Showing posts with label Gosselin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gosselin. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Kate Gosselin Accused of Child Abuse in Bombshell New Case!

Jon Gosselin apparently isn’t the only one who can abuse the Gosselin children … as allegations of abuse by Kate have recently emerged. 

Life & Style reported that Kate was investigated earlier this year, and the rumors are absolutely devastating. 

A source revealed to the magazine that the revelation came after Jon and Kate’s special needs son, Collin, was admitted to a facility.

That’s when the troubled boy revealed information to the clinic staff that triggered a formal investigation of his mother.

The report regarding the incident read:

“Collin said something to the facility’s staff and it was reported to Children and Youth Services [CYS], which started an official probe.”

“The police later notified Collin’s dad, Jon, that a child abuse investigation was opened,” the source explained.

Oddly enough, Jon held his tongue about the reported incident, and didn’t leak it to the press, unlike some others. 

This seemingly comes at a most inopportune – or opportune, depending on your perspective – time, as Kate Plus 8 is set to debut later this month. 

In a recent trailer for the new season, Kate was basically painted in an “I can’t cope with life, let alone eight children” light, and the result was ugly. 

In the video, Kate is called “dramatic,” “competitive,” and “insane” by her children, now amazingly ‘tweens and teens.

Now that the rumored abuse investigation news has emerged, it only makes the 41-year-old mother of eight look worse. 

Previously, Kate revealed that she was too rough on Collin prior to his diagnosis, which only adds further credence to the rumors. 

“Collin had such bad issues that he refused to get his picture taken at school. He’s tired of being on-camera,” a source revealed.

“The kids are going through a very challenging time, but Kate doesn’t feel this is something that should be discussed publicly.”

The struggle dates back to when Collin was only two.

Way back then, Kate made him sit in the corner for misbehaving, as if that’s a way to discipline a child that’s barely out of infancy. 

She regretted her treatment, however, and looks back on it as a teachable moment (whether she’s learned from it or not is up for debate).

Kate later said, “I feel so guilty that I treated him like that.”

“I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.’

In another incident, when Collin literally spilled the beans – a bag of beans, specifically – and knocked over a high chair, she said, “I was instantly so SO angry.”

She was so angry, in fact, that she lost her s–t.

Kate “grabbed him and spanked him as hard as [she] could” … so hard, in fact that she “thought [she] may seriously injure him.”

This, “[she] sent him to his crib till Jon came home.”

It’s a chilling story, no matter how many times you hear it.

“I have never felt that I may seriously injure a child but today was that day!” she revealed, with some kind of misplaced audacious pride. 

Whatever Kate’s deal is, and that’s a topic that we could speculate on voluminously, the woman needs to get her head right.

Before it’s too late.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kate Gosselin: I"m Scared Jon Might Kill Me!

Is there any limit to Kate Gosselin’s awfulness?

Seriously, is there any line she won’t cross, any occasion that might possible make her go “nah, this is too terrible, even for me”?

Because it’s really not looking like it.

In case you missed her latest act of horror, some police reports she made last year have recently come to light — reports in which she seems to say whatever she can think of to destroy her ex, Jon Gosselin.

First, we heard her claims that Jon is secretly a drug dealer.

Specifically, “Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics.”

She also reported that Jon some kind of “inappropriate relationship” with their daughter, and if you think that’s horribly vague and a disgusting claim to make, well, you’d be right.

“She detects suspicious behavior between Jonathan and their 10-year-old daughter,” the police report read.

In another report, an officer wrote that “Katie said that she hired a private detective to follow Jonathan and she was aware that Jonathan was at [the children’s school] right now.”

“[She] believed that Jonathan was guarding [Hannah] and feared that if he saw her or the police, he would take [her] out of school and flee.”

The report goes on to state that Kate went to the school and Jon wasn’t there, but she took Hannah home, just in case.

… What?

That barely even makes sense, but shame on us for pretending like Kate Gosselin is a reasonable human being.

And also, shame on us for being even a little bit shocked by this new revelation.

In a brand new tidbit from Kate’s now-infamous police reports, we’re learning that Kate claimed Jon had a gun. And that she was afraid he might use it on her.

This ties in with the “private investigator” nonsense we heard before: Kate thought Jon was creeping around Hannah’s school for weird, vague reasons, and she had to pick the girl up to take her to a counseling appointment.

While she was driving to the school, she called the police to inform them that “Jonathan does have a firearm.”

