Showing posts with label Dillard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dillard. Show all posts

Friday, October 13, 2017

Derick Dillard: Breaking the Duggars" Rules, Partying Behind Jill"s Back (Report)

Over the past few weeks, Derick Dillard has set himself apart as something of an unexpected rebel within the Duggar family.

Now, we should note that we mean Derick’s behavior is rebellious only by Duggar standards, which means he adheres to Jim Bob’s strict fundamentalist views, he just occasionally expresses them in unorthodox ways.

Most of the controversies surrounding Derick have had to do with the 28-year-old’s social media presence.

Back in August Derick attacked Jazz Jennings on social media, tweeting that his fellow TLC star, who’s also a transgender teen, is starring in a deceptive “reality show that’s based on a non-reality.”

Dillard added that “gender is ordained by God.”

Earlier this month, Dillard stirred further controversy when he tweeted about racism in America, informing his followers that it’s virtually non-existent.

It seems Derick has enjoyed stirring the pot on social media lately, but one of his latest posts attracted negative attention from fans for reasons that Dillard probably didn’t anticipate:

Derick posted the above video earlier this week along with a caption reading:

“Had a blast getting to hang out with international friends at the international bonfire last night! #intlbonfire17 #internationalstudents #danceparty #southasianstyle”

It may seem innocent enough–and it is–but according to the Duggars’ mindset the most innocuous activities can hide the greatest temptations.

The Duggars are strictly opposed to all forms of dancing, believing, as Michelle Duggar once explained, that it promotes promiscuity by stirring up “sensual” feelings.

“I thought they didn’t approve of dancing? Looks pretty wild,” commented one fan.

“I didn’t know you danced. I know Jim Bob has strict opinions about dancing and defrauding. Where is Jill?” remarked another.

The video above is still live, but Derick deleted a second clip that shows students dancing to the Luis Fonsi hit “Despacito,” after his followers pointed out that the song contains sexually explicit lyrics.

Interestingly, the uproar comes on the heels of reports that Derick is cheating on Jill Duggar, a rumor that Dillard has yet to address directly.

Thus far, the father of two has responded to the speculation only by tweeting several Bible verses about the evils of adultery, a move that’s only added fuel to the fire, as many fans believe the tweets to be Derick’s way of confessing.

If there was any extramarital activity on Derick’s part, the Duggars are no doubt doing their best to sweep it under the carpet.

But if the Josh Duggar sex scandals taught us anything, it’s that there are some stories that even the Duggar PR machine can’t bury.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Derick Dillard: Caught Cheating on Jill Duggar?!

Derick Dillard has made tabloid headlines several times in recent months, but unlike his in-laws, the husband of Jill Duggar generally attracts more attention for his political views than for his personal life.

That may soon change, however, thanks to rumblings that Derick married may have cheated on his wife of 3 years.

Interestingly, Derick prompted the speculation himself with a series of biblical tweets that some have fans have taken as a veiled confession:

“He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself,” Derick tweeted earlier this week.

“Say 2 wisdom ‘U r my sister’& call insight your intimate friend, 2 keep u from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress w her smooth words,” he continued.

As OK! magazine points out, several fans jumped to the conclusion that Derick was talking about himself and coming clean about being unfaithful to Jill.

“Hmm….sounds like SOMEONE might have a GUILTY CONSCIENCE,” one fan responded.

“Sounds like someone doth protest too much,” echoed another follower.

Several comments referenced the fact that Derick has been spending a good deal of his time on college campuses in recent weeks:

“Those college girls teasing you?” read one such tweet.

While there’s obviously no evidence of Derick behaving inappropriately with any of the young women who are participating in his campus ministry program, one fan on Instagram pointed out that Dillard appears to have deleted a recent post after being alerted to its sexually explicit nature:

“So, what happened to the post about the dance and the music? Why did Derick delete that entire post? Was it because people pointed out that the music (sung in Spanish) was very sexual in nature?” the follower commented.

“And for someone who can supposedly speak Spanish (lol), how did he not know that before posting it? Could his claims of knowing Spanish be just another lie? So many lies, too little time.”

