Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Teresa Giudice Doesn"t Care Joe"s Getting Deported, Says "RHONJ" Star Kim D

Teresa Giudice is a cold-hearted, good-for-nothing mom who’d rather party like a rock star than sweat about her husband Joe’s pending deportation to Italy … so claims her cast mate Kim DePaola. The ‘RHONJ’ star ripped into Teresa when…


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Teresa Giudice Plans Legal Action Against Chief Keef Over Cover Art Mansion Photo

Teresa Giudice claims Chief Keef plastered the inside of her mansion on the cover of his mixtape without getting permission … so she’s gunning to sue. James Leonard Jr. — an attorney for the ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ star — tells…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Teresa Giudice: Mom-Shamed Over THIS Photo of Daughters!

The internet loves few things more than trolling women, getting a reaction from celebrities, and mom-shaming.

Teresa Giudice just bore the brunt of all three. And it wasn’t for another bad comment about immigrants.

She shared a sweet photo of three of her daughters spending some sisterly bonding time, and is getting mom-shamed left and right. Why?

Teresa Giudice and her family have been vacationing in the Bahamas.

(Yes, we know that a lot of students went back to school this week, but not every school in the U.S. runs on the same schedule)

The The Real Housewives of New Jersey star has also shared photos of her daughters — they’re growing up so quickly!

Unfortunately, when Teresa shared the photo below, a lot of so-called fans decided to call her out and bombard he with mom-shaming comments.

These trolls seemed to hate everything — from the girls’ makeup to their outfits.

(From left to right, that’s Audriana, Gia, and Milania)

Mom-shamers decided that it was an outrage that these sisters on vacation put on makeup before having their photos taken.

“Are you f–king kidding me with the makeup?” one foul-mouthed mom-shamer demanded.

Makeup is normal for all ages, but apparently 9-year-old Audriana’s makeup is scandalous to these folks. There are younger makeup gurus on YouTube.

“Beautiful girls,” another began. “But no need for makeup.”

If you want to talk about the makeup industry or animal testing or whatever, that’s fine. Girls putting on makeup is harmless unless they’re allergic or something.

Other trolls fixated on the fact that the girls were dressed for August in the Bahamas instead of for, like, winter in a convent in Vermont.

“Wow….bra showing…wtf….” one ridiculous person lamented. “These girls are going to turn into pure trash if this continues.”

Gia is just months away from turning 18, and none of these girls are “exposing” anything — except for the twisted thoughts of some of Teresa’s followers.

“No need for… an un-buttoned shirt,” another insisted, again targeting Gia. “That’s not age-appropriate!”

Gia is 17. That outfit, which again reveals nothing, is about as age-appropriate as it gets.

(Teresa shared this photo last week, and yes, before you ask, she was also condemned because her daughters are wearing normal bikinis instead of one-pieces … or a nun’s habit)

“Where is the parental control here!!” one irate commenter demanded. Some people panic if they see other humans living their lives harmlessly.

Anothe remarked that it is “scary that these girls are dressed like grown adult women.”

Those girls are really dressed like teenagers. (No shade, but Audriana’s makeup looks exactly like a 9-year-old’s)

“I’m 32 years old,” another commenter whined. “Sorry I think a showing bralette, crop top, and ripped skinny skinny jeans is completely inappropriate for a 17 year old.”

We love that this person thinks that jeans are somehow scandalous because they show Gia’s knees.

Fortunately, not every commenter belongs in a dumpster.

“I think her daughters look pretty and they wear their make up well,” one defender wrote. “They have not went Kardashian yet.”

“I don’t see what the problem is, she looks beautiful,” another says. “I wouldn’t let the negative press ruin your day.”

Teresa is probably accustomed to it. We just hope that her daughters don’t see grown-ass adults shaming their mom for letting them act their ages.

Another defender asks a very good rhetorical question: “What little girl does not like makeup?”

The defenses kept pouring in.

“The girls are adorable,” a commenter writes. “Quit throwing shade! I’m sure the girls love putting make up on each other. That’s what sisters do!”

Another shamed the shamers right back, saying: “Any adult with sense knows not to say negative comments about children.”

There are plenty of truly awful parents who do real harm to their children that will last for a lifetime. Some of those parents are even reality stars.