She also reportedly told them that “she feared that there would be a hostile dispute if she arrived at the school while he was there.”

And then, as we’d heard, Kate showed up to the school and Jon wasn’t even there, armed or not.

So not only did Kate tell police Jon was a drug dealer, not only did she claim he had an “inappropriate relationship” with their daughter, not only did she claim he kidnapped the girl, but she also said that he had a gun and he might shoot her.

What is wrong with her? Serious question.

Is she just that disturbed that she feels the need to make all these horrific accusations against her former husband?

Is Jon actually guilty of all these terrible things, and Kate is so unlikable that it makes her unbelievable?

Clearly, the only solution is that we stop hearing from any and all Gosselins forever.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Jon Will Steal My Daughter and Do Bad Things!

Jon Gosselin has been accused of being a drug dealer, as well as engaging in “inappropriate behavior” with one of his daughters, and Kate Gosselin isn’t taking it lying down. 

According to a new report obtained by Radar Online, Kate had Jon followed during an investigation into the claims regarding their daughter. 

In the police report, Kate was said to be so worried that Jon would stalk their daughter and take off, she took matters into her own hands. 

“Katie said that she hired a private detective to follow Jonathan and she was aware that Jonathan was at [the children’s school] right now,” the report read. 

“[She] believed that Jonathan was guarding [Hannah] and feared that if he saw her or the police, he would take [her] out of school and flee.” 

The officers reported that Kate herself showed up at the school, though Jon was nowhere to be found at the time, and excused her child from class out of fear that he would, indeed, show up. 

As previously reported, Kate recently accused Jon of being a drug dealer, as well as engaging in inappropriate behavior with their daughter, Hannah. 

About his “business,” Kate reportedly said, “Jon is a drug dealer who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics.” 

She also alleged that he took their daughter out of school without prior notice, and that she is concerned that there is “suspicious behavior” happening between Jon and their daughter.

Though the report surfaced recently, the incidents purportedly occurred in 2015. 

Jon, however, was so moved by the accusations that he’s defending himself now … over a year later. 

“Jon had no idea at the time that [Kate] accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah,” a “friend” revealed. 

“He was upset when he found out.” 

“That’s just gross to suggest,” the friend continued. 

“It sounds like Kate’s making up stories again.”  

The thing is, though, why Kate would make up stories about Jon to begin with. 

He’s so far removed from her life, and from the lives of their children, that it’d almost be a moot point. 

Kate Gosselin is a total jackass, but Jon Gosselin is the douchiest douche who ever douched. 

We’re not saying that we believe Kate’s purported allegations, but damn. 

Unless she’s trying to kick a man when he’s down, Jon Gosselin needs some serious freaking help. 


Friday, October 21, 2016

Jon Gosselin Responds to Accusations of "Inappropriate Behavior" With Daughter

Yesterday, we learned that Kate Gosselin has accused her husband, Jon Gosselin of engaging in “inappropriate behavior” with the former couple’s 12-year-old daughter, Hannah.

According to In Touch Weekly, Kate filed a police report in which it was revealed “that she detects suspicious behavior between Jonathan and their [then] 10-year-old daughter.”

Needless to say, Jon was less than pleased to find himself on the receiving end of such allegations.

Now it seems he’s even more upset that news of the allegations went public, and an outraged friend shared Jon’s feelings with Radar Online today:

“Jon had no idea at the time that she accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah,” a source tells the site.

“He was upset when he found out.

“That’s just gross to suggest,” the insider added.

“It sounds like Kate is making up stories again.”

Obviously, if Jon found out about the accusations from the press, the investigation into his behavior never really went anywhere.

The source claims that the reason for that is that Kate tried to hurt Jon by choosing the daughter that he’s closest with to be his alleged “victim.”

“Hannah loves her dad and feels bad for him,” the anonymous friend says.

“She’s very sensitive.”

The insider speculates that when she was questioned by police, Hannah denied the accusations against her father and possibly mentioned her mother’s history of tossing out false allegations.

Kate’s credibility probably wasn’t helped much by the fact that she claimed Jon is a drug dealer not long before she leveled filed the report alleging sexual impropriety.

None of this is to say that Jon isn’t a pretty crappy dad.

He absolutely is.

It’s just that Kate Gosselin is such a horrendous human being, that she actually makes Jon look like a semi-competent parent by example.

We literally can’t think of a worse insult to throw at someone.

But you deserve it, Kate.