Other fans interpreted Derick’s remarks as further condemnation of his brother-in-law, Josh Duggar, who famously got caught cheating on wife Anna Duggar in 2015.

“You are promoting rumors and gossip about yourself when you do this. If you have issues with your brother in law, just say it,” the fan tweeted at Derick.

As stated earlier, this is far from the first time that Derick has drawn the ire of fans on social media.

Back in August, Derick launched a Twitter attack on Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who, like Dillard, stars in a TLC reality series.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” Dillard tweeted at the time.

Earlier this week, Derick tweeted about racism in America in a way that left many fans with the feeling that the 28-year-old is insensitive to the plight of minorities.

“The US is one of the least racist countries in the world. In unity, let’s strive to protect & improve this anomaly in history,” Dilard wrote.

Not surprisingly, the post wasn’t terribly well-received.

Thus far, Derick has yet to respond to this latest controversy.

Of course, Dillard’s never been one to shy away from conflict, so we’re guessing it won’t be long before he claps back.

In all likelihood, Derick will be running his mouth on social media again before the week is out.

And it’s anyone’s guess as to how his father-in-law will feel about that.

Sources say Jim Bob Duggar has been clashing with his sons-in-law over two main issues–differences in religious doctrine, and the future of the family media empire.

Jim Bob and Derick are said to be largely in agreement on the former issue.

But we’re guessing JB is less than thrilled with the way Dillard’s been rolling the dice with his in-law’s reputation lately.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Derick Dillard: There"s No Racism in America!

Of all the men who have married into the Duggar family, no one has been as outspoken as Derick Dillard.

The husband of Jill Duggar has drawn criticism for his ultra-conservative views in the past, but despite the considerable backlash over past statements, it seems he has no intention of keeping his views to himself going forward.

Fans first became aware of Derick’s more far-right stance when he attacked Jazz Jennings in a series of increasingly offensive social media posts back in August.

Jennings is a transgender teen who, like Derick, stars in a TLC reality series.

In a tirade of tweets that former fans and other celebrities have denounced as a full-blown campaign of harassment, Derick argued that Jazz is mentally ill and setting a dangerous example for America’s young people.

Now, Derick has turned his attention to the ever-growing problem of systemic racism in America.

Not surprisingly, his thoughts on the matter are attracting still more criticism to a family that’s already endured numerous PR disasters over the course of the past three years.

“The US is one of the least racist countries in the world. In unity, let’s strive to protect & improve this anomaly in history,” Derick tweeted yesterday.

His remark seems to be a reaction against the NFL anthem protests that began during the 2016 preseason.

Dillard first expressed his opposition to the protests with a retweet from Fox News on October 1.

Not surprisingly, Derick was swiftly chastised for what many fans see as an appallingly naïve worldview.

“Your privilege is showing… racism may not exist in your ‘world’ but it’s real everywhere else,” tweeted one fan.

“We still have instances of police brutality and targeting of the black community. Derick, you’re white. That’s why you’re not seeing this,” commented another.

Derick’s latest tweet stands in sharp contrast to one that he posted on August 12, in which he condemned the activities of white supremacist hate groups in Charlotteville, Virginia.

“It’s deplorable what’s happened in Virginia this wkd. Praying 4 those affected by these unacceptable violent acts of hatred. Racism is evil!” Derick tweeted following riots that left one woman dead.

It’s unclear what may have caused Derick to reverse course on the issue of racism in America, but many believe it’s part of a cynical effort to pander to his base.

Those closest to Dillard believe he sees a future for himself in politics, and this may be the beginning of his attempt to make a name for himself amongst certain fringe groups.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Derick Dillard: STILL Begging For Money From Fans!

If you’re a fan of the Duggar clan, then you’re probably aware that Jill Duggar and her husband Derick Dillard have spent much of the past two years performing missionary work in Central America.

While no one doubts that the couple accomplished some good and perhaps even changed a few lives for the better during their time in El Salvador, the Dillards’ motives and ability to safely and effectively perform the work required of them have both been called into question.

