Showing posts with label Demi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demi. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Demi Lovato Overdose: Are Her Friends to Blame?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that left her hospitalized earlier this week.

The news of Demi’s recent relapse came shortly after the singer celebrated six years of sobriety.

As is often the case with this sort of scenario, Demi’s family and friends are angry, confused, and desperate for answers.

And at least one of her close friends is looking for someone to blame.

“Anybody who was with Demi last night and actually calls themselves a friend should be incredibly disgusted with themselves. SICK!!!” Demi’s guitarist Mike Manning wrote on social media this week.

“You can never trust anyone. Never can know if your ‘friends’ are truly on your side are not,” he continued.

He went on to single out friends of Demi’s from her hometown of Dallas:

Manning added”

“Every scum lying piece of ‘wannabe’ piece of sh*t, you will be exposed cuz everyone knows who you are.

“These fake Dallas ‘I think I’m somebodies’…get out of here. I almost lost my sister today!!! I will expose everyone.”

His anger is certainly understandable, but unfortunately, this sort of misdirected rage has already resulted in disastrous consequences.

Prior to her overdose, Demi was spotted doing shots at an LA bar to celebrate the birthday of backup dancer and friend Dani Vitale.

In the days since Lovato was hospitalized, Vitale has been on the receiving end of death threats and hateful tirades from fans.

Look, bad influences can be an extremely destructive force in anyone’s life, and they’re especially dangerous for addicts.

At times like these, it’s easy to point the finger instead of doing the difficult work of looking inward.

We’re a long way from understanding the root causes of addiction, but they certainly run much deeper than “running with the wrong crowd.”

We all know that it’s dismissive and overly simplistic to say that addicts are 100 percent to blame for their affliction.

But it’s just as reductive to point the finger and their friends.

Addiction is a complex lifelong struggle, and we wish Demi all the best as she prepares to do battle yet again.


Demi Lovato"s OD Was Life and Death

Demi Lovato could have died Tuesday from her overdose — it was that serious — sources connected to the singer tell TMZ. We’re told the 911 call did not come a minute too soon, because Demi was in dire straits. “She could have died,” said a source…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Demi Lovato 911 Call Features Request for "No Sirens"

The 911 call placed from Demi Lovato"s home the morning she was found unconscious has been released to the public.

You can listen to it above.

The recording is notable for a couple reasons.

First, it is now believed that an assistant is the person who discovered Lovato in the singer"s own bed, having entered her room around 11 a.m. became she was concerned over why Lovato has not yet awoken for the day.

Upon seeing Lovato"s state, the assistant called for medical help.

Second, this unnamed caller seems especially interested in keeping Demi"s situation private.

You can hear the woman ask the dispatcher to NOT have the ambulance use its sirens on the way to Lovato"s home, presumably to divert attention from the tragedy unfolding there.

"This is a medical emergency," the operator says in response to this request, adding:

"I don’t have control over that. Sorry about that."

“I thought you were just saying we have to wave you guys down,” the assistant replies.

“Definitely wave us down. That’s going to be helpful. This is definitely a medical emergency Opens a New Window.  for her. We need to get there as fast as possible,” the dispatcher says again.

Lovato spent the night before she was found going out with friends, drinking and seemingly doing a lot of drugs.

Details concerning the party she hosted at her home, following this evening out, have been reported by a multitude of outlets.

During the four-minute call shared above, the dispatcher gives orders to the individual on the other end of the line, who remains calm.

The dispatcher tells this person to "wave" the paramedics down and to put any pets "in a room" after dogs were heard barking in the background.

The call concludes when the EMTs arrive and are with the caller. 

Elsewhere, we"ve heard that Lovato may soon leave the hospital and head to rehab, somewhere far away from Los Angeles.

"Nurses have been giving her fluids nonstop to flush her system and her family wants to make her exit as quick and quiet as possible," an insider tells Fox News, while a rep for the artist has added:

"Some of the information being reported is incorrect and they respectfully ask for privacy and not speculation as her health and recovery is the most important thing right now."

We simply wish Demi the best.

We hope she recovers well from this overdose and finds a way to turn her life around again.


Demi lovato 911 call features request for no sirens

Demi Lovato Overdose 911 Call

Demi Lovato’s friends wanted to keep her OD on the DL … asking paramedics to come to her house without sirens. In the 911 call from Lovato’s house — obtained by TMZ — the caller remains calm while taking orders from the dispatcher. As the…


Demi Lovato to Leave Hospital Today: Will She Head to Rehab?

It’s only been three days since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that left her hospitalized.