It’s just a shame that these shamers waste their ire on makeup and a neckline.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Teresa Giudice: My Husband Is Getting Deported & I"m Getting Rich!

Things just keep getting worse for the Giudice clan.

First, Teresa Giudice went to prison and served nearly a full year on tax fraud charges.

After she was released, it was her husband"s turn.

Joe Giudice is currently behind bars, as a judge allowed the Giudices to serve their sentences back-to-back for the sake of their kids.

No word yet on when he"ll be released, but it"s looking more and more like Joe — who is not a US citizen — will never again be a free man on American soil.

And now, it looks as though his wife is getting rich off the situation …

1. Happier Times

Teresa giudice and hubby

The Giudices never seemed like a particularly happy couple, but the past few years have brought them to depths they never could’ve imagined previously.

2. Dark Days

Teresa joe giudice

The Giudices were both found guilty of felony tax fraud and sentenced to prison time in 2013. Teresa served 11 months of her 15-month sentence in 2015. Joe is currently doing 4 years behind bars.

3. Jail For Juicy Joe

Joe giudice on the phone

The lengthy prison sentence might be a nightmare come true for Joe, but believe it or not, his situation may soon deteriorate even further.

4. Booted Back to the Boot

Teresa and joe giudice instagram

Joe was born in Italy and he never bothered to become an American citizen. Now that he’s a convicted felon, he’ll likely be sent back to his home country.

5. High Drama

Teresa giudice kisses husband

On the upside, the Giudices’ sad story has revived interest in the long-running Real Housewives of New Jersey, and everyone is cashing in. Well, everyone except Joe …

6. Crying All the Way to the Bank

Teresa giudice episode still

According to Radar Online, Teresa has accepted a six-figure deal to allow Bravo to film a special centering around Joe’s looming deportation.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Joe Giudice: In Denial About Being Deported?!

As we reported earlier this week, there’s a very good chance that Real Housewives of New Jersey star Joe Giudice will be deported after he’s released from prison.

In fact, it’s looking more and more like a foregone conclusion.

Pretty much everyone has accepted the fact that Juicy Joe will likely be shipped back to Italy as soon as he’s finished serving his four-year prison sentence.

Everyone, that is, except for Joe himself.

Yes, as you probably already know, Giudice is currently behind bars on felony fraud and tax evasion charges.

Since he never bothered to become a US citizen after emigrating here, Joe is likely to be booted back to the Boot after he’s through during his time

Unlike the imaginary brown boogeymen certain politicians want you to live in fear of, Joe actually moved to the US and promptly went about the business of committing felonies.

Governments generally aren’t fond of that sort of behavior, which is why Joe will likely be handed a one-way ticket to Florence the day he leaves prison. 

According to Radar Online, Joe is already “in deportation proceedings,” despite that fact that he’s still in custody.

“ICE has lodged a detainer, and he is in removal proceedings,” a source tells the site.

Apparently, this will all come as quite a shock to Joe, who’s convinced he’ll be heading back to Jersey after his release:

“Joe is convinced that he is not getting deported,” says a different insider.

“He just says that it isn’t going to happen.”

The source adds:

“Either he is in denial or he knows something that no one else does, but he does not believe it will happen.”

Yeah, we’re gonna go with the former option on that one.

Hilariously, it seems ICE is so eager to send Joe back to the land of popes and pasta that they might not even wait until he completes his sentence.

“If he is ordered deported while in custody, he will be removed from the U.S.,” says the insider.

Of course, the big question now is — if Joe gets deported, will Teresa Giudice go with him?

Teresa has been pretty non-committal in her responses to that particular query, so the safe bet is that she’ll be staying put in the U.S. of A.

“I mean, Italy’s a beautiful place to live,” she said in a recent interview.

“I wouldn’t mind, you know, I’m just saying. Listen, whatever God has planned for me, that’s what’s going to happen. I will embrace it the best I can.”

Yeah, those aren’t the words of a woman who’s eager to uproot her life and move across an ocean.

Teresa has four young daughters; she makes a lucrative living in the US that she can’t make anywhere else; and she needs the money more than ever thanks to her multi-million dollar debt to the government.

In other words, Joe might want to get ready to arrivederci to his long-suffering wife.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Joe Giudice: Yup, He"s Getting Deported!

