Showing posts with label Dwayne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dwayne. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Dwayne Johnson: No, Really, I May Run for President!

Dwayne Johnson really wants to make sure you know what he may be cooking up for his future.

Several months after rumors first circulated that the actor may run for President in 2020, Johnson spoke to GQ and confirmed that the really is considering this possibility.

Explains the magazine’s latest cover subject:

“A year ago, it started coming up more and more.

“There was a real sense of earnestness, which made me go home and think, ‘Let me really rethink my answer and make sure I am giving an answer that is truthful and also respectful.”

Johnson first broached this seemingly ridiculous topic upon being crowned Sexiest Man Alive by People last year.

“I started to really think,” he told the publication in November, adding of his mindset:

“Could I make a difference? Could I surround myself with really brilliant people to help me make decisions? Do I care about this country?

“And when the answers continued to come up yes, then I thought, there’s a good chance.”

If you’re thinking this sounds utterly preposterous, due to Johnson’s lack of political experience, consider two things:

  1. His finishing move as a WWE Superstar was named The People’s Elbow.

  2. Donald Trump is currently President.

Both Trump and Hillary Clinton asked Johnson for his endorsement last year, he says.

And while this doesn’t make him a qualified candidate on its own, it does make him realize that folks out there care about his opinion.

“I feel like I’m in a position now where my word carries a lot of weight and influence, which of course is why they want the endorsement,” Johnsol tells GQ.

“But I also have a tremendous amount of respect for the process and felt like if I did share my political views publicly, a few things would happen.”

Such as?

“I felt like it would either (a) make people unhappy with the thought of whatever my political view was. And, also, it might sway an opinion, which I didn’t want to do.”

This is why Johnson turned down all overtures for an endorsement last election.

But in light of all that’s happened in just over 100 days since Trump took office, Johnson has a lot to think about.

He’s already an expert at giving political responses.

Just consider the way he refuses to overtly slam Trump when asked for his take by GQ, simply saying instead:

“Personally, I feel that if I were president, poise would be important. Leadership would be important. Taking responsibility for everybody.

“[If I didn’t agree with someone] on something, I wouldn’t shut them out. I would actually include them.”

Based on the results of November’s election, someone with this attitude will never be elected to The White House.

There is one area in which Johnson is happy to speak out, however.

He wants everyone to know what he thinks about the administration’s Muslin ban, and that is this:

“I completely disagree with it. I believe in our national security to the core, but I don’t believe in a ‘ban’ that bans immigrants. I believe in inclusion.

“Our country was built on that, and it continues to be made strong by that.”

Not a bad starting point for a Presidential platform, huh?

Would you vote Dwayne Johnson for President of the United States?


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dwayne Johnson: Trashing Vin Diesel Made Fast 8 More Popular!

Dwayne Johnson is not a fan of Vin Diesel.

That much was confirmed earlier this year in an explosive rant about his Fast 8 costar

Now, Dwayne has opened up about his rant to the Los Angeles Times and what it meant for the hit movie franchise. 

“I was very clear with what I said. I’ve been in the game a long time,” Johnson said. 

“Would Universal [Pictures] have preferred that didn’t happen? Sure, we talked about it. The irony is after that and as they do their tracking and all their analysis, the interest [in ‘Fast 8’] shot through the roof to a whole other level.”

Universal Pictures will no doubt be ecstatic if the feud resulted in more ticket sales for the movie. The series is already a huge hit worldwide, so it would be hard to imagine the feud ever putting the brakes on the franchise. 

Dwayne’s Instagram post certainly got everyone talking as they tried to figure out whether it was really about Vin and also whether Johnson’s account had been hacked. 

Have a look at the full post below:

Dwayne Johnson Rips Fast 8 Male Co-Stars

The most interesting part has got to be the part in which he ripped Vin to shreds. 

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses. When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling — you’re right.”

Dwayne’s main issue with Vin was that Vin was a producer and apparently made decisions that didn’t make the former wrestling champ happy. 

Being a producer no doubt gave Vin more power on set, so it sure sounds like Vin wanted to get under the former wrestler’s skin. 

When you have two strong personalities on a set, there’s always going to be some conflicting opinions. 

However, we don’t really like Vin Diesel’s chances if there was ever a fight between him and Dwayne Johnson. 