For one thing, the Jill and Derick are not licensed missionaries, which means they never demonstrated that they have the skills necessary for such important and dangerous work, and they did not receive sponsorship from any religious organization.

As a result of their lack of sponsorship, the Dillards solicited donations from fans online.

Obviously, this raised a number of problematic issues.

Many fans pointed out that Jill and Derick’s time would be better spent undergoing the training required by the International Mission Board and the Southern Baptist Conference.

Many others complained that  Jill comes from a fabulously wealthy family, and if she wants to make an unauthorized missionary trip, she should fund it herself.

The outcry eventually became too much for Jill and Derick, and they announced two weeks ago that they would no longer be asking fans for money.

Unfortunately, it seems the Dillards resolve on that issue lasted roughly until the time when the monthly bills became due.

Earlier this week, Derick took to Instagram to reveal that he’s enrolled in the Cross Church School of Ministry, a one-year program that trains its students to serve as campus ministers at schools, hospitals and workplaces.

Of course, Derick is unemployed these days, so naturally, he’d like his fans to foot the bill:

“BIG NEWS! For the next year, I will be serving through a program at my home church, called the Cross Church School of Ministry!” he wrote on Instagram.

“I am so excited about this incredible opportunity for further ministry development, and I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me,” he added.

By “share in the excitement,” Derick meant, of course, that he wants you to throw him some cash.

He set up a fundraiser on the Pure Charity website where fans can assist him with paying for his tuition.

Thus far, however, Derick’s efforts appear to be falling flat.

“I started a fundraiser on Pure Charity to raise the funding I need for various missions opportunities I will have throughout the year. I have a donations goal of $ 6,500,” Derick wrote on Instagram.

As of this writing, he has received just two donations, for a total of $ 125 in proceeds.

Considering Derick has whopping 820,000 followers on Instagram alone, we imagine he thought he would be much closer to his goal several days into the fundraiser.

Of course, it’s not exactly an ideal time for Derick to be asking favors from the masses.

The 28-year-old father of two has been so scandal-plagued in recent months that some have called him “the next Josh Duggar.”

Obviously, Derick isn’t involved in anything nearly as vile as the actions that brought down his disgraced brother-in-law, but like Josh, he could single-handedly cost the Duggars their lucrative reality show.

Earlier this month, Derick attacked Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen and fellow TLC reality star, in a bizarre, transphobic rant on Twitter.

Thus far, there have been no serious ramifications from his actions, but fans might not be in a rush to fund the career of an aspiring minister who’s in the habit of bullying already at-risk teen girls on social media.

Go figure.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard: Asking Fans to Fund Mission Work ... Again

Despite recent statements to the contrary, Jill and Derick Dillard are apparently asking their fans to fund mission work in Central America.

Again. They are Counting On your support!

(Is this thing on? But seriously folks …)

Under fire for his recent one-sided feud with Jazz Jennings, a transgender TLC star, Derick is already on thin ice with his network bosses.

No one’s saying Derick is the new Josh Duggar in terms of his actions, but some observers believe he may be too toxic for TV as well.

Conventional wisdom dictates that promoting missionary work could only help his image, but he’s run afoul of fans in that regard as well.

A frequent target of criticism for asking for money, Derick just announced “various missions opportunities I will have throughout the year.”

“Including trips for Gospel-advancement and humanitarian work in Northwest Arkansas, North America, and abroad. BIG NEWS!”

Dillard declares in the Pure Charity campaign listing:

“For the next year, I will be serving through a program at my home church, called the Cross Church School of Ministry!”

“I am so excited about this incredible opportunity for further ministry development, and I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me.”

Taking part in this program, he says, will be “a key asset in not only my vocational ministry, but also in my personal development.”

“Every donation is important and will enable me to be present and help others in need. Would you kindly consider making a donation?”

“Also, I would appreciate your willingness to share this with others who may want to partner with me. Thank you so much for being a part of my life.”

Jill and Derick announced earlier this month that they would not be returning to Central America again and would not ask for donations.

