Showing posts with label Couldn't. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Couldn't. Show all posts

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Mischa Barton Reflects On Sex Tape Scandal: I Couldn"t Believe It!

Mischa Barton has never been the sanest celebrity, regular saying and doing questionable things, but we can’t help but feel sorry for what’s been happening to her over the last few months. 

The 31-year-old opened up to Dr. Phil about the emotional distress she has been going through at the potential sale of a sex tape featuring her and an ex-boyfriend engaging in, well, sexual activity. 

In the interview, the former The O.C actress confirmed that one of her friends let her know about the tape’s existence several months before. 

“It got to me because somebody came up to me on the street and said ‘There’s something I need to tell you,"” she explained.

“And I didn’t believe it at first; I couldn’t believe it because I loved this person and I didn’t believe it was possible, and I later learned that it was entirely possible.”

Barton must have felt her world crashing down around her when she first heard the tape existed. Add in the fact that the tape was being shopped around with $ 500,000 being the asking price; it must have been horrid. 

“It was obviously complete emotional blackmail, but it was one of those things where I need to distance myself from all of these people immediately because there’s not much you can do; it’s really out of your hands, and it was a crime,” she said.

If what Mischa is claiming, is true, she could have a chance at taking the perpetrator down via the legal route. 

“It really is a serious crime to tape people without their knowledge like that, and I had made a mistake to put myself in that situation with that person, so I just removed myself from it as quickly as I could.”

“And then it just continued to be complete emotional abuse after that, for like the last several, several months.”

The man in question who recorded the video is apparently Jon Zacharias. To date, there has been no evidence to suggest it was that man who was shopping the video around. 

However, Barton has claimed he was secretly filming their sex sessions during their relationship. That’s not very nice, is it?

Mischa’s attorney recently spoke out about the incident and revealed her client had nothing to do with the project being shopped around. 

More recently, the star won a restraining order against the release of such move. 

What do you think about all of this? Sound off below!


Mischa Barton Says She Couldn"t Escape Abusive Sex Tape Partner (VIDEO)

Mischa Barton is ripping the ex-bf behind the sex tape that’s being shopped around, and says he’s more interested in destroying her emotionally than financially. Mischa went on ‘Dr. Phil’ and revealed the exact moment she found out about the…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Kaitlyn Bristowe Slams Mike Fleiss: Why Couldn"t I Go Dancing With the Stars?!

Just as inevitable as The Bachelor spoilers revealing the winner before the finale is its star joining another hit ABC show right afterward.

But is there a Dancing With the Stars double-standard when it comes to Bachelor Nation members? Kaitlyn Bristowe alleges just that.

Amid news that Nick Viall joined the Dancing With the Stars Season 24 cast, Kaitlyn went off on The Bachelor for stonewalling her.

Specifically, she says the franchise’s creator and head honcho, Mike Fleiss, single-handedly prevented her from competing in 2015.

A source said then, “The timing isn’t right, but she loves the show and hopes to keep the door open for another season down the road.”

Kait begs to differ with that now, however.

She says she was “offered” a spot, but ultimately wasn’t allowed to sign the contract. Bristowe made the following comment on Twitter:

“Actually I was offered it, had the contract & Mike Fliess told me I wasn’t allowed. He said he didnt want people wanting fame after his show.”

She wrote that in response to a question from none other than Whitney Bischoff (Kaitlyn’s rival on Chris Soules’ season of The Bachelor).

Bischoff wondered why a Bachelorette star never seems to compete on DWTS; Soules, of course, went on to compete on the program.

The Iowa farmer isn’t alone in that regard. Jake Pavelka, Sean Lowe and now Nick have all traded in roses for dancing shoes as well.

Would Fleiss really stifle Kaitlyn – a dancer by trade, no less? After her tweet calling him out, the boss took to Twitter in response.

“@kaitlynbristowe has my total support if she wants to appear on DWTS!!!” Fless said, though Bristowe was far from impressed.

“Thanks I’ll get right on that opportunity 2 yrs ago. I wonder what changed your mind?” Kait, who is still engaged to Shawn Booth, wrote.

In another tweet, Fleiss seemingly defended himself against her allegations implying sexism when it comes to the DWTS-Bachelor funnel.

“Melissa R has a mirror ball. So quickly they forget! #thebachelor,” he wrote, referencing Melissa Rycroft, the short-lived Bachelor winner. 

Rycroft was Jason Mesnick’s final rose pick before he changed his mind on the After the Final Rose and asked out now-wife Molly Malaney.