Vin was probably bawling his eyes out when it was revealed that Johnson was the highest paid actor of 2016. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dwayne Johnson Stop Talking Trash to Totally Melt Our Heart

Dwayne Johnson may or may not be feuding for real with Vin Diesel.

But he is absolutely the most adorable famous father on the face of the Earth.

The action star first melted our hearts into a billion pieces back in April when he wished his young daughter a happy birthday.

“Happy 4 month birthday Jasmine! One day you’ll know just how happy, proud, lucky and blessed you, your sister and your mama make me,” Johnson wrote at the time, adding:

“You’ll also thank me one day for your toughness and your mama’s everything else.”

We know, right? AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

Johnson, already the father of a teenage girl named Simone, welcomed his first child with Lauren Hashian in January.

And now he’s gone ahead once again and proven that he’s really just a giant softie at heart.

Consider the following Instagram video:

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

“Finally, my big head is used for more than just a place to hang my hat,” Johnson wrote in a caption to the footage.

“The joys of being home w/ my ohana and playin’ one of our fav games – slap daddy’s head ‘til I can see his big scary face.”

He went on to explain the basis of the song playing in the background.

“Song playing in the background is “O Tiare” (Justin Young). A song I started singing to her every day since she was one week old.

“Samoan lyrics are beautiful, “Ia alofa le Atua, ma tausi ia te ‘oe…” which translates to “may God take loving care of you”. When Jasmine learns to talk, I’m sure she’ll ask me to please stop singing.

“I must now go do something very manly and bad ass to counterbalance this post.”

Like pose for this absurd selfie in the gym maybe?

Prior to this smile-inducing message and video, Johnson had been making headlines for a couple weeks due to his alleged feud with Vin Diesel.

It started when Johnson called out a male Fast 8 cast member as a “Candy Ass” and continued when multiple sources confirmed this cast member to be Diesel.

Insiders on set have said that Diesel acted like a spoiled bully on set, showing up late to work and bossing around other actors.

They said the opposite about Johnson, showering him with praise regarding his professionalism and overall attitude.

Diesel has remained mostly mum on the feud, though he did sort of say something nice about Johnson in a recent Facebook Live chat.

While talk over this rivalry has dominated all chatter surrounding Fast 8 for about a month now, a new report suggests that it’s all a lie.

This report claims that Johnson and Diesel are faking their beef in order to set up a match at Wrestlemania in the spring of 2017.

That would be sort of awesome if it proves to be true, although we have our doubts.

Considering neither Johnson nor Diesel has even uttered the other’s name in a public forum, this would be the quietest, most subtle fake feud of all-time.

But whatever. That isn’t even the point here.

The point here is that Dwayne Johnson is awesome.

The video above is proof and so is this related photo gallery.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dwayne Johnson-Vin Diesel Feud: Exposed as WWE Stunt?!

Earlier this month, Dwayne Johnson threw shade at one of his Fast 8 castmates without mentioning the person by name.

It was later revealed that the “candyass” the Rock was referring to was none other than franchise OG Vin Diesel.

For a while, it looked like a full-blow Johnson vs. Diesel feud was in effect.

Now, however, one insider is claiming that the whole thing is just a stunt that will parlay into a WWE match between the two actors, which will in turn serve as a promotional gimmick for Fast 8.

“They are playing a huge prank, and it’s all for publicity,” a source tells Life & Style magazine.

“The Rock convinced Vin to amp up the drama between them so they could turn it into a WWE match to help promote the April 2017 release of Fast 8.”

In a way, it makes perfect sense.

After all, Johnson got his start in wrestling, and the social media rant in which he called Diesel out was pretty out of character for the affable entertainer:

“My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em,” Johnson wrote.

“My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. 

“The ones that don’t are too chicken shit to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.

“Bottom line is it’ll play great for the movie and fits this Hobbs character that’s embedded in my DNA extremely well. The producer in me is happy about this part.”

In another sense, however, the revelation that Johnson and Diesel are faking the whole thing raises more questions than it answers.

Aren’t these two playing it kind of subtle if the goal is to drum up publicity?

We’d expect something a bit more over-the-top.

And why is Diesel saying nice things about Johnson in interviews if the two of them are pretending to have beef?

Johnson’s rant contained some strong words, but in the weeks since he posted it, he’s been acting like he’d more or less like to just move on from the situation.

And this is not a guy who has a problem pretending to be pissed off.