Well, at least the first part turned out to be true.

Derick’s goal is $ 6,500, of which he’s already received $ 125 from two people. To many, it’s quite unclear why they can’t fund this themselves.

Regardless, the Dillards are adamant that they’re doing God’s work, so if they are soliciting donations, well, it’s all in His good name.

The couple explained in a statement August 9:

“Guided by much prayer and counsel, we are discerning the Lord leading our family’s full-time ministry back to the United States for the time being.”

“Thank you so much for your support of Dillard Family Ministries through your prayers and financial resources,” Jill and Derick wrote.

“It has been a joy and blessing to see how our Lord has worked in Central America, and your generous giving has been a huge part of [that]!”

“During our time working with SOS Ministries, we have witnessed God transforming the lives of many involved in the gang community.”

The Dillards say that their work is instrumental in “positively influencing the lives of young people for the sake of the Kingdom.”

“We understand very well that mission work definitely requires flexibility. This, we have witnessed and experienced first-hand in our years of ministry.”

“It is, and always has been our aim, to seek the Lord.”

“Above all else. This includes walking in close relationship with Him daily, seeking His direction for our family,” the statement continued.

Their goal is “doing our absolute best in everything, namely, being a Gospel witness and Kingdom worker in whatever context He places us.”

“At this time, God has seen fit for our family to continue serving him in ministry within the context of Northwest Arkansas.”

“Because He Lives, Derick and Jill Dillard (+Israel & Samuel).”

Jill and Derick have come under scrutiny in the past because – critics believe – one of their mission’s primary goals is to convert Catholics.

Dillard denied this, mostly, in a blog post saying, “God did not call us to convert Catholics, but God has called us to follow His example.”

“He has not called us to convert Buddhists, Muslims, Baptists, Atheists, Mormons, Lutherans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Methodists, agnostics, or Hindus.”

“God has called us to Central America to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. My desire is to preach good news to the poor.”

“[My desire] is to proclaim liberty to the captives. I have the greatest treasure in Christ, and I want others to know that hope as well.”

Do the numbers back up those comments, though?

Interestingly, the population of El Salvador is 85 percent Christian, as noted by Starcasm; 54 percent Catholic and 31 percent Protestant.

By comparison, their home state of Arkansas is 56 percent Christian, but only four percent Catholic. Hence the healthy dose of skepticism.

Perhaps it was this point, as noted numerous times by fans, that led Derick and Jill to the decision to work at home for the time being.

Also, there’s the reality TV filming component. Derick and Jill will be more readily available for TLC camera crews here in the U.S., certainly.

A little extra spending money never hurts, right? 


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Derick Dillard Feuds With Fan Over Religious Beliefs on Twitter

Derick Dillard just can’t seem to steer clear of conflict these days.

The 28-year-old husband of Jill Duggar has been such a burden to his in-laws’ public image lately that he’s been dubbed “the new Josh Duggar.” 

Obviously, that nickname is way over the top, as it’s not like Dillard has been involved in any sort of sex scandal, but his combative persona has resulted in rumors that TLC will cancel Counting On rather than weather the storm of another Duggar scandal.

The most damaging that controversy sparked in recent weeks arose as a result of some appalling comments that Derick directed at Jazz Jennings, a fellow TLC reality star and transgender teen.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” Derick tweeted in an angry response to TLC’s promotions for I Am Jazz.

In response to outraged fans demanding that Derick apologize to the 16-year-old girl, Derick replied, “I have nothing against him,” adding that “gender is ordained by God,” and cannot be changed by man.

The Duggars have yet to put that ugly episode behind them, and there are those who believe Derick’s actions will cost the family their reality show.

But far from taking a time out from social media, Derick seems to be tweeting more than ever these days.

And he’s become no less combative as a result of his latest PR crisis.

Taking advantage of Monday’s solar eclipse, Derick posted a seemingly innocuous tweet about his religious beliefs:

“On a day when so many will be looking to the sun, let’s not miss the Son. #SolarEclipse2017 #EclipseSolar #JesusChrist,” he wrote.