Don’t ever let anyone take that away from you.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Jon Is A Drug Dealer!

We’ve always known that Kate Gosselin is an awful monster made of nightmares and screams and bad haircuts, but this is a little much, even for her.

Seriously, brace yourself, because this is just deplorable.

All those obnoxious little fits she’s had on reality television over the years don’t even hold a candle to this horror show.

According to police reports Kate filed last year — reports that have just recently been obtained by In Touch — Mommy Dearest here is hell-bent on bringing down Jon Gosselin.

But for real though.

In one report that was filed on April 24th, 2015, Kate claimed that Jon “kidnapped” their daughter, Hannah — that he took her from her school, apparently without her knowledge.

The police report goes on to reveal that Kate stated “Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics.”

Kate also said that Jon “frequently drinks alcohol around the children.”

And then, on April 27th, Kate called the police again because she was afraid Jon would get into “a hostile dispute” with her — wonder why he might want to do a thing like that?

She even went so low as to claim that “she detects suspicious behavior between Jon and their ten-year-old daughter,” Hannah.

Kate made one more call to the police a couple of days after that, but some bright officer “informed her this was a custody/civil matter, to be handled in court.”

And so it was: they had an emergency hearing in which a judge dismissed all of Kate’s claims.

An insider also explained that Kate didn’t even have the courtesy to tell Jon about all those bad things he’d allegedly done.

“Jon didn’t even know all of what Kate had accused him of until he saw the police report himself,” the source reveals.

“He believes Kate will stop at nothing to get what she wants — even if it means lying to police. She has no boundaries.”

It also turns out that Jon was particularly angry about the accusations that he was doing something wrong with Hannah.

“Jon had no idea at the time that she accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah. He was upset when he found out.”

How awful do you have to be to go after someone like this, especially someone you had eight children with?

To put your children’s wellbeing and happiness at risk just so you can make their father look bad?

It’s fitting that these reports are coming out so close to Halloween, because all this is downright terrifying.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Destroyed By Fans For Abusing, Exploiting Collin!

Kate Gosselin says her troubled son, Collin, has been sent away from home to treat “special needs” … and fans are far from pleased.

Obviously, Collin’s personal situation has sparked debate and sympathy from the public, as no one likes to see an adolescent struggle.

The 41-year-old single mom’s conduct – past and present – has come under heavy scrutiny, however, as it pertains to the child.

Kate’s Instagram post promoting her People cover story, which featured all the kids but Collin, has quite the collection of harsh comments.

Followers have lashed out, accusing her of exploiting her 12-year-old son’s issues for her own personal gain – nothing new for Kate.

“Shame on you for being so desperate for attention that you disclose this information about your beautiful boy!” one fellow mom wrote.

“There is no low too low for you,” another opined.

“Colin,” the fan said, “deserves better from you.”

Damn, that’s rough, but after Kate admitted spanking Collin and being “too rough” on him in an attempt to deal with his personal issues?

Well, fans are even more pissed.

“I can’t help but think, one day Collin will read about himself on the Internet, and really think there’s something wrong with him,” says a fan.

Collin has reportedly been undergoing care for at least one month at a Philadelphia-area facility nearly two hours from the family home.

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things,” she said.

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own. I’ve felt very alone in this.”

“By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted [by this].” 

Meanwhile, a source close to the children’s father, Jon Gosselin, says he’s furious at the reality star for taking their son’s problems public.

“Jon can’t believe that Kate is talking about this for the cover of a magazine,” the insider said. “Collin is just a kid, and deserves his privacy.”

Jon is also beside himself that his daughters called him a deadbeat in the interview, but that’s a whole different story for another time.

In any event, the abuse allegations against Kate are not new. See Robert Hoffman’s 2014 tell-all, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World.

According to the book, Kate acknowledged being “too rough” with Collin when he was as little as two years old and wouldn’t obey her.

“I feel so guilty that I treated him like that,” she wrote, of disciplining him harshly in 2006. “I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.”

In January 2007, when Collin knocked over a high chair and spilled a bag of beans, Kate wrote in her diary that she flew into a rage.

“I was instantly so SO angry, that I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him,” she wrote.

“So I sent him to his crib til Jon came home!” she wrote. “I have never felt that I may seriously injure a child but today was that day!”

Kate says she noticed Collin’s temper, and observed that she did not like “that he doesn’t know how to handle his frustration and anger.” 

Fast forward ten years, and here we are.