She didn’t go on to be The Bachelorette, but the former Cowboys cheerleader competed in Seasons 8 and 15 of DWTS, winning the former.

Moreover, Trista Sutter, the first-ever Bachelorette, also competed on the first season of Dancing, and she made sure to remind him online:

“I guess you have to have a mirror ball to matter?! I know it was b4 most people on Twitter were born, but I was on #DWTS. Shocking, I know.”

In Mike’s defense, we are on SEASON 24; Trista amusingly acknowledges how long both shows have been around with that Twitter joke.

We obviously have no idea what was said between Fleiss and Bristowe, but we doubt there is some major sexist conspiracy at work.

If a Bachelorette star or female Bachelor star wanted to have a go, and DWTS wanted them, we’d assume it would happen 95% of the time.

That doesn’t mean Mike didn’t nix Kaitlyn for unknown reasons – again, we have no idea what did or did not happen between the two.

We’re just saying that ratings are ratings, and a marriage like that clearly makes sense for both franchises, hence why it so often occurs.

Speaking of Bachelor marriages, Trista went on to say she doesn’t think joining DWTS soon after the final rose is the best idea, regardless.

“For the record, I think that if you are lucky enough to find love on #TheBachelor or “ette”, the odds of creating a future with that love……”

“…. are significantly higher without the time commitment/stresses of being a part of #dwts. I’m a huge fan of both shows, just not……”

“one right after the other. @kaitlynbristowe & Shawn are solid tho. Not that any1 will listen but she gets my vote to slay the dance floor!”

She gets ours too, although – and she seems to know this is the case, for what it’s worth – that ship likely sailed two years ago now.

Perhaps she can look at it as a silver lining that she and Shawn Booth are on such solid ground? They didn’t have to deal with the distraction.

See who else from The Bachelor and “ette” are still together below!


Monday, January 30, 2017

NHL"s Corey Crawford: Justin Bieber Is Legit At Hockey ... I Couldn"t Stop Him (VIDEO)

How good is Justin Bieber at hockey? So good that an NHL goalie thinks he’d be helpless to stop the scoring machine from Toronto. Bieber again showed his ice skills this past weekend … scoring a pretty sick goal in the celebrity game during the…


"Stranger Things" Star Says Winona Wasn"t Strange, She Just Couldn"t Hear (VIDEO)

“Stranger Things” star Gaten Matarazzo has an explanation for Winona Ryder’s bizarre facial reactions when the show won the Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series award … the question, does it ring true? Winona stole the show,…


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Kim Kardashian: I Couldn"t Leave Kanye If I Wanted To!

This morning, Kanye West became the third most-nominated artist in Grammy history.

Sadly, we doubt the iconic recording artist is doing much celebrating.

Late last month, West was hospitalized following a emotional breakdown that resulted in a 911 call.

The rapper spent more than a week receiving inpatient care at the UCLA Medical Center, and the nature and severity of his condition are still matters of widespread speculation.

Throughout his ordeal, rumors that West and Kim Kardashian are headed for divorce have been circulating on social media non-stop.

Insiders have claimed that the couple was headed for a separation prior to Kanye’s hospitalization, and that the pressure from his crumbling marriage

The marital tension was reportedly the result of Kim being robbed at gunpoint back in October, as she reportedly felt that the rapper was insufficiently supportive following the traumatic incident.

Some went so far as to claim that Kim was on the verge of filing for divorce.

Now, however, accounts concur that Kim is not planning to carry through with her plan to kick Kanye to the curb.

There’s disagreement, however, as to why Kim decided to give her marriage a second chance.

“As much as Kim and Kanye fight, she knows she is in no condition to be a single mother right now,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

We’re not sure why that would be the case, as even without Kanye, Kim has a support network of wealthy family members and childcare professionals that most moms can only dream of.

The more likely explanation is that Kim feels partially responsible for Kanye’s dire emotional state, and she feels obligated to stick by his side:

“Kim thinks that her incident in Paris drove Kanye to the edge and cannot help but feel partially responsible for his breakdown,” a different source tells Radar.

The insider claims that Kanye doted on Kim in the weeks after her robbery, and she now feels obligated to return the favor:

“For the month following Kim’s robbery, Kanye was not sleeping or eating well because he was doing everything that he could to make sure she got better.” says the source.

“He was watching her 24/7. But as she slowly got better he just got worse.”

A relationship based entirely on guily and co-dependency?

What could go wrong?


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jennifer Aniston: I Couldn"t Care Less About Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie!