The United States immigration debate is about to hit home for Teresa Giudice.


Meaning what, exactly? Scroll down to find out…

As has been previously detailed on The Hollywood Gossip, Joe Giudice is currently in jail.

He’s serving a lengthy prison sentence for his role in a bankruptcy fraud scam that previously landed wife Teresa behind bars.

But while the controversial Real Housewives of New Jersey was set free after just about a year in the slammer, and immediately given a new contract by Bravo to star once again in this franchise…

… her law-breaking husband will apparently not enjoy such perks upon his eventual release.

Indeed, a few months after we wrote about how Teresa is concerned that Joe will soon be deported from the country, a Radar Online report confirms this is the exact plan.

And its source is none other than the United States government.

You see, Joe (real name: Giuseppe) is not an American citizen. He’s Italian.

Having defied the laws that govern the country in which he’s been a guest, Giudice is “in deportation proceedings while he’s in custody,” an ICE spokesperson told Radar, adding of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement department:

“ICE has lodged a detainer, and he is in removal proceedings.”

Joe is scheduled to be released in March of 2019.

He and his wife pleaded guilty in 2016 to charges that they attempt to defraud the government by lying about their assets, shortly after they claimed they were officially broke.

The spokesman in this case says Joe may actually serve the remainder of his sentence abroad.

“If he is ordered deported while in custody, he will be removed from the U.S.,” the spokesperson continued.

Earlier this year, Teresa said she “wouldn’t mind” moving to Italy if her husband gets deported. There certainly are worse places to live, after all.

“I mean, Italy’s a beautiful place to live,” Teresa said on last season’s Real Housewives reunion, adding on stage:

“I wouldn’t mind, you know, I’m just saying. Listen, whatever God has planned for me, that’s what’s going to happen. I will embrace it the best I can.”

Let’s face it, though: This ain’t gonna happen.

Giudice makes a living in the U.S. her reality show contract and various appearances; we can’t fathom she leaves that behind.

We especially can’t fathom she does so for a man who has been accused of cheating on her.

There have been plenty of rumors that the Giudices are going to divorce because Joe wasn’t loyal to Teresa.

Joe and Teresa have often put on a brave public face, but there has been chatter for years that there’s trouble at home.

Therefore, with one half of this couple perhaps being thrown out of the country entirely, it wouldn’t surprise us one bit of the other half used that as an opportunity to split from him once and for all.

Stay tuned.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Teresa and Joe Giudice Out of Bankruptcy

Teresa and Joe Giudice are getting the boot … from bankruptcy court … TMZ has learned. According to docs, the judge in their bankruptcy case has dismissed the matter. The ‘RHONJ’ stars aren’t completely out of debt yet, but they’re close.…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Teresa Giudice: I"m Scared Joe Will Get Deported! I Wanna Stay Here!

Things have been better for Teresa Giudice. She served her time in prison. Her husband is now serving his sentence.

Also, The Real Housewives of New Jersey may be facing cancellation … and some say that she’s a big part of what is tanking the brand.

To make matters worse, she’s reportedly terrified that Joe will get out of prison only to be deported. If he is, will she go with him?

Bankruptcy is no fun, but bankruptcy fraud is worse. At least, that’s what our court system says.

They sentenced both Teresa Giudice and her husband, Joe Giudice, to prison. For the sake of the children, the court very wisely allowed Teresa to serve her (shorter) sentence first, followed by her husband. 

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime, or so they say. But it turns out that the prison sentences may just be the start of the Giudice family’s troubles.

RadarOnline reports that Teresa Giudice fears that Joe will be sent to Italy, because he’s not actually an American citizen.

“Teresa is terrified Joe will be deported upon his release in less than two years.”

Growing up, many of us always assumed that marrying an American citizen granted automatic citizenship unless the union was found to be fraudulent. The reality is much more complex.

Apparently, any sense of peace that the public has perceived from Teresa has been a facade.

“She’s keeping good attitude in public and good happy face.”

Happy isn’t really the mood that a lot of people associate with the infamous table-flipping Housewife, but … sure.

“But lawyers have told her it’s not an easy task to win because of the felony charge — something he knew when the accepted plea deal.”

Basically, they’re going to have an immigration fight on their hands when he finishes his sentence.

Meanwhile, Joe reportedly has some fears of his own.