She’ll be dealing with the frustration and anger of the public the more she talks about it, and it’s hard to say the criticism isn’t warranted.

We just hope Collin is doing better.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Kate Gosselin: I Was WAY Too Rough With Collin Before His Diagnosis

Last month, Kate Gosselin revealed that her son, Collin has a disability, and is away working through his issues.

Signs that the little boy was not like his siblings began to show in 2010, when he was expelled from school.

“Collin had such bad issues that he refused to get his picture taken at school. He’s tired of being on-camera,” a source told In Touch Weekly at the time, which followed Gosselin’s 2009 split from husband, Jon.

“The kids are going through a very challenging time, but Kate doesn’t feel this is something that should be discussed publicly.”

Another reveal came from Robert Hoffman’s 2014 tell-all, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World, which contains some of Gosselin’s personal diary entries, according to Radar Online.

In September 2006, Gosselin expressed regret over being “too rough” with Collin, then 2, when he refused to sit in a corner after misbehaving.

“I feel so guilty that I treated him like that,” she wrote.

“I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.”

Perhaps one of the most frightening example of Collin’s behavior mixing with his mother’s short fuse occurred in January 2007, when Collin knocked over a high chair and spilled a bag of beans.

“I was instantly so SO angry, that I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him to his crib til Jon came home!” she wrote.

“I have never felt that I may seriously injure a child but today was that day!” 

As the boy’s mom, Gosselin noticed his temper, and wrote that she did like “that he doesn’t know how to handle his frustration and anger.”

When she was interviewed by People Magazine, Gosselin revealed that Collin does have behavior issues, and that he’s away getting help.

Gosselin, 41, explained that Collin does have special needs, and is in a program that will hopefully “help him reach his full potential.

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things,” she said.

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own.  I’ve felt very alone in this.

“By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted”

Viewers who watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 are familiar with Gosselin’s own temper when it comes to disciplining her kids.  

It’s even earned her a reputation for being a cold, distant mother.

On the other hand, she’s raising eight children while her ex-husband was off finding himself whilst wearing Affliction and Ed Hardy.  

When you think about it, Gosselin does deserve a little credit for raising so many kids on her own.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Kate Gosselin on Jon Gosselin: He Totally Changed on Me!

Like nearly every couple on reality television, Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin saw their marriage fall apart in front of millions of people.

Unlike nearly every other couple on reality television, however, Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin have kids.

Like, a lot of kids. Eight kids to exact.

This is what landed them a TLC series in the first place and it’s also what has made their divorce such a sensitive, bitter topic.

After having remained mostly under the celebrity gossip radar for the past few years, Kate (and her children) are featured on the latest issue of People Magazine.

And Gosselin isn’t holding back with her choice words for Jon.

In the first set of excerpts from her exclusive interview, Gosselin actually showed remorse over her much-mocked behavior on Jon and Kate Plus 8.

She often came across as high strung and demanding, blowing up at Jon and her kids on a frequent number of occasions.

“When they were still so young, I came on way too strong. I should have just rolled around on the floor some,” Gosselin says now, adding:

“I wouldn’t have melted down as much.”

Say what you want about Kate Gosselin (and Lord knows we have), but that’s some pretty sharp self-awareness right there.

But the real explosive headlines this week have been made by more back and forth between Kate and Jon, even seven years after their split.

Gosselin admitted to People for this cover story that her son, Collin, has special needs.

As a result, he’s been sent off to a unique school that assists kids with these kinds of problems.

Where does Jon Gosselin fit into this? He doesn’t. And that’s exactly the problem.

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own,” the 41-year-old mother of eight told the publication.

“I’ve felt very alone in this. By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted.”

It recently came to light that Jon Gosselin hasn’t seen Collin in over two years.

He goes a long time without seeing many of his children, in fact, something Gosselin blamed on his offspring in his own recent interview with Entertainment Tonight.

But daughter Mady went ahead and laid the verbal smackdown on her father for daring to make such a statement.

Said the teenage to People:

“He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen.”

Dizzzzamn, huh?!?!?

This brings us all the way back to Kate and Jon. Why did their relationship fall apart in the first place?

“I really would have thought he’d have been here for the long haul,” Kate says. “The weirdest thing is that overnight he became a different person.”

Gosselin doesn’t go into great detail over just HOW Jon changed, but she does add:

“People closest to me thought I was crazy and making it up. When they saw it for themselves, they were like, ‘Whoa.’