If the two of them square off in a ring right before the release of their film, we’ll eat our words.

But for now, we’re maintaining that the bad blood is genuine.

And we’re very much looking forward to seeing Diesel and the Rock share some tense screentime together in April.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Vin Diesel Says Something Nice About Dwayne Johnson

Vin Diesel just brought up Dwayne Johnson on social media.

Did he totally dismantle the actor? Did he hurl an endless amount of shade at Johnson? Did he fight back against accusations Johnson has made against him in public?

No, no and no.

On Friday, Diesel took part in a lengthy Facebook Live session, answering questions from fans for about a half hour.

He did so amidst allegations that he acted like a spoiled, rotten jerk while shooting Fast 8, the latest installment in this beloved movie franchise, which wrapped production last week.

Those allegations stemmed from an epic Instagram tirade shared by Johnson, who did not call out Diesel by name.

But The Rock did blast a male co-star for acting like an unprofessional “candy ass” while filming.

Since that original post, multiple sources (TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, etc.) have confirmed that Johnson was taking issue with Diesel.

These sources allege that Diesel would show up late for work, berate other Fast 8 stars and act like a general ass throughout shooting.

Later on, Johnson filmed a video with members of the crew, thanking for their hard work… and also personally thanked nearly every co-star.

With the exception of Diesel.

Diesel has remained almost entirely silent while his name and reputation have been dragged through the mud.

At one point, Diesel shared a quick video online in which he mentioned the movie and made a very general statement about his feud with Johnson.

“So much has gone on this year. I can’t believe I wrapped two back to back pictures I both starred in and produced,” he said, adding:

“Give me a second and I will tell you everything. Everything.”

This footage went live about two weeks ago and Diesel has yet to spill a detail.

A video posted by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) on

So, how did Johnson come up during Diesel’s Facebook Live chat?

Asked about casting decisions and changed, the veteran star told fans the following:

“The reason we brought Dwayne Johnson into Fast 5 was because of you!.

“There was a girl named Jan Kelly who said, ‘I would love to see you work together on screen.’

“So the role that was originally written for Tommy Lee Jones, we gave it to Dwayne and he shined in it.”

That’s about it. But it’s something positive, right?

Diesel went on praise some of Fast’s newest stars, including legendary British actress Helen Mirren, who many can’t believe has a role in this sort of movie.

“One of the best scenes I had in Fast 8 was working with Helen Mirren. It was so surreal. She’s such a wonderful, wonderful talent.

“It was such a blessing,” he said.

You can watch the entire Facebook Live video here:

Is Diesel taking the high road here in saying something nice about Johnson?

Or does he not have anything else to say because most insiders have agreed with Johnson’s assessment:

They say he was nothing but professional and generous on set, while Diesel did act like a pretty big douchebag.

There’s a good chance that more will come out about this rivalry in the weeks and months ahead.

Remember: Fast 8 doesn’t hit theaters until April. There’s still a full press tour for Johnson, Diesel and company to embark on.

We’ll be watching it very closely.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Dwayne Johnson: How Did He Diss Vin Diesel Now?

Dwayne Johnson just wrapped filming on Fast 8.

Soon afterward, he took to Instagram and showed cast and crew members from the movie with praise and gratitude.

Well, MOST cast and crew members, that is.

“Finished strong and on to the next. That’s an officially wrap on #FastAndFurious8. Thank you to our director @fgarygray for the vision and execution,” Johnson wrote as a caption to the image above.

Fair enough, right?

It’s also a good thing and a nice thing to thank one’s director.

But then Johnson continued as follows:

“Thank you to all my fellow co-stars for the daily effort and grind. Scott Eastwood you handsome sumbitch! Natalie Emmanuel I have a cold Budweiser ready for you and Tyrese Gibson you still have the biggest smile and forehead I’ve ever seen.”

This is how Johnson concluded his message:

“And a huge THANK YOU to our hard working production crew – the backbone of our business. Your kind words meant a lot to me last night – thank you!

“In the end, we all rallied, as great teams do, kicked ass and will deliver an amazing movie to the world. Proud of our entire FAST FAMILY.”

That’s a very kind sentiment, except there’s clearly someone in the Fast Family who Johnson failed to mention:

Vin Diesel.

We somehow doubt this was an accidental oversight.