“The difference being that #SolarEclipse2017 is actually verifiable & #JesusChrist is not,” a fan tweeted in response.

“Do we need to have a history lesson on the FACT that Jesus of Nazareth was a historical figure?” an irate Dillard fired back.

Derick retweeted the non-believer’s response, and right on cue, dozens of his 123,000 followers pounced.

Obviously, there’s nothing surprising about Derick’s religious views, as he’s been quite open about his beliefs throughout his time in the spotlight.

But his decision to go nuclear in response to a rather civilly-worded dissenting view speaks volumes. 

It’s interesting that Derick replied at all, as he chose not to respond to the many high profile figures who called him out following his tweets about Jazz Jennings.

Like the rest of the Duggar clan, Derick usually doesn’t bother arguing with fans online.

The reaction seems unnecessarily hostile (an ironic attitude to assume in a debate about Jesus), and given the recent events of his public life, we can’t help but think the pressure’s beginning to get to Derick. 

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Derick Dillard: Is He the Next Josh Duggar?!

Last week, Derick Dillard sparked a tremendous amount of outrage on social media due to his baffling attack on Jazz Jennings, a fellow TLC reality star and transgender teen.

Given his unltra-conservative veiws, Derick’s condemnation of all forms of gender non-conformity is sadly not surprising.

Still, the brutal manner in which the father of two bullied a 16-year-old girl in a public forum left many appalled, including large segments of the Duggars’ fan base.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” Derick tweeted.

In response to angry replies from critics, Derick replied, “I have nothing against him,” intentionally using the incorrect pronoun to refer to Jennings, before arguing that “gender is ordained by God.”

Needless to say, execs at TLC are reportedly less than thrilled to be putting out fired surrounding yet another Duggar scandal.

For many, the situation has brought to mind that Josh Duggar sex scandals, which very nearly resulted in the destruction of the Duggar media empire.

It was only when TLC canceled 19 Kids and Counting and promised viewers that Josh would never be fearutred in the family’s second-chance series Counting On that the Duggars were able to begin the slow process of rebuilding.

A source close to production tells The Hollywood Gossip exclusively that there’s widespread fear on set that Derick’s comments will mean the end of Counting On.

“They’re probably not too long for TLC. My feeling is that they’ll probably get axed soon because of this Jazz situation,” says the insider.

“[Derick] opened up a can of worms that he never, ever, ever should’ve cracked a lid on.”

A new season of Counting On premieres on September 11, and given Derick’s contiued attacks on Jazz and the resulting outrage, many believe it will be the show’s last.

It appears, however, that network execs are currently engaged to save the show – by giving Derick the boot.

New promotional materials unveiled this morning corroborate the theory that TLC is eager to distance itself from the latest problematic Duggar.

As you can see, the ad featured Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald, alongside Jinger Duggar ad Jeremy Vuolo.

Tellingly, Derick Dillard and wife Jill Duggar are nowhere to be seen.

In past seasons, the couple’s storylines focused on their missionary work in Central America.

Now that they’re back home in Arkansas and Derick is proving to be nothing but a PR burden, it seems unlikely that they’ll be featured on the show much … if they’re seen on camera at all.

On top of the Jazz scandal, Jill and Derick have broken away from her family’s beliefs in some very public ways in recent weeks, so the Duggars are unlikely to put up much of a fight if TLC decides to kick them to the curb.

All factors considered, it sounds like the Dillards days of reality TV stardom may have come to an end.

Maybe Derick will luck out and land a job at Josh Duggar’s used car lot.

Watch Counting On online for more from TV’s most controversial family.


Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Breaking Away From Her Family"s Beliefs?!

First Jinger, now Jill.

One by one, it seems Jim Bob Duggar is losing control of his daughters to their more liberal-minded husbands.

And not surprisingly, the ultra-conservative father of 19 is less than pleased about it.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after spending the better part of the last year performing missionary work in Central America.

Jill welcomed her second child last month, and shortly thereafter, the family announced that they would not be returning to El Salvador to engage in humanitarian efforts.