“They saw the proof.”

Gosselin does with it had worked out, of course. She feels terrible that her children have grown up without a father.

But she’s living “without regrets,” she concludes to People. Mostly because her ex-husband is such a loser.

For more updates on the Gosselin family, pick up this week’s issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday.

Jon Gosselin: Shocked, Upset by Deadbeat Dad Allegations

Jon Gosselin remains a douchebag.

But he’s now a shocked and very angry douchebag.

The former reality star, who America had been more than happy to forget all about for many years there, has been back in the news over the past several days or so.

For all the wrong reasons.

It started with the world finding out how Gosselin works part-time as a cook at a Fridays and as a DJ in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania.

After we dealt with that troubling information, Gosselin opened up in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

He said at the time that he really doesn’t see his eight children much at all; in fact, he hadn’t hung out little Collin in two years!

“Everybody used to come to my house,” Jon said of his eight children; twins Maddie, Cara, and sextuplets Alexis, Hanna, Leah, Joel, Aaden and Collin.

Then what happened?

“Madelyn and Cara just stopped coming, around 12-13 [years old]. I didn’t question it. I was just like, ‘Hey, do what you want, be with your friends’ and then it just became they’re not coming.”

Learn more about Jon’s life and see him discuss his children in this clip:

Incredibly, however, Madelyn and Cara have actually responded to Gosselin’s claims that they are to blame for their lack of contact with their father.

And they’ve called serious BS on that allegation.

“He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen,” Mady told People Magazine this week.

She then made it pretty clear just how pissed off she is at her dad.

“He doesn’t even know us,” she said. “How can he dare to talk about us?”

Cara let her sister do most of the talking in the interview, but her one sentence about Jon Gosselin almost said it all:

“I wouldn’t even know what to say about him,” she uttered.

She barely knows her father.

We try not to quote Donald Trump very often around here, but: SAD.

How does Gosselin feel about being called out in such a manner?

By his teenage children?!?

“I’m very upset,” Jon told Entertainment Tonight in response. “I love my children very much. I’ve always been there for them and I always will be.

“It’s shocking.”

We can’t possibly pretend to know what’s going on with Jon and Kate Gosselin.

It was difficult enough to figure them out when they came into our living rooms each month on the TLC reality series Jon and Kate Plus 8.

But replying to criticisms by his daughter that he should not talk about her on television by talking to a television outlet about her is likely not the way to go.

In this same interview with People, Kate Gosselin said she enrolled son Collin in a program away from home to help cope with his “special needs.”

The 41-year old explained:

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things.

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own.”

That, of course, was a not-so-subtle shot at her ex-husband.

We don’t want to take sides here, especially not with Kate Gosselin… but what sort of father doesn’t see any child for two years?

Let alone a child with special needs?!?

“I’ve felt very alone in this,” Kate said of her struggle to raise Collin and his seven siblings.

“By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him – our entire family has been impacted.”

Mady and Cara have made that clear.

Do we approve of Kate once again sitting with her kids and discussing their family with a national publication? Of course not.

But we approve of that more than Jon Gosselin simply not playing a role in his children’s lives.

Kate has set the parenting bar pretty low over the years… and yet Jon has still managed somehow not to clear it.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

13 Despicable Dads: Does It Get Worse Than Jon Gosselin?

We"re equal opportunity offenders truth-tellers here at The Hollywood Gossip.

So, because we previously documented the large number of terrible celebrity mothers out there., it"s only fair that we now turn things around and ask:

Who is the worst famous father in Hollywood?

Unfortunately (for their kids), there are a number of contenders for this dishonor. Click through the nominees below and decide on the most dismal of all these dads…

1. Jon Gosselin

Jon gosselin

In August of 2016, Gosselin admitted that he hasn’t seen some of his kids in years. Said daughter Mady about her dad: “He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen.”

2. Charlie Sheen

Charlie sheen

When he isn’t going on bizarre rants, doing drugs or leaving his children in the custody of Denise Richards, he’s letting them hang out with porn stars. Sorry, Charlie, but you’re LOSING as a father.

3. Matthew Knowles

Matthew knowles

Matthew Knowles was fired at his daughter’s manager in 2011 because Beyonce suspected her dad of stealing from her. That’s pretty darn bad. He also fathered a child out of wedlock while married to Beyonce’s mom, Tina.

4. Woody Allen

Woody allen pic

In February 2014, Woody Allen’s adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, published a New York Times piece alleging the famous director molested her when she was seven years old. Few people are on Woody’s side in this debate.