“Joe is terrified that she and the kids won’t come with him if he’s deported.”

Anybody else’s first thought: Well why would they?

Teresa’s joked about Italy being beautiful anyway (it really is), but vacationing somewhere is very different from living in a different culture, immersed in another language.

Besides, Teresa might not exactly be motivated to pack up her entire life for Joe.

“Teresa said she still hasn’t forgiven him for this whole mess!”

The fact of the matter is that no relationship lasts forever. You either break up or you die.

And there have been some indicators, including cheating rumors, that suggest that Teresa and Joe’s union won’t end in death.

“Teresa and Joe’s marriage is not as it once was. They’re both changed people.”

That happens over time. Especially when something dramatic, like both serving prison time, happens.

“Both of them have grown so if he must go Teresa doesn’t think she’s going with him. At least not how she feels today.”

Honestly, Teresa has to think of more than just herself.

Together, the couple has four children: Gia, Gabriella, Milania (an awkward name to have these days), and Audriana.

Does she really want her children to live in Italy? Or does she want for them to live their birthright as American citizens?

Joe might have to go to Italy, but he doesn’t need to drag his children there with him.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Teresa Giudice: Vacationing With a Lover?! Openly Prepping for Divorce?!

While Teresa Giudice spent her 11 months in prison, it was reported numerous times that Joe Giudice didn’t exactly keep his hands to himself.

Now that Joe’s taking his turn behind bars for a couple of years, some say that it’s Teresa’s turn to cheat. Others say that it’s okay, because she’s getting a divorce from Joe anyway.

A report says that Teresa’s no longer keeping things with her lover under wraps — that she’s openly vacationing with him. How soon is she getting divorced?

They say that if you can’t do the time, you shouldn’t do the crime.

They also say that no one is above the law.

While the latter has yet to be demonstrated for Presidents, it’s definitely true that starring on The Real Housewives of New Jersey doesn’t make you above being dragged into court and sentenced to prison.

Years before Countess Luann de Lesseps was arrested for kicking a police officer, Teresa Giudice became a Real Housewife of the Big House.

(Side note: we would be very intrigued by a television series by that name)

The judge was kind enough to, for the sake of the Giudice children, sentence Teresa and her husband, Joe, to serve non-concurrent sentences.

While Teresa was locked away — she ended up serving only 11 of her 15 months — Joe was with the couples’ children.

And, reportedly, he was with other women who were not his daughters.

By which we mean that he was allegedly cheating on Teresa Giudice left and right.

Teresa said that she didn’t believe those rumors but …

What are we to make of this photo that she shared over the weekend?

Teresa posted this photo of herself with Loren B. La Forge-Kyriakoulis at dinner, captioning it:

“Dinner with a great friend lots of laughs @laforgekyriakoulis # webothlovefood #greekfood”

Now, that might be a totally innocuous social media post.

(Teresa’s actually been uncharacteristically quiet on social media, lately)

But La Forge is a divorce attorney. Is Teresa posting a photo with a friend … or a hint that she’s gearing up to leave Joe?

To top it all off, RadarOnline reports that not only is Teresa cheating on Joe, she recently took her secret lover on vacation.

“Teresa went to Cancun for the holidays with her boyfriend,” a source reported to them.

And apparently they’ve reached a place in their (alleged) relationship where she’s fine having this mystery guy around her family.

“Her dad was even there, so she’s hardly hiding it anymore!”

Is this the case? If so, it sounds like she’s gearing up to let Joe rot behind bars.

Honestly? We’re not necessarily convinced that she’s cheating on Joe. They have a long, complicated relationship, but not even her frenemy Danielle Staub believes that Teresa’s cheating.

(And not, we think, just because Teresa Giudice apologized in a recent episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey)

If Teresa’s dinner with La Forge was really about divorce, then it may be that Teresa’s gearing up to leave Joe … for reasons other than a lover of her own.

For one thing? Joe is an Italian immigrant. He’s not a US citizen, and may end up getting deported when his prison sentence ends. She may be preparing for that drama now.