(No official word on whether or not the decision was a result of uproar over the fact that Jill and Derick were never licensed missionaries.)

But that doesn’t mean Jill and Derick won’t be seeking out ways to help those who are less fortunate.

Yesterday, the Cross Church Springdale campus announced new inductees into its year-long ministry school program.

Eagle-eyed fans noticed that one of the photos on the group’s Facebook page featured Jill and Derick.

“Yesterday announced our newest members to the School of Ministry!” the group wrote on its Facebook page.

“We are so excited for this group. As a church family, we will be praying for this group as they grow and learn!”

The church describes the program Jill and Derick are enrolled in as a “one-year residential program” focusing on “Gospel advancement.”

Yes, Jill and Derick will spend much of the year living amongst their fellow domestic missionaries, worshipping and studying the Bible separately from the church’s main congregation.

It may sound a little cult-ish, but based on the group’s Facebook page, it seems Jill and Derick will actually be practicing a less-strict, more mainstream form of their religion.

“Are all of the people in this school sharing the same ‘beliefs’ as the Duggars/Dillards? I see some knees showing,” commented one FB follower, referring to the Duggars’ controversial belief that women should have their legs completely covered at all times.

“It will be good for Derek and Jill to be with people with a different brand of Christianity than the Duggars. See hems above the knee and it hasn’t become a frenzied den of evil,” commented another.

But there’s more going on here than just short (by Duggar standards) skirts.

The group takes a less fundamentalist view of Christianity than the one Jill was raised with, and many fans are wondering how Jim Bob feels about her decision to become involved with the School of Ministry.

Sure, it’s not as extreme as Jinger Duggar wearing pants, but to Jim Bob the move may represent yet another lost battle in his war to maintain control of his family.

As we reported earlier, sources close to the family say Jim Bob has been clashing with his sons-in-law over matters of religious doctrine.

And it seems he’s gradually losing his daughters to more liberal belief systems.

Unfortunately, according to his own creed, married women are under the control of their husbands, not their fathers.

So it looks like for the time being at least, JB is powerless to do anything about his daughters’ views on legwear.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: We Promise to Stop Asking Fans For Money!

Last month, Jill Duggar welcomed her second child with husband Derick Dillard.

Though they had been performing missionary work in El Salvador for the bulk of the pregnancy, the Dillards returned home for the birth, flying back to Arkansas just ahead of Jill’s third trimester.

After the birth of their first child, the Dillards returned to Central America to continue their humanitarian efforts.

It was widely assumed that they would do so a second time, but earlier this week Jill and Derick announced that they plan to remain in the States and seek ways to continue their work at home.

“Through a number of circumstances, and guided by much prayer and counsel, we are discerning the Lord leading our family’s full-time ministry back to the United States for the time being,” the Dillards wrote on their personal website.

“At this time, God has seen fit for our family to continue serving him in ministry within the context of Northwest Arkansas,” they continued.

Though their intentions seem to have been good, the Dillards time in El Salvador has been a frequent source of controversy.

For one thing, Jill and Derick are not licensed missionaries.

Both failed to complete course work required by the International Mission Board and the Southern Baptist Convention, and despite her claims to the contrary, Jill is not a certified midwife.

Their lack of church sponsorship has led the Dillards to resort to some unusual methods of funding their travels.

Jill and Derick have asked for donations from fans, which resulted in an uproar, as many on social media expressed their belief that the well-off couple should be donating portions of their considerable salaries to the poor, not soliciting cash from others.

Though the Dillards have removed the donation request links from their website, their requests have not been forgotten by fans, some of whom took the announcement that they won’t be working abroad anymore as an opportunity to ask if they’d still be begging for cash.

“Will you be soliciting money from your fans?” tweeted one follower.

“They had a good ministry going a couple of years ago called “Bumming For Gift Cards In The Name of Jesus” Guess it didn’t work out,” wrote another.

By way of an answer, the Dillards posted an addendum to their original post, reading:

“Beginning this month, we are discontinuing Dillard Family Ministries and will no longer be accepting donations through this organization.”