A couple weeks ago, Johnson went on a social media tirade against an unnamed male co-star who he seemed “unprofessional” and called, quite simply, a “candy ass.”

He wrote:

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.”

It didn’t take long for sources to confirm that his beef was with Diesel.

Insiders told TMZ that Diesel let the power of being a producer go to his head.

He allegedly acted like a giant dick on set, berating other actors, showing up late and generally acting like a jerk.

Should Johnson receive some flak for not calling Diesel out by name in his Instagram rant? Perhaps.

But most crew members say Johnson was a true, hard-working, generous professional on set. They say Diesel was the opposite.

How has Diesel responded to this feud?

By briefly acknowledging its existence and by saying he’ll soon tell everyone absolutely everything.

He’s yet to actually do this.

Tyrese, meanwhile, has come out and said nice things about both Johnson and Diesel, trying hard not to take sides.

No other co-star has commented on the bad blood.

The first Fast 8 trailer is due in December and the movie will hit theaters in April.

It will be interesting to see who is sent out on the press tour and what they say, won’t it?

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Vin Diesel Teases Response to Dwayne Johnson: I"ll Tell You EVERYthing...

Vin Diesel has spoken out for the first time since Dwayne Johnson basically called him out on Instagram.

A surprising brouhaha has erupted between Diesel and Johnson after the latter shared a scathing post on social media this week.

In a lengthy rant, Johnson made it clear he had some issues with at least one male co-star on the set of Fast 8.

“This is my final week of shooting Fast & Furious 8,” Johnso wrote.

“There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. Universal Studios Entertainment has been great partners as well. My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em.”

Okay, great. All is good then, right?


“My male co-stars however are a different story,” the action star added.

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.”

Whoa there! Shots fired!

At whom?

At Vin Diesel, it appears, with TMZ writing in detail about the problems Johnson had with Diesel throughout the filming of the latest installment in this beloved franchise.

And a follow-up report claims Johnson wasn’t alone.

Diesel reportedly would show up late to the set… insult other stars… and generally act like disrespectful jackass while filming.

Conversely, this same report had nothing but positive things to say about Johnson.

According to Fast 8 crew members, he was friendly, easy to work with and pretty much everything you’d expect from the popular star.

So… where does Diesel stand on all of this?

We’ll soon find out.

On Wednesday night, Diesel addressed this feud for the first time, pretty clearly admitting he’s the one beefing with Johnson.

But not saying much else. Yet.

“So much has gone on this year. I can’t believe I wrapped two back to back pictures I both starred in and produced,” the 49-year-old action star captioned the following Instagram video on Wednesday night.

“Now I get to return to my family, my life… To me.”

A video posted by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) on

Diesel never directly addressed Johnson’s comments.

Instead, discussed being home with his daughter, Pauline, who was named after the late Fast and Furious actor, Paul Walker.

“After being on set since literally Christmas to finally, finally, finally to come home,” he says above.

“And to learn the little angel learned a new word. I’m going to have to share it with you, it’s more important than anything. When I heard her say ‘happy,’ I just lit up in ways I can’t even describe.”

Diesel then paused before adding:

“So give me a second and I will tell you everything. Everything.”

Consider us on the edge of our seats, Vin. We’ll be right here, awaiting your next response to this saga.



Dwayne Johnson on Fast 8 Cast: We"re Family, But…

Dwayne Johnson has once again spoken out on the cast of Fast 8.

But he didn’t drop the smackdown on any of them this time around.

Earlier this week, Johnson stirred some controversy for practically the first time in his career, calling out an anonymous male co-star for that actor’s behavior on set.

In an epic Instagram rant, Johnson WENT OFF on this individual, stating that he is a “candy ass” who is not a true professional or a “stand up” person.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right,” Johnson wrote.

The post took many fans by surprise.

Johnson, after all, is known as a jovial guy. When was the last time he was involved in any kind of scandal?

Moreover, ever since the tragic death of Paul Walker, the Fast & Furious cast has taken pride is being a close-knit community.

In the wake of Johnson’s rant, sources told TMZ that his wrath has been aimed at Vin Diesel for awhile.

Diesel, who serves as a producer on Fast 8, reportedly shows up late for work and does not treat many on set with respect.

Conversely, according to a TMZ update, Johnson is kind, friendly, hard-working and gracious to all around him.

These latter points appear to be backed up by a new video on Johnson’s Instagram account.