Or, again, she may have just been out to dinner with a friend. We don’t know.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Teresa Giudice and Daughters Soak Up the Sun in Cancun Away from Joe

Teresa Giudice and her daughters aren’t letting the holidays apart from Joe Giudice get them down … instead soaking up some sun in Cancun. The New Jersey ‘Housewife’ is currently vacationing with her girls and her dad down in Mexico — spending…


Teresa Giudice and Daughters Soak Up the Sun in Cancun Away from Joe

Teresa Giudice and her daughters aren’t letting the holidays apart from Joe Giudice get them down … instead soaking up some sun in Cancun. The New Jersey ‘Housewife’ is currently vacationing with her girls and her dad down in Mexico — spending…


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Teresa Giudice and Kids Can"t Visit Joe in Prison for Christmas

Teresa Giudice and her kids got a sad lesson about the crappy kind of red tape this holiday season … the kind that’ll keep them away from Joe Giudice for Christmas. Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … the snag came last…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Teresa and Joe Giudice: Getting DIVORCED Over Cheating Allegations?!

Currently, Joe Giudice is serving a four-year prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Back in 2015, his wife, Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice, served 11 months behind bars on similar charges.

But while absence often makes the heart grow fonder, it seems back-to-back prison sentences are wreaking havoc on the Giudices and their relationship.

Of course, it certainly doesn"t help that Joe and Teresa have both been accused of cheating while the other was locked up.

Now it seems this country song of a marriage may finally be coming to an end thanks to some surprising accusations from Teresa"s biggest rival:

1. Happier Times

Teresa and joe giudice on instagram

While it often seems that the Giudices’ marriage has been one long rough patch, those who know the couple best say there was a time when they packed on the PDA nonstop.

2. Going Down Together

Teresa and joe giudice head to court

The Giudices were both convicted of bankruptcy fraud in 2015. The judge in their case allowed Joe and Teresa to serve their sentences back-to-back for the sake of their children.

3. Teresa Went First

Teresa giudice going to court

Teresa served 11 months of a 15-month sentence, earning an early release just before Christmas of 2015.

4. And Joe Allegedly Took Advantage

Joe giudice cheating

Though Teresa was locked up for less than a year, Joe reportedly carried on several affairs while she was serving her sentence.

5. Weathering the Storm

Teresa giudice and joe giudice perp walk

Teresa reportedly refused to believe the allegations against Joe, but now, the Giudices are facing further trouble.

6. Teresa’s Turn?

Teresa giudice on the real housewives

Now that Joe is locked up, rumors of Teresa being unfaithful are circulating non-stop. And they’re coming from a very high-profile accuser…

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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Teresa Giudice: Sofia Vergara Should Be Nicer Since She"s an Immigrant!

Earlier this month, NeNe Leakes went up on stage and told a heckler that she hoped that she gets raped. It was neither a good thing to say nor a good career move.

Well, there must be something awful in the air that"s making Real Housewives go up on stage and stay stupid, offensive things. This time, the perpetrator is Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice.

Teresa Giudice … being unkind? Difficult to imagine, we know. As you"ll see in the video below, the subject of her ire is none other than actress Sofia Vergara.

Teresa giudice instagram pose

Teresa Giudice is getting blasted right now for some inflammatory, offensive comments that she made on stage for a panel discussion titled: "Gettin" Real With The Housewives."

Teresa, perhaps best known for flipping tables and for serving time in prison, was asked about her celebrity encounters.

The best … and the worst.

Teresa was quick to point the finger at Modern Family actress Sofia Vergara.

She describes Sofia as a "b–ch," saying that she stepped in front of her and captured the spotlight.

Oh, and Teresa also commented that Sofia should be nicer, because she"s an immigrant.

Sofia vergara at the globes

Obviously, this is offensive, potentially on multiple levels.

Let"s start with how it"s potentially unfair — Teresa seems to be describing Sofia"s entire personality based upon a single encounter in which the two women were photographed together.

But … what"s really grabbing people"s attention is the outright xenophobia and potential racism.

The suggestions that immigrants in particular should be nice or good-natured is appalling.

Sure, everyone should be nice. 

Suggesting that a particular class of people are obligated to be nice … has all sorts of nasty implications and really shows that you don"t consider them to be equals.

While the folks over at TMZ who first shared this video were quick to point out the xenophobia, we think that Teresa is specifically motivated by racism.

Teresa giudice on season 8

Do you know why we think that this is racism and not more garden variety xenophobia?