5. Scott Disick

Scott disick and mason

Scott Disick certainly seems to care about partying and drinking more than spending time with his children. He didn’t even attend his daughter’s third birthday party, according to reports.

6. Michael Lohan

Michael lohan booking photo

Michael Lohan has practically been arrested more times than his daughter. That’s a tragically impressive feat. He’s a terrible influence.

View Slideshow

Mady and Cara Gosselin: Not Speaking To Jon Gosselin, Totally Fine With It

Like the rest of America, Mady and Cara Gosselin think their estranged father, Jon is kind of a loser.

The twins don’t have a relationship with Jon because they choose not to, not because their mother, Kate tries to prevent it.

He makes it seem like we’re being kept from him, which is insane,” Mady told People Magazine.

“He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen.”

Jon spoke to Yahoo! and Entertainment Tonight recently about his broken relationship with his eldest daughters, and his account of what happened is completely different from theirs.

“He doesn’t even know us,” Mady adds. “How can he dare to talk about us?”

Cara, who let her sister do most of the talking, was at a loss for words when asked about her fractured relationship with Jon.

“I wouldn’t even know what to say about him,” she said.

Jon thinks that his daughters were being fed lies by his ex-wife, and therefore stopped spending time with him.

“Madelyn and Cara, I don’t see that much, or often. We’re kind of not talking right now,” Jon told ET.

“Everybody used to come to my house.

“You know, it was great, and then Madelyn and Cara just stopped coming, around 12-13 [years old]. I didn’t question it.  I was just like, ‘Hey, do what you want, be with your friends’ and then it just became they’re not coming.”

Jon thinks keeping his distance from Mady and Cara is the best thing for them at this point, which is kind of the opposite of what he should be doing.

“They’re moving into womanhood,” he said. “They’ll be 16 in October. I hope I can talk to them and develop a relationship in the future. But there’s a lot of stuff that has to go on before that.”

This guy needs to STFU and start acting like an adult.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Sorry For All Those Insane, Control-Freak Meltdowns!

Ten years after Kate Plus 8 debuted on TLC, Kate Gosselin looks back on the last decade with no regrets … well, except one pretty big one.

And what would that be, exactly?

“Needing to be so in control.”

“If I could go back, I wouldn’t spend so much time worrying about the messes and the obsessive compulsiveness,” Gosselin, 41, tells People.

“I would spend more time nibbling little feet and cuddling up … I worried about so many things I just didn’t need to be worrying about.”

She concedes this may have impacted not only her marriage to Jon Gosselin (obviously), but her own mental health and her children’s.

“When they were still so young, I came on way too strong. I should have just rolled around on the floor some,” Gosselin laments now.

“I wouldn’t have melted down as much.”

It’s hard to believe that on May 14, 2006, Gosselin and her then-husband Jon first opened up their home to viewers around the world.

The Jon & Kate Plus 8 tandem became instant stars, what with their day to day trials and tribulations and cute kids … all eight of them.

Raising twins Mady and Cara, then five, and 16-month-old sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Leah and Joel, was never easy.

Still, times were good for them … or at least relatively stable. Then Kate and Jon divorced in 2009, in incredibly ugly and public fashion.

Jon got the chop from the show, which was later rebranded as Kate Plus 8 as both parents fell apart physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Scandals, drama and bickering made the duo a non-stop source of tabloid fodder for more years than their show was on in its heyday.

Despite all that she’s been through, Gosselin remains encouraged, believing that she’s come out of the last decade stronger than before.

“When you’re younger, you may have more energy, but when you’re older, you’re wiser,” she says. “We’ve been through so much.”

“From the divorce to issues with Collin,” she adds, “now I see that the other things I thought were important are just not.”

Perspective. It’s a valuable thing.

As for Collin’s issues … 

Kate tells the celebrity news magazine that she’s enrolled her 12-year-old son in a program away from home to help him reach his full potential.


“Collin has special needs,” Kate says.

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things.”

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own. I’ve felt very alone in this.”

“By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted.” 

That’s incredibly vague, but the warning signs go all the way back to 2010, when Collin was expelled from school.

There were also child abuse accusations against Kate as recently as March 2015, when she allegedly manhandled Collin.

In any case, we hope he’s getting whatever help he needs, and that the family – mom, dad and kids – are all in a better place lately.

Goodness knows they haven’t always been.