Lovato has remained under doctor’s care ever since, but according to Radar Online, she’s scheduled to leave the hospital later today.

But if her family and friends have their way, Demi will head straight from one treatment facility to another.

Sources tell Radar that Demi’s loved ones are imploring her to check into rehab immediately.

Lovato reportedly concedes that she needs treatment, but is hoping to rest at home for a few days after leaving the hospital.

“She completed a detox, and will soon be out,” a hospital source tells the site.

While we know that Demi will seek treatment outside of the Los Angeles area in hopes of avoiding potential triggers, there’s no word yet on when she’ll begin the process of getting clean.

The good news is, she’s said to be fully aware that she’s back to square one in terms of her battle with addiction.

The bad news is, insiders believe that she’s not fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

In fact, they say Lovato feels the road to sobriety will be easier this time, as she’s been down this path before.

Demi reportedly began drinking and using several weeks before her overdose.

But it was one lengthy bender that constituted Lovato’s rock bottom and landed her in the emergency room.

“She had been partying for 12 straight hours and it caught up with her,” one source tells E! News.

“This was going on for a few weeks and the warning signs were there. She slipped up and thought she could handle it.”

The insider adds:

“This is obviously a huge wake-up call. Demi doesn’t want to die and she’s very grateful to be alive. She will be leaving the hospital and heading straight to rehab.

“Her family has been by her side supporting her and is getting her the help she needs.”

Just hours before she overdosed at home, Demi was spotted at the Saddle Ranch Bar in LA “taking shots with her friends,” per one source.

Questions remain about what sort of drugs Demi was using and how she was revived after the OD’ed.

For right now, however, the biggest concern among fans is that Lovato receives the care and treatment she seems to so desperately need.

Our thoughts go out to Demi and her family during this difficult time.


TMZ Live: Demi Lovato Rejected Intervention Before Overdose

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Demi Lovato Was Found Unconscious in Her Bed After Partying All Night

Demi Lovato was found unconscious in her bed after a long night of partying, and a panicked assistant called 911 … TMZ has learned. Sources familiar with the matter tell us … Demi had invited some of her friends back to her house early Tuesday…


Justin Bieber: Shading Demi Lovato After Overdose?!

As you’ve almost certainly heard by now, Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that left her hospitalized earlier this week.

Scores of celebrities have showered Lovato with love and support on social media, and we’re sure the show of support from her A-list friends has been a much-needed source of strength.


Now, Lovato’s longtime colleague Justin Bieber has become the latest to speak out on the situation.

And some fans aren’t totally thrilled with his response.

In a video obtained by The Blast, Justin comments on Demi’s recent difficulties in a way that some have described as callous and insensitive.

“It’s very sad. I haven’t talked to her, but my prayers go out to her and her family,” Bieber told the outlet.

Obviously, the first part of Bieber’s response is boilerplate stuff that could have come from the mouth of any publicist.

It’s what came next that pissed some people off:

“I thought she was sober, that’s terrible, right?” Justin continued.

Now, that may not sound so bad in context, but the pull quote many media outlets relied consisted of nothing more than “I thought she was sober.”

We suppose it’s not hard to see how that comment, taken by itself, could be interpreted as subtle shade-throwing.

After all, Demi’s latest single is entitled “Sober,” but even a cursory glance at the lyrics would reveal that the song is her way of dealing with her recent fall from the wagon.

Add to that the fact that Justin is living clean these days — devoting himself to his faith and his relationship with Hailey Baldwin — and it’s easy to understand how some fans might have taken his remarks as a bit smug and self-satisfied.

To be clear, we don’t think Justin meant to throw any shade, but we can see how some might have interpreted it that way.

Meanwhile, Demi’s loved ones are reportedly doing their best to convince her to seek in-patient treatment, but thus far, they’ve had no luck.

“The thing about an addict is that you become so good at hiding it,” one insider says of the situation.

“She’s a really smart girl,” the source adds.

“When she had work commitments, she could pull it together. But that’s how she’s always been, and this might not be her rock bottom.”

The insider goes on to say that Demi’s loved ones are aware that they could take steps toward forcing her into treatment, but they know from past experience that such an approach would be ineffective.

“Demi has to want to get help. She can’t be forced into rehab or treatment,” the source alleges.

“It won’t work.”

Sounds like Demi’s road to recovery will be tougher than previously thought.

We wish her all the best during this tremendously difficult time.


Demi Lovato Overdose Came Just Weeks After Intervention Attempt

Just two days ago, Demi Lovato was hospitalized after an overdose. This came only weeks after she revealed that she had suffered a relapse in her struggle with addiction.