Check it out here:

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

Along with the fun he is having with Fast 8 crew members above, Johnson wrote a lengthy caption to this footage.

It acknowledges the issues he had while filming.

“You guys reading this know how much I believe in the idea of TEAM EFFORT,” the action star said.

“That means respecting every person, their time and their value when they step on to my set or partner with our production company.”

There’s a solid, subtle dig at Diesel, huh?

“And like with any team – that’s a family – there’s gonna be conflict,” he added.

“Family is gonna have differences of opinion and fundamental core beliefs. To me, conflict can be a good thing, when its followed by great resolution. I was raised on healthy conflict and welcome it.

“And like any family, we get better from it.”

Concluded Johnson:

“At the end of the day me and #F8 co-stars all agree on the most important thing: Delivering an incredible movie to the world. #Fast8 #IcemanCometh #FamilyGrowth.”

It’s hard not to take Johnson’s side in this, right?

The guy is simply beloved around Hollywood and around the country.

He appears to be very well-liked by the crew members above.

Diesel, conversely, allegedly left the set of this movie as soon as his filming was finished. He got the heck out of there.

He is yet to address the feud in public.

Should Johnson have done so? Maybe not. It may not have been the most professional decision.

But we’ve all been frustrated at work, right? We’ve all felt a need to vent.

That’s what Johnson did here; he just happens to have millions of followers to whom he can vent.

We smell what the star is cooking and we remain anxious to share it with him at a table someday.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tyrese Gibson on Dwayne Johnson: That"s My Brother!

Tyrese Gibson has many things to say when it comes to Dwayne Johnson.

The actor took to Instagram this morning in order to respond to Johnson’s surprising social media post from earlier in the week, the one in which Johnson SLAMMED anonymous Fast 8 co-stars.

Indeed, the typically upbeat and beloved Johnson had some very choice words for at least one unnamed colleague.

“This is my final week of shooting Fast & Furious 8,” he wrote, adding:

“There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. Universal Studios Entertainment has been great partners as well.

“My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em.”

Sounds great, right? But keep reading…

“My male co-stars however are a different story,” he continued.

Without naming names, Johnson added:

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.”

The Internet, of course, is now wondering to whom Johnson is referring, though one report claims he has butted heads throughout production with Vin Diesel.

Gibson, meanwhile, wants to make a few things clear:

  • He and Johnson are totally cool.

  • What Johnson did was not totally cool.

  • He was definitely not the person with whom Johnson clashed.

In a since-deleted video, Gibson shared footage today of Johnson singing to his daughter, writing a long caption that opened as follows:

“Why are you guys so impressionable? A man wouldn’t be singing from his heart and soul to another mans little angel if he had a problem with her dad.”

Here is a screen capture from that video:

While Tyrese obviously wanted to make sure everyone knew Johnson had no beef with him, he also wanted to state that he has a slight beef with Johnson over the way this was handled.

Be warned: somewhat indecipherable Tyrese rant is on the way:

“Does any of us know why bro decided to jump out there with his post? No…… Would one assume that IF he’s going to jump out there and generalize and say ‘Male Co-Stars’ he would be more clear and call out names???

“Of course he should of.

“Let me calm you guys all the way down…….. I don’t know WHO he has a problem [with] and I don’t have any details of WHAT those problems are – as a matter of fact if I DID know I would tell you s**t!!”

TMZ has reported that the problem was with Diesel and that Johnson and Diesel sat down on Tuesday to talk about it.

What makes this feud stand out is that cast members of the Fast & Furious franchise are especially close.

They have been ever since Paul Walker died in November of 2013.

“I’m personally not doing this for anyone but my brother Paul Walker,” Gibson shared.

“This franchise is not about and has #Never been about anyone of us individually it’s about the #FASTFAMILY – the TRIBE.”

In conclusion, Tyrese reiterate that he and Johnson are tight. They’re like family.

He also gushed over Dwayne Johnson as a human being, writing:

“DJ happens to be one of the most humble, down to earth and professional people I’ve ever worked with and more importantly he’s my brother we have NEVER had a problem and will never have a problem.”

Same goes for us!

We love you, Dwayne! Now and forever!

Dwayne Johnson: Fast & Furious Foe REVEALED!

We’ve thought long and hard about it, and we’ve come to the following conclusion:

There is no place on the planet we’d want to be less than on Dwayne Johnson’s bad side.

