Showing posts with label Inauguration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inauguration. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Donald Trump Inauguration Protesters Will Get Free Lawyers if Arrested

Lawyers are ready to represent demonstrators who get arrested for protesting Donald Trump’s inauguration … TMZ has learned. The Partnership for Civil Justice, the National Lawyers Guild, D.C. Law Students in Court and other orgs have a game plan…


Donald Trump Cuts Rock Legends to Slash Inauguration Costs

Donald Trump shut down negotiations to get a huge rock band at one of his Inaugural balls … in order to cut costs and potentially save tens of millions for charity. Inauguration sources tell us the Committee was close to landing a legendary…


Donald Trump Cuts Rock Legends to Slash Inauguration Costs

Donald Trump shut down negotiations to get a huge rock band at one of his Inaugural balls … in order to cut costs and potentially save tens of millions for charity. Inauguration sources tell us the Committee was close to landing a legendary…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Gospel Singer Not Afraid to Say He"s Performing at Donald Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s Inaugural Committee doesn’t want to say who is performing at the inaugural balls … but one of the singers sure does. Gospel and Grammy nominated singer Travis Greene — who will open the Freedom Ball — says God told him to…


Gospel Singer Not Afraid to Say He"s Performing at Donald Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s Inaugural Committee doesn’t want to say who is performing at the inaugural balls … but one of the singers sure does. Gospel and Grammy nominated singer Travis Greene — who will open the Freedom Ball — says God told him to…


Andy Cohen Advises Trump Inauguration Protesters to Take a DEEP Breath (VIDEO)

Donald Trump haters and protesters up in arms over the inauguration need to remember one very important thing … BREATHE … according to Andy Cohen. Mr. ‘Watch What Happens Live’ and ‘Real Housewives’ was at LAX when he broke down the start of…


Melania Trump to Leave D.C. for New York After Inauguration

Melania Trump will enjoy the White House for a grand total of 2 days before returning to New York City, because she has mom work to do. Sources connected with the soon-to-be First Lady tell us, Melania wants life for her son to be as normal as…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Jennifer Holliday Canceled Inauguration Gig Because of Death Threats

Jennifer Holliday pulled the plug on her inauguration performance because people threatened to kill her and her family … TMZ has learned. The “Dreamgirls” star agreed to sing at an inaugural event but did an about-face Saturday, saying she…


Obamas Jet to Palm Springs After Inauguration

President Obama and Michelle Obama will be leaving frigid Washington D.C. for sunny Palm Springs … TMZ has learned. We’re told when the First Family leaves the Capitol after the inauguration, they’ll take a chopper (it will not be Marine One…


Obamas Jet to Palm Springs After Inauguration

President Obama and Michelle Obama will be leaving frigid Washington D.C. for sunny Palm Springs … TMZ has learned. We’re told when the First Family leaves the Capitol after the inauguration, they’ll take a chopper (it will not be Marine One…


Toby Keith: Darn Right I"m Performing at Donald Trump"s Inauguration!

For fairly obvious reasons, Toby Keith is rarely compared to Nirvana.

But there’s finally a reason to write about the country music artist and the iconic rock band in the same sentence.

And that’s because Keith has a simple response to anyone giving him grief for performing this weekend at Donald Trump’s Presidential Inauguration:


The country music star is maybe the biggest name to have signed on for this controversial event, which will take place on January 20 in Washington, D.C.

Very few major acts want to be associated with the 45th President of the United States, with Keith having received a great deal of flak for agreeing to take the stage.

Not that he seems bothered by the criticism.

“I don’t apologize for performing for our country or military,” the artist told Entertainment Weekly late last week, explaining further:

“I performed at events for previous presidents [George W.] Bush and [Barack] Obama and over 200 shows in Iraq and Afghanistan for the USO.”

That is certainly one point of view.

We can see how some singers out there view performing at the inauguration as a patriotic act that represents the country and the democracy more than one single man.

But we can also see how many stars simply see this as an exception.

We can understand their hesitance to support Donald Trump in any way, shape or form.

Keith will be joined at the celebratory concert by 3 Doors Down, Lee Greenwood, Jackie Evancho, The Piano Guys and the Frontmen of Country, according to an announcement posted on the Presidential Inaugural Committee site.

Broadway actress Jennifer Holliday was also scheduled to perform, but published a letter on Saturday that said she felt a need to pull put.

In her statement, Holliday apologized to the LGBTQ community for agreeing to perform in the first place, calling the initial decision a “lapse of judgement.”

Trump, meanwhile, is well aware that artists are refusing to take his stage.

But he’s claimed on Twitter that not only isn’t he bothered by their absence… he doesn’t want them anywhere near him anyway!

“The so-called ‘A’ list celebrities are all wanting tickets to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary — NOTHING,” Trump tweeted in December, adding:

“I want the PEOPLE!”

We guess Toby Keith isn’t a person, based on this line of reasoning?

Trump, of course, has other things to worry about these days than who will or will not perform in D.C. later this week.

Such as accusations that he really is a puppet for Russia and/or talk that he will violate the Constitution on his first day in office due to his many business conflicts.

But, like Keith, Trump doesn’t seem too upset by the insults and threats being hurled his way.

Nor by the lack of well-known stars who went to perform on his behalf.

“Inauguration Day is turning out to be even bigger than expected. January 20th, Washington D.C. Have fun!” he recently Tweeted.

Will you be attending the event?

Will you be watching it on TV?

Will you be boycotting Keith and/or anyone who performs at it?

Or will you be lining up to purchase their records in a show of support?


D.C. Strip Clubs Get in Inauguration Spirit!!!

Donald Trump will be dressing up for his inauguration as the 45th Prez, but just down the street a bunch of strippers will be dressing down and making their bank accounts great again. We surveyed the D.C. landscape and found most of the big…


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Donald Trump"s Inauguration Dress Rehearsal Missing Donald Trump (PHOTO GALLERY)

Donald Trump’s dress rehearsal for his inauguration went off without a hitch … without Donald Trump. Military band members assumed the role for the President-elect and the future First Lady, as well as for Mike Pence and his wife, Karen. They did…


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Donald Trump Record Labels, Singer Fears Block Inauguration Performers

Donald Trump’s Inaugural Committee is having trouble booking singers for the Inaugural, and TMZ has learned one of the big problems is that record labels are putting the squeeze on their artists. Sources connected with Inauguration preparations tell…


"Dreamgirls" Jennifer Holliday Cancels Inauguration Performance

“Dreamgirls” star and once confirmed Inauguration Day performer Jennifer Holliday just pulled the plug on her show after taking some serious heat from the LGBT community. Holliday was set to sing Thursday at the Lincoln Memorial with the likes of…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Paul Anka"s Turning Down Trump Inauguration, But It"s Not Political (VIDEO)

Donald Trump was going to get his way — legendary “My Way” singer and songwriter Paul Anka performing on inauguration night, but Paul tells us he has to back out. Paul says the Prez-elect is an old friend who also happens to love “My Way” and…


Floyd Mayweather"s Going to Trump Inauguration ... "Hopefully, He"ll be a Good Prez!" (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Floyd Mayweather says he’ll be right in the middle of the action for Donald Trump’s inauguration in D.C. next week … telling TMZ Sports he’s already got his tuxedo picked out!


Thursday, January 5, 2017

LeVar Burton Cool with Black College Band Playing Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

LeVar Burton knows a lot of people — including his own wife — are protesting Donald Trump’s inauguration, but he’s still backing a black college’s decision to participate. The “Reading Rainbow” host says the Talladega College Marching Band…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton Will Attend Inauguration of Donald Trump

This might be a little awkward … Bill and Hillary Clinton plan to attend the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump … according to reports. The Clintons will be there in Washington, D.C. on January 20 to watch…


Friday, December 23, 2016

Rockettes: FORCED to Perform at Donald Trump Inauguration?

There have been a lot of jokes about what a horrendous year 2016 has been (Don’t talk about it in the past tense yet, or it’ll grandmother and your favorite singer in one fiery head-on collision.), but we think much of the criticism has been unfair.

After all, we already have reason to believe that 2017 will be much, much worse.

We may not know exactly what unique horrors lie in store for us in the coming 12 months, but we do know we won’t make it three weeks before Putin’s puppet pops a figurative squat on the Capitol steps and wipes with the Constitution.

Yes, whether you like it or not (statistically, you probably don’t) Donald Trump’s inauguration will take place on January 20.

Usually, entertainers consider performing on Inauguration Day to be a incredible honor, but Team Trump has had difficulty securing any talent at all, much less the yuuuuge names that Trump would like to see on stage.

Thus far, only three acts have been confirmed for the Donald’s Inauguration Day:

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which is surprising, considering how much Trump struggled against independent candidate Evan McMullin in Utah.

Jackie Evancho, which is also surprising, considering that by finishing in second place on her season of America’s Got Talent, Evancho joins the rest of the world on Trump’s list of losers.

And the Radio City Rockettes, who are the most surprising selection of all, as they’re basically being coerced into getting on stage to sport massive grins and get their kick-line on.

A Rockette named Phoebe Price took to Instagram to express her displeasure with being forced to perform at the inauguration, and her plea for understanding has gone viral today:

Donald Trump at the Third Debate

“I usually don’t use social media to make a political stand but I feel overwhelmed with emotion,” Price writes.

“Finding out that it has been decided for us that Rockettes will be performing at the Presidential inauguration makes me feel embarrassed and disappointed.”

“The women I work with are intelligent and are full of love and the decision of performing for a man that stands for everything we’re against is appalling,”

“I am speaking for just myself but please know that after we found out this news, we have been performing with tears in our eyes and heavy hearts #notmypresident”

An email that was sent from the Rockettes union to the performers went public today, and many have expressed shock over the group basically being informed that they have no choice but to take the stage:

“Everyone is entitled to her own political beliefs, but there is no room for this in the workplace,” the email reads.

“If you are not full time, you do not have to sign up to do this work. If you are full time, you are obligated.”

The women are further informed that any “boycott” of the event will be considered “invalid.”

Trump, meanwhile, has been tweeting about how many celebrities are clamoring to be invited to the event – without naming any names, of course:

“The so-called ‘A’ list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING,” Trump tweeted. “I want the PEOPLE!” the President-elect tweeted this morning.

Chrissy Teigen and many other celebs have already taken to social media to inform the rest of the world that Trump is completely full of it, but you knew that already.