Because Teresa Giudice"s husband, Joe Giudice, is an immigrant.


The dude"s in prison now, and it"s even possible that Joe Giudice will be deported after he finishes serving his sentence.

Joe was born in Italy, which makes him an immigrant.

What"s more is that Joe Giudice never obtained US citizenship.

So we more than suspect that Teresa doesn"t have a problem with just any old immigrant.

What"s different about Sofia? Well, she"s not a European immigrant — she"s Columbian.

Sofia also became a US citizen — even getting a perfect score on her citizenship test. Which should be easy for US citizens who were born here but requires a lot of learning for a newcomer.

(Seriously, you can take it for fun online and it"s not hard, but a disturbingly large number of native citizens would be unable to pass it)

Sofia vergara

Sofia Vergara is a celebrated, award-winning actress and the highest paid woman on television. She also ranks reasonably high up there among the most powerful women in the world, in some listings.

We guess that, to Teresa Giudice, she was born in Columbia and that makes her somehow … lesser. That"s sad.

You know what else jumps out at us about this?

Teresa Giudice believing that immigrants should be nice implies that she doesn"t believe that native citizens have to be friendly.

And that explains a lot about Teresa Giudice.

Teresa giudice sofia vergara should be nicer since shes an immig

Teresa Giudice Calls Sofia Vergara a Bitch and a Not-So-Nice Immigrant

Teresa Giudice thinks Sofia Vergara acted like a “bitch” during a photo-op, which is totally out of line because — according to Teresa — Sofia’s an immigrant and oughta act nice.  The ‘RHONJ’ star spilled the beans last week during a…


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Joe Giudice Getting G.E.D. in Prison, Loses 45 lbs.

Joe Giudice is following his wife Teresa’s lead when it comes to keeping busy in prison … he’s dropping lbs and changing his life … TMZ has learned. We’re told Joe’s lost 45 pounds since he began serving his sentence 18 months ago for bankruptcy…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Teresa Giudice: Joe Did Not Mistreat Me!

Teresa Giudice’s life has been filled with drama over the last few years. 

In fact, we would not be surprised if she were to call them the worst years ever. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you will likely know that Teresa’s mother, Antonia Gorga passed away earlier this year. 

On last night’s episode of the hit Bravo reality series, Teresa opened up about being in jail for almost one year before her mother’s death and how she felt robbed of that time. 

The 45-year-old chatted with E! Online about her new memoir, Standing Strong and wasted no time in revealing her thoughts on not getting to spend as much time with her mother because she was in jail. 

Joe never mistreated me because if he mistreated me I definitely wouldn’t be with him,” the table-flipping housewive dished. 

She did feel like Joe’s poor decisions hindered the time she had to spend with her mother, and that appears to be something she will not forget anytime soon. 

“I did get upset [with Joe] after my mother passed away and I got angry that I lost those 11.5 months…I could have had that time with my mom,” she said.

Joe is currently serving 41 months inside for his crimes, and Teresa maintains that there will be big changes for them when they are reunited. 

“[Joe] says when he comes home things are going to be different,” she continued.

“Obviously there is a lot of guilt and I know he’s going to make things better when he comes home and I can’t wait for that. It’s going to be like we’re falling in love all over again.”   

There are constant rumors about the state of Teresa and Joe’s relationship, so it’s clear Teresa wanted to shut down the rumors while proving she still has a lot of love for her husband. 

But, people change, and it’s difficult to imagine there not being some animosity between them when they are ultimately reunited. 

While Joe spends his time in the slammer, Teresa has changed her whole outlook on life, and it has resulted in her reconnecting with the likes of Danielle Staub. 

It’s certainly something to laugh about, but they did seem a little too friendly on last night’s season premiere. It’s hard to imagine them remaining friends for the whole season. 

What do you think about everything? Will Teresa and Joe stay with each other?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Teresa Giudice Says Joe Screwed Her Out of Precious Time with Mom

Teresa Giudice is harboring serious resentment toward her husband, Joe, for screwing up their finances and screwing her out of her final precious months with her now-deceased mother. The ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ star told us…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Teresa & Joe Giudice: Finally Headed For Divorce?!

Reality television isn’t known for its wealth of happy and healthy couples.