Yes, it seems the Dillards are very much aware of the outrage over their donation requests, and have thus taken the extra step to assure angry fans (and the IRS) that they’ll be shuttering their highly dubious non-profit organization.

In all likelihood, it was the uproar over Jill and Derick’s lack of proper licensing and solicitation of money from fans that led to their decision to remain in Arkansas.

The couple’s humanitarian work was supposed to help rebuild Jill’s family’s reputation in the months following the revelation of Josh Duggar’s sex crimes.

Unfortunately for the Duggars, like everything they do these days, it just resulted in more scandal.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Move Back Home: Is She OK?!

Big news for the Dillard family!

And luckily for them, it’s not news about consequences Derick is facing for publicly bullying a young girl … this time, anyway.

No, the big news for Jill Duggar, her awful husband, and their two adorable little boys has to do with their missionary work in Central America.

Which, apparently, is no more.

Yep, you read that right: according to a new blog straight from Jill and Derick, the family is moving back to the U.S. full-time.

“Thank you so much for your support of Dillard Family Ministries through your prayers and financial resources,” they began their announcement.

“It has been a joy and blessing to see how our Lord has worked in Central America, and your generous giving has been a huge part of making that possible!”

They go on about the work they’ve done in Central America, which includes witnessing God “transforming the lives of many involved in the gang community” and “positively influencing the lives of young people for the sake of the Kingdom.”

And then comes the bombshell:

“Through a number of circumstances, and guided by much prayer and counsel, we are discerning the Lord leading our family’s full-time ministry back to the United States for the time being.”

“We understand very well that mission work definitely requires flexibility,” they acknowledged.

But “At this time, God has seen fit for our family to continue serving him in ministry within the context of Northwest Arkansas.”

And how convenient, right?!

It’s also very interesting, especially when you consider the fact that right now, many people are seriously concerned for Jill’s health.

The issue, or at least what many people perceive to be the issue, is that after Jill gave birth to her second child, Samuel, in early July, things didn’t happen quite like they normally do for the Duggars.

See, usually when a Duggar child is born, the whole family goes wild on social media, and a national publication, typically People, has photos of the new baby within a few days.

None of that happened when Samuel was born.

For the most part, the family stayed quiet, and it took a couple of weeks for Jill to share a photo of her new baby boy on Instagram.

Which normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but it’s very, very abnormal for these people to not make a grab for any positive attention they can get.

On top of that, Jill posted suspicious Bible verses instead of photos of Samuel — verses about sacrifice that seemed a little odd, considering the circumstances.

She also wrote posts like “It’s easy to praise God when things are going great, but do we continue to count our blessings when things aren’t going like we planned?”

The popular theory is that something happened when Jill gave birth to Samuel — some claim she had health problems so severe she required a hysterectomy.

We don’t know that for sure, of course, and we won’t know unless she addresses it herself, but we do know that the rumors that all is not well with her are extremely persistent.

Could the Dillards be returning home to Arkansas because of those rumored health issues?

It’s certainly a possibility.

It’s also a possibility that enough people got tired of them hitting up their fans for money and stopped funding their mission trip that they’re forced to stay in the U.S. for now.

But whatever is going on with this family … well, like we said, it sure is interesting.


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Derick Dillard Continues to Attack Jazz Jennings on Instagram: Could This Mean the End of Counting On?

Derick Dillard is in the midst of the most high-profile Duggar family scandal since Josh Duggar’s sex crimes came to light, but it doesn’t look like he’ll be issuing an apology and retreating from public life anytime soon.

In fact, Derick appears to be doubling down on his controversial stance, much to the chagrin of the LGBT community and those who are simply of the opinion that grown men shouldn’t harass teenage girls on social media.

Last week, Dillard criticized Jazz Jennings on Twitter, earning the condemnation of many former fans, as well as his bosses at TLC, who renounced his statement.

Jennings is a 16-year-old trans girl whose story is documented on the TLC series I Am Jazz.

