Showing posts with label Jail'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jail'. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Stevie J Lost His $1.3 Million Appeal; Is He Going to Jail?!

Stevie J is in major trouble, and we’re not even talking about his alleged assault on Erica Mena at the Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta reunion.

He has lost his appeal over $ 1.3 million in child support that he owes.

Is he going to end up behind bars?

We know that hip hop artists sometimes earn increased social credibility (“street cred”) from imprisonment, but heading to jail for being a deadbeat dad … probably doesn’t qualify.

Stevie J was “found guilty of knowingly withholding child support payments for his son and daughter over 18 years.”

That could cost him — seven figures, to be exact.

And Bossip reports that he has lost his latest appeal.

The appeal itself was an oddity, causing his first lawyer to quit working the case, citing that he had essentially no chance of winning and that it was a fool’s errand to try.

Stevie J persisted, believing that the ruling was “unfair,” even though he agreed to the payment in February of 2017.

Here’s where it gets weirder.

Stevie J opted to represent himself in his appeal.

If you genuinely cannot afford an attorney to handle your appeal, that’s fine. Otherwise, try to avoid representing yourself in court over anything more significant than a parking ticket.

And it turns out that the Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star didn’t exactly miss his calling.

According to court documents, he “let deadline after deadline pass on the case without any action.”

Which is why the judge dismissed this appeal.

But will Stevie J go to jail after being found guilty of knowingly not paying child support to the tune of $ 1.3 million?

It doesn’t look like it.

Reports say that he avoided prison when he agreed to make the payments — though, at the time, the U.S. attorney was seeking to have him put behind bars for six months.

And perhaps this was why he gave up on his appeal.

If he was already going to pay up and if he wasn’t going to go to prison, why bother?

It would have been nice if he had elected to not waste the court’s time and notify them that he was withdrawing his appeal, though.

It is a strange and confusing case.

The moral, we suppose, is to just pay your child support. The guy’s net worth is estimated to be around $ 5 million. Don’t be a deadbeat.

On a more serious note, however, is what Stevie J allegedly did to Erica Mena at the reunion.

It began with a verbal altercation, which is the bread and butter of reality television and usually no big deal.

But things escalated when Stevie J’s criticisms of Erica turned into insults of her 11-year-old son.

Specifically, he used an anti-gay slur, calling the child a “f–got.”

Unacceptable under any circumstances, and not the first time that he has been accused of homophobia.

Some reports say that Erica responded by slapping Stevie J.

But it sounds like what happened next was much more serious — with Stevie J allegedly jumping on top of her and attacking her.

Reports say that Stevie J was pulled off of Erica by security and expelled from the building.

Many fans expect that he will be fired for this shocking display of alleged violence and homophobia.

Erica posted to Instagram but quickly deleted a video in which she referred to him as a “b–ch” who “likes to fight girls.”

It seemed that she was still feeling understandably heated from their alleged confrontation, but she may have been instructed to delete it or simply thought better of it.

Many fans hope that Erica pursues legal action against him, even if he is fired from the show.


Farrah Abraham After Leaving Jail: I"m Never Staying In a Hotel Again!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Farrah Abraham was arrested Tuesday night after allegedly assaulting a male staff member while staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Farrah spent the night in jail but has since been released on bail.

Thus far, charges have not been filed but prosecutors have until Friday to do so.

Farrah’s 9-year-old daughter, Sophia, was in the hotel at the time of the incident, but she was reportedly asleep in her room and did not bear witness to her mother’s meltdown.

In short, no one was seriously injured and for Sophia, it was no more traumatic than any typical day of being Farrah Abraham’s daughter.

Thus, it’s safe to make fun of this situation, and folks — there’s so, so much to laugh at here.

Shortly after leaving prison, Farrah vomited up one of her most nonsensical word salads to date in a video she submitted to TLC.

Like all things Farrah, it must be seen to be believed:

“I don’t know who called the cops, why people called the cops … I was focused on my friends and then someone was trying to be involved, another guest,” Farrah said in the clip, before trying to make herself out to be some sort of feminist hero.

“I hope no other female finds herself in this position or situation, and I know it’s very hard being a public figure or ‘celebrity,’ if you will.”

It’s nice that we’re becoming more ‘woke’ as a society, Farrah seems to be saying, but what about the most marginalized group of all — celebrities!

Anyway, for the first time since Farrah was fired from Teen Mom OG, she has the internet’s full attention — and she’s not letting go of it without a fight.

Farrah took to Instagram Live today to continue spewing her thoughts about the incident, and it seems she’ll be checking into a lot of Air BnBs in the future.

“Hey guys! I wanted to say thank you for all of the well wishes and concern,” Farrah told her followers.

“It’s sort of sad sometimes when you’re out and you just can’t have fun and people want to attack you and get you all in that trouble,” she added.

“So, I’m blessed by God, and I don’t ever want to be attacked again at a hotel.”

In her mind, she presumably conjured the hashtag “2Blessed2BStressed.”

The specificity of Farrah’s comment left Farrah fans puzzled.

She doesn’t want to be attacked in a hotel again?!

Is she done staying in hotels, or is she just gonna wear a beekeeper suit from now on.

Farrah didn’t respond to requests for elaboration, but we’re sure she’s working on another lengthy video rant at this very moment.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Farrah Abraham STILL In Jail After Telling Cops to Go F--k Themselves!

Oh, Farrah.

When you got fired from Teen Mom OG for generally being an awful person, we thought your days of entertaining/depressing us with your bonkers bad behavior had come to an end.

In retrospect, we should’ve known a day like today was coming.

In case you missed it, Farrah was arrested on charges of battery and trespassing last night after allegedly assaulting a male staff member at the famed Beverly Hills Hotel.

According to the police report, she was booked at 1:48 AM.

As of right now, she’s still being held on $ 500 bail.

We still don’t know what set Farrah off (although we do know that booze was involved), but TMZ has obtained video of Farrah’s arrest, and as you may have guessed — it ain’t pretty.

At one point, one of the arresting officers begins searching Farrah’s purse, and the former reality star demonstrates that even in her state of inebriation, she’s well aware of the reality of her situation:

“Do you want to do that on camera so that everyone at TMZ can see?” Farrah asks.

Further proving that her diva-like attitude remains intact, Farrah tells one of the officers, “I don’t want to be arrested.”

She then repeats the phrase “I am not going to be provoked to be arrested” several times.

Then things really take a turn for the worse, as Abraham screams, “I am not resisting you!” before breaking down in tears (a classic Farrah tactic) and accusing one of the officers of hurting her.

A spokesperson for Farrah issued a statement today in which she thanked fans for their “concern” and urged them to “remember there are two sides to every story.”

Meanwhile, police have issued their own statement, in which they state the painfully obvious and confirm that Farrah has hammered at the time of her arrest.

“Officers noted that Abraham exhibited signs of intoxication during the investigation,” stated Lieutenant Elisabeth Albanese with the Beverly Hills Police Department this afternoon.

It may be hard to believe, given her many years of batsh-t behavior, but this is only Farrah’s second arrest.

The first took place in 2013, when she was hauled in on DUI charges.

Back then, she pled guilty and was sentenced to six months probation.

This time, Farrah might find herself facing a stiffer penalty.

For one thing, she’s no longer a first offender.

On top of that, there’s a legal precedent in this case, as it was just last year that Farrah’s fellow reality star Kim Richards was arrested for a drunken assault at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Richards very narrowly avoided jail time, but even if Farrah proves equally lucky, she’s got another problem on her hands:

Sources have indicated that Farrah’s 9-year-old daughter Sophia was with her in the hotel on the night of the incident.

Sophia is currently in the care of a nanny, but Farrah might soon be facing a custody challenge from her mother, Debra Danielsen:

“She needs to be with her family, not about strangers and volatility and her mother being arrested,” Danielsen told Radar when asked about Sophia.

“It’s very disgusting. She needs to go to school… She needs to not be dragged on a party all over the world.”

We’ll have further updates on this developing situation as more information becomes available.


Farrah Abraham Released from Jail After Beverly Hills Arrest

Farrah Abraham was just released from jail after her late night bust in Bev Hills, and it looks like she learned a lesson from her arrest … she’s no longer mouthing off. Farrah was swarmed by photographers and reporters outside the BHPD, moments…


John Schneider Plugs Merchandise On the Way to Jail, Could Get More Time

John Schneider’s still busy plugging books and t-shirts as he walks into jail to serve 3 days — but he could be looking at an even longer sentence if he doesn’t get busy following a court order … TMZ has learned. TMZ broke the story … the…


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

John Schneider Released from Jail After Five Hours Served

John Schneider’s time in jail was about as long as a ‘Lord of the Rings’ movie … thanks to overcrowding — but he’s got a lot to do to avoid going back.  We broke the story … the ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star was sentenced to 3 days in County…


Monday, June 11, 2018

John Schneider Sentenced to Jail Over Delinquent Spousal Support

John Schneider’s gonna be behind bars for the next few days — a judge just gave him jail time for not paying spousal support to his estranged wife, Elvira … TMZ has learned. The ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star was sentenced Monday to 3 days in L.A.…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Kim Kardashian Does It! Alice Johnson to Go Free From Jail!

We’re about to take a deep breath, close our eyes, do our best to keep our lunch down and do something we’ve never done before in the history of The Hollywood Gossip:

Dole our praise for both Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump.

Granted, the former may never have been famous if she didn’t let Ray J rail her on video and she may often set a horrid examples for young women across the country.

And the latter may be a narcissistic racist who has molested women and who doesn’t know the words to “God Bless America.”

But in one unexpected instance last month, they came together for a very good cause.

As previosuly reported, Kardashian met with Trump in the Oval Office on May 30 in order to discuss the case of Alice Johnson.

Kardashian learned about Johnson, a 63-year old great grandmother who was sentenced to life in jail without parole in 1996, last year after watching a video on Mic.