But despite the many bad dads of Teen Mom, the desperate Housewives perpetually headed for divorce, and the Kimyes of the upper echelon, it’s possible that none of the messed up couples littering the reality landscape are as dysfunctional as Teresa and Joe Giudice.

These days, Joe is behind bars, serving a four-year sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Prior to that, Teresa was locked up on similar charges.

(The judge in their case allowed the Giudices to serve their sentences back-to-back, so as not to leave their children without parents.)

All of that is bad enough on its own, but it’s not like the Giudices were standing on a solid foundation before their legal woes began.

Rumors of Joe cheating on Teresa ran rampant during her imprisonment, and now the tables have turned.

Insiders claim Teresa is now cheating on Joe, and she’s so enamored of her new life as a single-ish woman that she’s only visited her husband in prison “a handful of times.”

“She’s loving her independence,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

“She’s becoming used to being quite free while Joe is away at prison,” 

The source even goes so far as to speculate that Joe and Teresa’s time together might soon come to an end.

“The marriage may be over,” the insider confesses.

It’s bad news for Joe for reasons that go beyond the obvious.

Joe was born in Italy and never obtained American citizenship, which means he could be facing deportation after he’s released from prison.

His strongest argument for remaining in the U.S. was the fact that he has a wife and four daughters who have lived in the States their entire lives.

If he loses that, it could mean arrivederci for Juicy Joe.

Now that’s a deportation policy everyone can get behind.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive the Giudices’ wildly tumultuous relationship.

We stand by our claim that they take the cake as reality TV’s most messed-up couple.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Teresa Giudice: My New Book Will Tell You ALL About ...

The various Real Housewives have had some troublemakers in their midsts, but most of them don’t end up behind bars. Teresa Giudice of The Real Housewives of New Jersey served her prison sentence and got out, and now she’s coming out with a book.

Apparently, being on a reality show about her life isn’t enough to tell her story.

What remains to be seen, however, is whether the infamous table-flipper has produced a page-turner.

Teresa Giudice’s book is titled Standing Strong.

It comes out on October 3rd, so it’s still more than a month away.

Teresa’s previous book, Turning The Tables, was a real memoir, chronicling her life up to and including prison.

Standing Strong, on the other hand, will reportedly detail her life since leaving prison.

Teresa Giudice got out of prison in late December of 2015, so this book won’t even cover two whole years.

But reportedly, Teresa’s book will focus on three things:

-Raising four daughters

-Being a single mother (while her husband is serving his lengthier prison sentence)

-The darker times in her life (that means prison, and that means the death of her mother)

Teresa teases that there will be some Housewives gossip (of course).

And then there’s the big one:

“I talk a lot about my relationship with Joe. I don’t think I have ever been more honest about my true feelings regarding my marriage. I think my honesty is going to shock some people, including my husband, but it’s how I feel.”

We’ll get to the Joe stuff in a moment, because that statement is all kinds of ambiguous.

Honestly, we’re not seeing this as the tell-all that many people seem to want to believe.

It looks more like The Real Housewife of Eat, Pray, Love, right?

She’s even doing yoga (Tree Pose, a play on the book’s title) on the cover.

From what we know so far, this books seems less about spilling secrets and more about brand management.

And probably gathering a little extra, much-needed pocket money, right?

(So long as she doesn’t hide these proceeds from the government, right?)

But, you may wonder, what does being honest about Joe mean?

Let’s dive into that topic:

Some have speculated that Teresa will use this book to slam Joe for putting her and their entire family in their predicament.

Honestly … that’s so tempting to believe, right?

Because it kind of does seem to be all his fault.

But we don’t see that happening.

(And if we’re wrong, we’re wrong — we’ll all find out in, like, a month and a half)

For the sake of her children, we feel like Teresa’s going to spin things in as positive a manner as possible and paint the picture of them all working through these tough times and coming out stronger.

That’s just … common sense.

We’re sure that she’s going to talk about anger.

(Can you even talk about Teresa Giudice without talking about anger?)

There’s a time and a place for throwing your husband under the bus.

(And we’d be totally supportive if she did, don’t get us wrong)

But we don’t see her using this book for that.

This book is an opportunity to promote her brand.

She can’t erase her prison sentence but she can tie it into the image that she wants to cultivate and use it for self-promotion and to make a little money.

That is going through tough times and using it to make yourself stronger.
