Friday, August 26, 2016

Kate Gosselin on Jon Gosselin: He Totally Changed on Me!

Like nearly every couple on reality television, Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin saw their marriage fall apart in front of millions of people.

Unlike nearly every other couple on reality television, however, Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin have kids.

Like, a lot of kids. Eight kids to exact.

This is what landed them a TLC series in the first place and it’s also what has made their divorce such a sensitive, bitter topic.

After having remained mostly under the celebrity gossip radar for the past few years, Kate (and her children) are featured on the latest issue of People Magazine.

And Gosselin isn’t holding back with her choice words for Jon.

In the first set of excerpts from her exclusive interview, Gosselin actually showed remorse over her much-mocked behavior on Jon and Kate Plus 8.

She often came across as high strung and demanding, blowing up at Jon and her kids on a frequent number of occasions.

“When they were still so young, I came on way too strong. I should have just rolled around on the floor some,” Gosselin says now, adding:

“I wouldn’t have melted down as much.”

Say what you want about Kate Gosselin (and Lord knows we have), but that’s some pretty sharp self-awareness right there.

But the real explosive headlines this week have been made by more back and forth between Kate and Jon, even seven years after their split.

Gosselin admitted to People for this cover story that her son, Collin, has special needs.

As a result, he’s been sent off to a unique school that assists kids with these kinds of problems.

Where does Jon Gosselin fit into this? He doesn’t. And that’s exactly the problem.

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own,” the 41-year-old mother of eight told the publication.

“I’ve felt very alone in this. By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted.”

It recently came to light that Jon Gosselin hasn’t seen Collin in over two years.

He goes a long time without seeing many of his children, in fact, something Gosselin blamed on his offspring in his own recent interview with Entertainment Tonight.

But daughter Mady went ahead and laid the verbal smackdown on her father for daring to make such a statement.

Said the teenage to People:

“He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen.”

Dizzzzamn, huh?!?!?

This brings us all the way back to Kate and Jon. Why did their relationship fall apart in the first place?

“I really would have thought he’d have been here for the long haul,” Kate says. “The weirdest thing is that overnight he became a different person.”

Gosselin doesn’t go into great detail over just HOW Jon changed, but she does add:

“People closest to me thought I was crazy and making it up. When they saw it for themselves, they were like, ‘Whoa.’

“They saw the proof.”

Gosselin does with it had worked out, of course. She feels terrible that her children have grown up without a father.

But she’s living “without regrets,” she concludes to People. Mostly because her ex-husband is such a loser.

For more updates on the Gosselin family, pick up this week’s issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday.