Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Dwayne Johnson: Fast & Furious Foe REVEALED!

We’ve thought long and hard about it, and we’ve come to the following conclusion:

There is no place on the planet we’d want to be less than on Dwayne Johnson’s bad side.

We don’t need to explain why, do we?

You have seen the following Dwayne Johnson picture, haven’t you?

The former wrestler and current action star could crush our skulls with, like, one quarter of his thigh muscle if he so desired.

And yet, despite the menacing presence of Johnson on set, there’s a member of the Fast & Furious franchise who has earned his wrath.

The typically jovial and controversy-free actor voiced his frustration with this nameless individual during a surprising Instagram rant this week.

Writing of his experience on Fast 8, which wraps up filming next week, Johnson said his “female co-stars are always amazing” and that he loves them.

But the men? Well…

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t,” he wrote.

“The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses. When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.”

Along with this angry message, Johnson included footage of himself in a Fast & Furious movie, hurling some poor dude against the wall:

Dwayne Johnson Rips Fast 8 Male Co-Stars

To whom is Johnson aiming his anger?

Vin Diesel, according to TMZ.

The site claims that Johnson often clashed with Diesel the production, partly because the latter is a producer and “made decisions that didn’t sit well with the former wrestling champ.”

The stars had a face-to-face on Tuesday in Atlanta because tensions were clearly running high, making it almost impossible to shoot scenes.

It’s unclear if anything truly got resolved, but most cast members are pretty peeved at Johnson for taking his issues public.

It’s very unlike him, that’s for sure.

Johnson is one of the most-liked people in Hollywood.

However, an insider tells E! News that shooting the latest installment of this beloved franchise “wasn’t easy for anyone,” but it was “especially” hard on Johnson.

According to this source, the set just “didn’t feel exactly the same” this time around.

And while Johnson “is the best guy on the planet to work with,” he’s “also a very emotional guy” and “likes things to go as he sees fit [while] also being fair.”

Yes, E! goes on to write, things became “heated” between Johnson and some colleagues at times, but “all is cool now.”

Overall, Johnson “is excited for this movie to come out,” concludes an insider, “but [he’s] also ready to take a break and have it be over.”

We get that.

He has to go be awesome someplace else.