The overdose after 12 hours of hard partying was a shock to many fans, but it wasn’t a surprise to those who have been close to Demi.

A new report sheds light on a recent attempt at an intervention. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears.

TMZ reports Demi Lovato was the target of an intervention that her team attempted to stage for her.

Unfortunately, the report says that she blew them off.

Weeks ago, her team apparently noticed that she was in a bad place. They confronted her about it and even offered to help her take whatever steps she needed to become sober again.

But addiction is a vicious illness that can make it difficult or even impossible for someone to seek help.

So Demi, despite having confessed to her relapse with her song, “Sober,” tried to make it appear that everything was fine.

And then she went right back to partying.

The attempt to urge her to enter a rehab program somewhere was not successful, and it was costly.

Demi Lovato fired her longtime manager, Phil McIntyre, who had been involved in the intervention.

It is not clear why she fired him, but given that TMZ confirms that he was part of the effort to restore her sobriety, many believe that she pushed him away.

More recently, Demi fired more staff and temporarily shuttered her website, which a lot of fans feared was linked to her relapse drama.

It’s hard to help someone who is struggling with addiction when they themselves are not ready to be helped.

To make matters worse, Demi was spotted hanging out with G-Eazy recently.

It’s one thing to alienate those who care about you.

It’s another thing altogether to then start hanging out with people with a reputation — and criminal history — for substances like cocaine.

Reports about the partying Demi was doing prior to her overdose say that the people with whom she was associating this summer were not her real friends.

They apparently did not have her best interests at heart.

It’s heartbreaking that the intervention didn’t work, but most of them don’t. Addiction can keep its victims from seeing people’s intentions for what they are.

However, there is good news — Demi Lovato is going to enter rehab.

Whichever facility she enters, it won’t be in L.A. … and it will also be a place where she does not expect to be the center of attention.

L.A. has too many triggers for her — which makes sobriety very, very difficult.

She needs to be able to experience rehab as a patient, not as a celebrity. That will be tricky.

It is important to remember that addiction is not a choice, and there are many factors — including genetics and environment — that determine who becomes addicted and who does not.

Demi has been open about her mental health struggles and also about her body image issues — both of which can and often do lead to self-medication with various substances.

This is why Demi’s struggle to remain sober — off and on — has been so challenging. She’s fighting an uphill battle.

It’s great to hear that she was surrounded by people who cared enough about her to risk (and, for some, lose) their jobs in order to encourage her to get help.

We hope that she surrounds her with similarly supportive people in the future.


Demi Lovato to Check Into Rehab... Someplace

Demi Lovato is reportedly getting the heck out of Los Angeles.

Multiple outlets have confirmed that the trouble singer agrees she needs professional assistance once again and is willing to check into a treatment faclity once she leaves the hospital.

But there’s a bit more to it than this.

Following her frightening overdose on Tuesday morning, those close to Lovato have convinced her that she needs to get far away from Hollywood in order to focus on her health.

As a result, Demi will check into a facility not located anywhere near Los Angeles.

An insider explains to Radar Online that The City of Angeles simply supplies Lovato with an abundance of “triggers;” that is, too many tempations that could make it easy for her to plummet off the wagon once again.

The goal is to keep the singer as far away from the spotlight, and from various bad influences in her life, as possible.

“She won’t be going to a rehab where she would receive a lot of attention,” this source explains.

Lovato previously underwent treatment at Timberline Knolls in Illinois after she punched a backup dancer in 2010.

Three years later, she checked into a sober living facility.

Ever since, Lovato has been very candid (in magazine interviews, in her 2017 YouTube documentary, in a multitude of social media captions) about her struggles with addiction and with body image.

She had just fairly recently celebrated six years of sobriety a few months before overdosing on some kind of narcotic this week and being rushed to the hospital.

It remains unknown at the moment just what substance Lovato took that prompted this emergency, but fan speculation is running wild.

Lovato was found unconscious by paramedics on Monday and administed a dose of Narcan, which is a medicine used to reverse the effects of many drug overdoses.

In a rather disturbing piece of news, People Magazine reports that Lovato and the friends with whom she was partying all night were actually prepared for an overdose.

“She and her ‘friends’ were on a binger the entire night,” an insider told this publication, adding:

“They keep Narcan on hand for such situations… The people she has been hanging around lately aren’t her real friends – they don’t have her best interests at heart.

“She’s pushed her true friends away.”

TMZ backs up this claim.

According to that celebrity gossip website, members of Lovato’s inner circle staged an intervention for her several weeks ago.

It was very clear to those who actually care about her that Demi was back to drinking and using drugs and spiraling down a dark path very quickly.