We don’t need to explain why, do we?

You have seen the following Dwayne Johnson picture, haven’t you?

The former wrestler and current action star could crush our skulls with, like, one quarter of his thigh muscle if he so desired.

And yet, despite the menacing presence of Johnson on set, there’s a member of the Fast & Furious franchise who has earned his wrath.

The typically jovial and controversy-free actor voiced his frustration with this nameless individual during a surprising Instagram rant this week.

Writing of his experience on Fast 8, which wraps up filming next week, Johnson said his “female co-stars are always amazing” and that he loves them.

But the men? Well…

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t,” he wrote.

“The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses. When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.”

Along with this angry message, Johnson included footage of himself in a Fast & Furious movie, hurling some poor dude against the wall:

Dwayne Johnson Rips Fast 8 Male Co-Stars

To whom is Johnson aiming his anger?

Vin Diesel, according to TMZ.

The site claims that Johnson often clashed with Diesel the production, partly because the latter is a producer and “made decisions that didn’t sit well with the former wrestling champ.”

The stars had a face-to-face on Tuesday in Atlanta because tensions were clearly running high, making it almost impossible to shoot scenes.

It’s unclear if anything truly got resolved, but most cast members are pretty peeved at Johnson for taking his issues public.

It’s very unlike him, that’s for sure.

Johnson is one of the most-liked people in Hollywood.

However, an insider tells E! News that shooting the latest installment of this beloved franchise “wasn’t easy for anyone,” but it was “especially” hard on Johnson.

According to this source, the set just “didn’t feel exactly the same” this time around.

And while Johnson “is the best guy on the planet to work with,” he’s “also a very emotional guy” and “likes things to go as he sees fit [while] also being fair.”

Yes, E! goes on to write, things became “heated” between Johnson and some colleagues at times, but “all is cool now.”

Overall, Johnson “is excited for this movie to come out,” concludes an insider, “but [he’s] also ready to take a break and have it be over.”

We get that.

He has to go be awesome someplace else.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Dwayne Johnson Hits Out at Fast 8 Co-Stars in Epic Rant!

Dwayne Johnson is not someone to be messed with. 

The star has always been one to speak his mind when the opportunity arises.

If you thought the cast of Fast 8 got on swimmingly, it’s now clearer than ever that they most certainly do not

Johnson took to both Instagram and Facebook to hit out at some of his male co-stars in a surprising rant. 

“This is my final week of shooting Fast & Furious 8. There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. Universal Studios Entertainment has been great partners as well. My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em.”

That sounds pretty nice. Right?!

It’s the next part of the post that had alarm bells ringing. 

“My male co-stars however are a different story,” he went on.

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses. When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling — you’re right.”

Okay then. 

“Bottom line is it’ll play great for the movie and fits this Hobbs character that’s embedded in my DNA extremely well. The producer in me is happy about this part. Final week on FAST 8 and I will finish strong. #IcemanCometh #F8 #ZeroToleranceForCandyAsses.”

It’s unclear exactly which of his male co-stars he is referring to, but the post is really surprising. 

Throughout production on the previous movies, the cast and crew seemed like a close-knit family.

Dwayne Johnson Rips Fast 8 Male Co-Stars

What could have changed this time round?

This is the first movie in the franchise without Paul Walker in it. 

Walker was killed in a freak car accident while production on Furious 7 was underway. 

Of the new additions to the cast this time round, Scott Eastwood is probably the most notable. 

Could this be about him?

We’ll probably never know the answer, but it’ll be interesting to watch the movie to witness just how annoyed Johnson was during production. 

If his acting is really that off in some of the scenes, there’s a good chance they won’t make the final cut. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Dwayne Johnson Pays Tribute to Fan Who Died of Cancer

Dwayne Johnson has given us yet another reason to fall totally and completely in love with him.

Although we wish this reason never had to be.

The action star took to Instagram on Tuesday in order to pay tribute to Gabriel “Tater” Singleton, a seven-year old fan of Johnson’s who had bravely been battling cancer.

Sadly, Singleton recently lost this battle.

“Many of you know the story of strong lil’ Tater who’s wish it was to meet me,” the actor began his message.

Because Johnson had invited Singleton to the set of Johnson’s latest movie, a big screen version of the TV show Baywatch, many followers out there were familiar with his story.

