligible for parole in October of 2017.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Man Disembowels His Girlfriend After She Called Out Her Ex"s Name During Sex — See His Horrifying Confession!

Warning: Graphic Details Ahead!

This weekend, Fidel Lopez was arrested for killing his girlfriend after she called out her ex-husband’s name during sex.

Police in Sunrise, Florida said the 24-year-old claims he disemboweled Maria Nemeth on Saturday morning by pulling her intestines out.

Lopez told police he turned into a “monster” after his 31-year-old girlfriend called out her ex’s name twice as the couple was reportedly having “rough sex” in the closet of their apartment.

Related: Emmy Award Winner Gets Charged With Attempted Murder & Assault

According to reports, Nemeth was so drunk that she passed out, after which Lopez admitted to mutilating her body. He later tried waking her up, and allegedly called 911 when she remained unconscious.

Upon arriving on the scene, detectives found Lopez laying next to Nemeth, crying for help. They saw signs of a struggle, and discovered “lots of blood” and “chunks of bloody tissue” scattered across the apartment.

Lopez has been charged with first-degree murder and is being held without bail.

This is absolutely disturbing. Our thoughts go out to the victim’s loved ones and we hope justice is served.

[Image via Broward Sheriff’s Office.]

Tupac Shakur Faked Death, is Still Alive, Cop Claims in Deathbed Confession!

Tupac Shakur faked his death and is quite possibly alive to this day … says a retired police officer who claims he helped facilitate this ruse!

And got paid handsomely for it, no less!

Fan-spun conspiracy theories about the unsolved murder (or was it?!) of the rapper have been an Internet staple for nearly two decades.

Some claim that he was slain by the LAPD, or that the LAPD knows who took out the rapper in Las Vegas but is covering up the truth.

Others insist that he is not dead at all.

Count retired police officer David Meyers among those in that camp, but unlike ‘Pac fans, he cites first-hand knowledge (or so he claims):

He helped Shakur fake his death!

In his own deathbed confession, Meyers revealed that he was paid $ 1.5 million for his part in the coverup of what happened that night.

“The world needs to know what I did. I’m ashamed that I let a price be put on my word and I cannot die without letting the world know.”

He was far from alone, however.

In all, Meyers claims that over 30 people were involved in the coverup, including Suge Knight … who also has said that Tupac is alive.

Among the details the former officer provides is that Shakur, allegedly, paid $ 50,000 for a Tupac look-alike to be taken to the morgue.

This is certainly to have fans frothing, given the number of Tupac sightings over the years (and we don’t mean the Tupac hologram).

Well? What do you think of all this?

Do you believe it, or is it just more fuel to the fire? All we can say for sure is that this may be our favorite piece of 2Pac lore so far.

That’s saying something, too, because we’ve also heard about Tupac’s last words … or maybe they were the body double’s?