But Demi rejected their plea that she enter rehab back then.

For his role in this intervention, long-time manager Phil McIntyre was fired by Lovato.

What else can we now report about Lovato’s overdose?

The singer’s publicist has said the following:

“Demi is awake and with her family who want to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers and support.”

A variety of sources has seemingly confirmed that Lovato was at the Saddle Ranch bar and restaurant in Los Angeles prior to overdosing at her home, “taking shots with her friends,” per E! News.

She was celebrating her choreographer’s birthday at the bar and later continued the party at her house in the Hollywood Hills.

“She had been partying for 12 straight hours and it caught up with her,” another source told E! News, adding:

“This was going on for a few weeks and the warning signs were there. She slipped up and thought she could handle it.

“This is obviously a huge wake-up call. Demi doesn’t want to die and she’s very grateful to be alive. She will be leaving the hospital and heading straight to rehab.

“Her family has been by her side supporting her and is getting her the help she needs.”

We can also report that Demi’s serious ex-boyfriend of many years, Willmer Valderrama, visited her in the hospital yesterday.


Demi Lovato"s Team Offered Help Weeks Before OD

Demi Lovato’s team tried to stage an intervention and get her help for her drug addiction, but the singer blew them off … TMZ has learned. Sources close to Demi tell us members of her team noticed she was in a bad place a few weeks ago, and even…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Demi Lovato"s Concert in Canada Canceled

Demi Lovato’s upcoming concert North of the border has been canceled. Demi was scheduled to perform Sunday, July 29 at Echo Beach in Canada at the RBCxMusic benefit for Kids Help Phone with special guest Jason Mraz, but in light of her recent OD ……


Demi Lovato"s Concert in Canada Canceled

Demi Lovato’s upcoming concert North of the border has been canceled. Demi was scheduled to perform Sunday, July 29 at Echo Beach in Canada at the RBCxMusic benefit for Kids Help Phone with special guest Jason Mraz, but in light of her recent OD ……


Justin Bieber Stunned by Demi Lovato"s OD, "I Thought She was Sober"

Demi Lovato’s overdose after an all-night party has been a sad shock to her fans and friends … including her old friend, Justin Bieber. JB was out in Beverly Hills Wednesday when a photog asked him if he’s spoken to Demi yet … he says he…


Demi Lovato: Stars Shower Her With Love After Overdose

After recent revelations that she had lapsed from her sobriety, Demi Lovato was hospitalized with a reported overdose.

Though we are still learning more about the situation, it was initially reported as a heroin overdose. Some reports of what caused the overdose are conflicting, however.

When the news first broke, it was unclear if she would even survive the night, and thoughts and prayers from countless millions of fans poured in.

Many celebrities, friends and exes and colleagues of Demi"s and even just those who are fans or familiar with her struggle with addiction, took to Twitter to shower Demi with love.

Take a look:

1. Joe Jonas

Demi lovato overdose tweets 01

Joe and Demi famously dated back during their Disney days. They’ve each gone their separate ways, but they still matter to each other.

2. Nick Jonas

Demi lovato overdose tweets 02 nick jonas

Nick Jones, like Joe, will always be part of Demi’s story.

3. Ellen DeGeneres

Demi lovato overdose tweets 03 ellen

Ellen is a friend to celebrities from all walks of life, including Demi and countless others who have struggled with addiction.

4. Camila Cabello

Demi lovato overdose tweets 04 camila cabello

Camila Cabello is one of the most beloved singers out there, in part for her ability to make friends with just about everyone. She’s a sweetheart.

5. Lady Gaga

Demi lovato overdose tweets 05 lady gaga

Lady Gaga knows what it means to struggle with your health.

6. Ariana Grande

Demi lovato overdose tweets 06 ariana grande

Ariana was a Nickelodeon star — well, after Broadway — while Demi rose to fame on Disney, but that’s all in their past. Ariana has a lot of compassion for her fellow singers.

View Slideshow

TMZ Live: Demi Lovato OD"d After All-Night Party

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Demi Lovato: Inside the Party That Led to Her Overdose

Troubling new details have ermeged that shed light on how Demi Lovato ended up in the hospital on Tuesday morning.

As you likely know very well by now, Lovato was found unconcious at her home in Hollywood after allegedly overdosing on some kind of drug.

Initial reports claimed the drug in question was heroin, but follow-up articles written by TMZ have stated otherwise.

These follow-ups state that Lovato was uncooperative with paramedics once she was revived; refused to tell them what she had taken; and that there were no signs of any narcotics near her in the home.