Last week, the network tweeted a promo for the show, and Derick bit the hand that fed him in shocking fashion, replying:

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

Sadly, many fans were less shocked by Derick’s transphobic views than by his willingness to butt heads with the brass at TLC.

The tweet resulted in another round of negative publicity that the Duggars simply can’t afford at this point, with several high profile media figures openly condemning Derick’s comment.

But while he may have been instructed to tone down the rhetoric, Derick still isn’t backing down from his original comment.

“It seems truth is relative these days. So glad my God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! His word is always perfect! #Hebrews13,” he tweeted yesterday.

The verse in Hebrews 13 that Derick appears to be referencing reads, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

However, as many have pointed out, the chapter also contains multiple verses condemning various sorts of sexual immorality.

The tweet is being widely interpreted as another shot at Jazz, and Derick has yet to correct that impression.

Many who know the Duggars best now believe the family may prove incapable of weathering yet another scandal.

“They’re probably not too long for TLC. My feeling is that they’ll probably get axed soon because of this Jazz situation,” a source close to the family tells The Hollywood Gossip exclusively.

“He opened up a can of worms that he never, ever, ever should’ve cracked a lid on.”

Only time will tell if Derick’s views wind up costing his family their reality series.

But it seems clear that he’s not a favorite in the TLC boardroom these days.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Derick Dillard Accused of Exploiting Duggars, Lying About Missionary Certification (Exclusive)

In the three years since Derick Dillard married Jill Duggar, the couple has seemed to build a life and start a family together with remarkable ease.

But now it seems that the road traveled by the Dillard family hasn’t been as smooth as we were led to believe.

If you’re a fan of all things Duggar, then you’re likely aware that Jill and Derick have spent much of their life as a married couple performing missionary work in Central America.

But while their intentions may have been honorable, the couple’s time in El Salvador has generated a fair amount of controversy, much of it having to do with the fact that Jill and Derick are not licensed missionaries.

As a result, they’re not sponsored by any church or recognized by any regulatory body, and they’ve been forced to rely on dubious means such as solicited donations from fans in order to fund their trips.

Worse, the Dillards dishonesty on the matter may be putting the health and welfare of others at stake.

Despite previous claims to the contrary, Jill is not a certified midwife, and Derick never completed the necessary certification work required by the Southern Baptist Convention or the International Missions Board.

Now, an insider who was formerly close to several members of the Duggar family exclusively tells The Hollywood Gossip that the Dillards’ deceptions are no secret within their inner circle, and many who know them best are highly suspicious of their motives.

“They go on a mission, they’re not sponsored by any church whatsoever, and they go, and they solicit money from people, they ask for donations,” our source says.

“Of course, they have money coming from Counting On, but Derick, to my knowledge, has never had a job.”

The insider goes on to say that he harbors doubts about the Dillards’ intentions, as well as with regard to who’s really funding their time in Central America:

“[Derick] is not an ordained missionary. They more or less just go over there on their own, and I’m wondering if TLC isn’t footing the bill just for coverage. Just so they have something to sell,” he adds.

“I just wonder what the reasoning for it is. Are they doing it for capital gain? Ever since I’ve learned so much about Jim Bob and how he truly is, I second guess everything.”

Our source adds that his questions about Derick’s motives in performing unlicensed missionary work have led him to wonder if the father of two is an opportunist who’s seeking to take advantage of the Duggars’ wealth and fame.

Describing Dillard as a “mooch” who seems to have no interest in full-time employment, the insider says that Derick seems to have no trouble with the perception that he’s freeloading on his in-laws 

“Derick is just hanging on to someone’s shirttails,” the tipster says.

“Disgusts me. They used to be pretty well thought of.”

Coming on the heels of yesterday’s report about Jim Bob Duggar clashing with his other sons-in-law, the news about Derick seems to indicate that internal strife within the Duggar family is more widespread than initially thought.

Currently, the Dillards are at home in Arkansas, as Jill welcomed her second child just last month.

They say they have no immediate plans to return to Central America, but have every intention of continuing to perform missionary work abroad.

The couple has yet to publicly address the controversy over their lack of proper training.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