From the moment we learned that Angelina Jolie had filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, the question on the minds of millions of fans was:

What does Jennifer Aniston think of all this?

Sure, Brad and Jen went their separate ways more than a decade ago, but given the ugly nature of their split, it was impossible not to wonder if the actress and newlywed in Pitt getting karmically kicked to the curb in brutal fashion.

There were even rumors that the relationship ended because Brad cheated with Marion Cotillard on the set of his new movie, which added a layer of schadenfreude for Jen, as Pitt first hooked up with Jolie on a movie set while he was still married to Aniston.

Those rumors were later debunked, but Jen is still loving all this negative tabloid coverage, right?

She’s gotta be nursing a little bit of a grudge, don’t you think?

Jen’s every bit as petty as we are, isn’t she?

Sadly, it seems Mrs. Aniston-Theroux may be better than the rest of us in every way, as apparently she chooses not to waste her time praying for the public downfall of those who have wronged her.

We didn’t even know that was an option!

Anyway, part of the reason people thought that Jen loving her ex’s personal hell was because Jen’s bestie, Chelsea Handler, went off on Jolie in a takedown that Handler probably thought was hilarious.

(Does Chelsea Handler even think Chelsea Handler is funny? That’s like a Zen koan for the ages.)

So yeah, Chelsea did what she does by showing up and making everything way worse.

“It’s so stupid and pathetic,” the comedian recently said when asked about Aniston.

“As if Jen cares – she doesn’t care.”

Always a fan of hammering her point into your soul with a sledgehammer, Handler added:

“Hello! As if she [Jennifer] is sitting around even caring about this.”

She was then heard to remark:

“What sort of lame-ass, coattail-riding loser sits around obsessing over someone else’s divorce!

“Hey, you guys want to hear my tight five about how only douche bags adopt kids from other countries? I close with a bit about how much I hate the movie Unbroken!”

Maybe we made that last part up.



Thursday, October 1, 2015

Tom Hanks" Son Chet Opens Up About His Cocaine Addiction & Stint In Rehab — "I Was Selling Coke & Doing Coke Until I Couldn"t Even Snort It Up My Nose"

Chet Hanks says he’s cleaning up his act — for real this time!

The youngest son of Oscar-winner Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson opened up about his past drug abuse and time in rehab in a series of 11 videos posted to Instagram on Wednesday.

Related: Celebrity Scandals We Never Saw Coming!

The 25-year-old wanted to clear up recent reports that he had gone missing, admitting that he was in fact in rehab:

“I’ve been in rehab. I’ve been trying to get my sh*t together, and I’m doing pretty damn good … I just really had to take a look at myself and my life and the way sh*t was going and all the crazy stupid sh*t I was doing and just finally admit to myself that it wasn’t working.”

Good for him!!

The musician, who used to go by Chet Haze, revealed last year that he has been battling a cocaine addiction since he was 16 years old. Over the summer, it got worse than it’s ever been:

“A couple months ago I was selling coke and doing coke until I couldn’t even snort it up my nose anymore because it was so clogged. I even smoked crack. If I can change, you can change. There is a solution.”

So, so sad! But we are happy to see him facing his demons once and for all — we hope it works this time!

In one of his confessions, he shared that his past has caused major challenges for him:

“It’s been a long journey discovering who I am. Because all the pressures that I’ve dealt with in my life – you know, being the son of my dad and everything. Just trying to find where I fit in.”

Chet also brought up the controversy over his use of the N-word, that even caused Instagram to temporarily shut down his account:

“I know a lot of y’all kinda understood the point I was trying to make, but the truth is it’s not my place to speak on that. And I’m genuinely sorry for the people I offended.”

In a final message thanking his friends and family for their support, he wrote:

“I only say this to show y’all how real it is, not to glorify anything I’ve done. There’s nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I’m just giving y’all the raw realness to let y’all know that this shit here really is not a game. It’s life or death. And the solution is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the surrendering of your will and your life over to a Higher Power of your own understanding.”

Ch-ch-check out his most telling admissions (below)!

I only say this to show y’all how real it is, not to glorify anything I’ve done. There’s nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I’m just giving y’all the raw realness to let y’all know that this shit here really is not a game. It’s life or death. And the solution is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the surrendering of your will and your life over to a Higher Power of your own understanding.A video posted by 🌴LA / WORLD WIDE 🌍 (@chethanx) on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:31pm PDT

Wow! Sounds like Chet is on the right path to recovery, and we wish him the best!!

[Image via Instagram.]