We’re guessing plenty more information comes about about this pertinent tidbit as the week goes on.

The singer, sadly, had confessed to a relapse after six years of sobriety in the lyrics to her track “Sober,” so news of this overdose can’t come as a huge shock to anyone who has followed her career.

Or anyone familiar with an addiction to drugs overall, really.

It’s a disease without any guaranteed, permanent cure.

According to TMZ, meanwhile, Lovato overdosed following an all-night party.

No other attendees were present when EMTs arrived at her home just before noon yesterday, but first responders on the scene were told (by members of Demi’s entourage, we believe) that a large gathering had been held there the evening before.

It’s unclear when the party broke up — or if people left the premises as quickly as they could once it became apparent Demi was in trouble.

Radar Online, however, alleges that the drinking and possible drug-taking started elsewhere for Demi and her friends.

They were spotted on Monday night at the Saddle Ranch on Hollywood’s famed Sunset Strip.

A witness tells this celebrity gossip site that 25-year-old singer drank vodka sodas and was “having fun” while celebrating a dancer friend’s birthday.

Was she out of control?

Not really, another source tells Radar:

“Though everyone was doing drugs all around her, and drinking tons, no one saw her doing anything.”

A group of an undetermined number of people eventually made its way back to Lovato’s residence, where the partying continued, this report claims.

This article says nearly everyone went home around 4 a.m.

As for how Lovato is doing at the moment?

“Demi is awake and with her family who want to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers and support,” her rep said in a statement several hours after she was admitted to the hospital.

Lovato’s aunt has echoed this sentiment, saying her niece is “responsive.”

And thank God, right?

Elsewhere, with The Blast indicating that Lovato overdosed on methamphetamines, some have taken to the assumption that she was mixing substances and may have even tried to kill herself.

We want to emphasize, though, that this is mere speculation.

It has been mostly confirmed, though, that the artist has been in a downfall for a few months now.

She fired her long-time manager and got into a fight with her sober coach, while anonymous friends have said she’s been in a dark place for awhile.

This is nothing new. She’s been in and out of rehab multiple times in the past.

So all we can really do at this point is hope for the best.

We’re all here for you and thinking of you, Demi.


Jenelle Evans Reaches Out to Demi Lovato: I Almost Died From Drugs!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that resulted in the singer being hospitalized on Tuesday.

The singer is now in stable condition and recovering in the presence of her family.

Many in Hollywood have reached out to Demi via social media to offer words of encouragement and support.

Jenelle Evans is one such star, but her message to Demi was more poignant than most.

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you’re probably aware that Jenelle has also struggled with addiction throughout much of her life.

In the wake of yesterday’s frightening news, Jenelle took to Twitter to offer a very personal message of hope:

“If you need help or support in time of immediate need, please seek it,” Evans tweeted.

“Hearing this news about @ddlovato breaks my heart. I hope she’s okay. You’re strong girl, don’t let the devil drag you down.”

For all of her many faults — and those faults are profound and plentiful, to be sure — Jenelle deserves credit for being so open about her past struggles with addiction in recent years.

She revealed the depth of her struggles in a recent memoir:

“I won’t glamorize the drug by going into the long details of why people love it so damned much,” Jenelle wrote.

“Before I knew it, I was shooting up four or five times a day. I was hooked.” She continued, “The first thing I lost to the drug was my family.” 

Jenelle and Demi are about the same age; they both found fame while still in their teens; and they’ve both struggled with addiction and emotional issues during their years in the spotlight.

So while they may seem like unlikely bedfellows, Jenelle can probably relate to Demi’s plight more than just about everyone.

Demi’s story is a familiar one, but sadly, many of the celebrities who have traveled down her current path didn’t live long enough to turn things around.

So while it’s hard to imagine Jenelle being a source of inspiration to anyone, she may be just the sort of role model Demi needs.

Fortunately, reps for Lovato say she’s currently and ready to begin the long and painful process of recovery:

“She is awake and with her family who want to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers, and support,” says one insider.

We wish Demi and her family all the best during this incredibly difficult time.


Macklemore Dedicates "Otherside" to Demi Lovato After Her Overdose

Macklemore offered Demi Lovato some strong words of encouragement because — as the rapper said at his concert dedicating a track to her — he’s been there before. Macklemore was performing at Xfinity Center in Boston Tuesday night…


Randy Couture to Demi Lovato, "We"re Here to Help"

Randy Couture and his wife have a message for their friend, Demi Lovato — “We love Demi and we’re going to do whatever we can to help.” Couture has been helping Lovato train at Jay Glazer’s Unbreakable gym in West Hollywood for years — she’s…