Johnson continued:

“We go thru life and work hard, enjoy some successes, learn from our mistakes, provide for and protect our families – as a man there’s some things I’m 100% certain of. Those are things I/we can control.

“Then there’s some things, as much as it pains me, we just can’t.”

Johnson went on to question why such terrible things sometimes happen to such great people.

“I don’t know why this lil’ 7yr old boy was chosen to battle cancer. Fighting it hard core daily. Was it so his fight could inspire everyone around him?

“Was it ensure we would wake up everyday with a greater gratitude for life and hug our loved ones that much stronger?

“I believe everything happens for a reason – but sometimes it requires us to have faith to look deeper to know what they are.”

How very true.

After informing fans that “a few days ago, Lil’ Tater passed on, earned his angel wings and is no longer in pain,” Johnson concluded as follows:

Our strength and love go out to Tater’s mom, dad and sisters whom I had the privilege of spending time with on our set of Baywatch…

We can’t control what’s around the corner, but we can ALWAYS control our effort and how we choose to LIVE and LOVE in this unpredictable, crazy and amazing thing we call life.

After writing this post I’m counting my blessings and motivated to be productive today and run thru a wall like a maniac.

Which would DEFINITELY make Tater laugh.

Well, you just made us cry, Dwayne. But for all the right reasons.

Earlier this year, Johnson stopped production on Baywatch to meet with another special young fan.

The stories of these children are heartbreaking.

But it helps to know there’s someone like Dwayne Johnson out there to make them feel better.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Dwayne Johnson Eats Candy For the First Time in 27 Years! WATCH!

You may not be able to smell what The Rock is cooking in the following clip, but many of us have tasted what he"s eating.

As you might already know, Dwayne Johnson"s diet is the stuff of Internet legend.

The man basically lives on a diet of cod, baked chicken and artfully cocked eyebrows.

Obviously, that doesn"t leave a lot of room for empty calories, such as – well, most of the crap the rest of slobs eat.

But hey, maintaining the physique of a Greek god at 44 while still making time to save drowning puppies isn"t easy.

Not surprisingly, Johnson has had to make some serious sacrifices over the years.

And it seems one of the first things to get 86"ed from his diet when he decided to become the closest thing to flawless that mankind has ever achieved was candy.

We don"t mean Dwayne only indulges in candy on cheat days, or even on holidays.

We mean the man flat-out eats no sugary treats at all.

In fact, during his appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night, Johnson confirmed the rumor that he hasn"t eaten candy in 27 years.

That streak came to an end last night when Fallon offered Johnson a wide array of ways to fall off the wagon.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Johnson chose Pop Rocks.

And he was not disappointed.

“So that’s what candy tastes like,” Johnson said. “It’s amazing.”

Amazing, indeed.

Watch the hilarious clip below:

Dwayne johnson eats candy for the first time in 27 years watch

Monday, May 2, 2016

Dwayne Johnson Birthday Tribute: That Smile! That Daughter! Those Biceps!

One of the most popular celebrities in Hollywood celebrates a birthday today.

Can you smell what Dwayne Johnson is cooking, people?!?

The man who rose to stardom as The Rock in the WWE has done more than stack up one pancake after another on his plate every morning.

(Seriously, how awesome is that photo above?!?)

He’s also stacked up a number of hits at the box office, essentially taking over for Arnold Schwarzenegger as the most reliable action star on the planet.

But while Schwarzenegger ran California into debt as Governor and then ran his penis up his housekeeper as a really terrible husband, Johnson has done nothing of the sort.

This is a star who recently stopped production on a movie version of Baywatch for the best reason ever.

This is someone continues to win at fatherhood, as evidenced by the following video:

In case that wasn’t enough proof for you:

He’s someone who shares the cutest photos ever of him and his daughter.

And someone who is unafraid to poke a little fun at himself via a few epic throwdown images:

There’s also that physique, which seems truly chiseled from stone.

Come on, who looks like this?!?

Johnson is so awesome and so generous and so all-around cool that he once got into a car accident with a guy… and the guy responded by taking a selfie with Johnson.

In all seriousness, Johnson seems like a great guy.

We can smell what he’s cooking and it’s probably his very own birthday cake. Which he plans to handing out to homeless people.

So please join us in wishing Dwayne Johnson a happy 44th birthday. Here’s to 44 more! At least!