The reality star was immediately curious about why a non-violent offender without a previous record had received such a harsh sentence for money laundering and drug conspiracy charges.

She then made it her mission to find out more about Johnson and advocate for her release, following 21 years behind bars.

In an interview with Mic after her Presidential meeting, Kardashian said Trump “really spent the time to listen to our case that we were making for Alice.”

She added of the Commander-in-Chief:

“He really understood, and I am very hopeful that this will turn out really positively.”

And now it has:

On Wednesday afternoon, President Trump commuted Johnson’s sentence.

She is expected to be released from Aliceville Correctional Facility in Alabam either today or tomorrow.

Kardashian responded to this decision by declaring it the “best news ever.”

Kim Kardashia response

She later added in an extended statement:

I’m so grateful to President Trump, Jared Kushner and to everyone who has showed compassion and contributed countless hours to this important moment for Ms. Alice Marie Johnson.

Her commutation and forthcoming release is inspirational and gives hope to so many others who are also deserving of a second chance.

I hope to continue this important work by working together with organizations who have been fighting this fight for much longer than I have and deserve the recognition.

While many critics scoffed at Kim meeting with President Trump last week, simply due to the history and personalities of those involved in the meeting, there’s no real debate over the outcome here:

Kardashian chose to use her very public profile for a cause far more important than diet shakes and/or weight loss lollipops.

She should be applauded for it.


There is one downside here, of course.

Just think of how irritating Kanye West is about to be with his even-more passionate support for Donald Trump.

And just think: Could this fuel a legitimate Kanye Presidential run? Does Kim now think she’d make a strong First Lady?

If so, we remain very happy for Alice Johnson/

But we’re suddenly scared to death for the rest of the country.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mac Miller Leaves Jail Undercover After DUI & Hit and Run Arrest

Mac Miller walked out of jail Thursday morning not wanting to talk about his DUI arrest — and, apparently, not wanting folks to see his face either. We got Mac leaving the slammer in Van Nuys late Thursday morning, where just hours earlier he had…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Ryan Edwards Tests Positive For Heroin: Is He Headed to Jail?!

Ryan Edwards is in deep trouble yet again.

The 30-year-old"s legal woes began back in March of 2017 when Edwards was arrested for possession of heroin.

Since then, the troubled Teen Mom 2 star has been trapped in a downward spiral that has family, friends, and fans deeply concerned.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Ryan tested positive for heroin during one of his court-mandated drug screenings.

It"s a development that could carry major legal repercussions for Edwards, who is reportedly noe coming to terms with the fact that he may be forced to serve time behind bars.

Here"s what we know about the situation so far …

1. The Last Straw

Ryan edwards a photo

Ryan has been flirting with disaster for at least the past year, but those familiar with his situation say it looks as though he’s finally gone too far this time.

2. The Secret History

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Ryan’s struggles with addiction were documented on Teen Mom OG, but fans didn’t realize how severe his legal troubles had become. He and Mackenzie somehow managed to keep his history of brushes with the law a secret from everyone, including his ex-girlfriend and baby mama, Maci Bookout.

3. Tumbling Down

Ryan edwards mug shot

Ryan’s web of deceit fell apart in March of this year, when he was arrested for a probation violation. In the weeks since, a number of stunning of revelations about Ryan’s life have gone public.

4. The Test

Ryan edwards not sober

According to documents obtained by Radar Online, back in January, Ryan failed a drug test that was a mandated part of his probation. He tested positive for opiates, leading many to the conclusion that he’s been less than honest about kicking his heroin habit.

5. Back In Custody

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

After Ryan’s arrest last month, Mackenzie Standifer told the press that he had been taken into custody simply so that he could be booked for a prior charge. We now know that Edwards’ probation was revoked as a result of his failed drug test.

6. What’s Next?

Ryan edwards holds water bottle pic

It’s too soon to tell if Ryan will be locked up when Mackenze delivers his second child in October. But the arrest isn’t the only concerning news Ryan has received in recent weeks …

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Steve Wilkos Dodges Jail in DUI Case

Steve Wilkos caught a big break Monday in his DUI case after a judge ordered him to participate in an Alcohol Education Program in a case that could have landed him in jail. The program will last 15 weeks. Wilkos must also participate on…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Orlando Brown Swaps Inmate Clothes for a Suit After Release from Jail

Orlando Brown is back on the outside, and he’s got himself nice new duds, too … all ‘cause he was bold enough to ask a random dude near the jail to give him the suit off his back. TMZ has obtained video from just minutes after Orlando was…


Orlando Brown Swaps Inmate Clothes for a Suit After Release from Jail

Orlando Brown is back on the outside, and he’s got himself nice new duds, too … all ‘cause he was bold enough to ask a random dude near the jail to give him the suit off his back. TMZ has obtained video from just minutes after Orlando was…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Kodak Black Gets 2 More Charges Dropped, October Jail Release Possible

Kodak Black got some good news while sitting in his jail cell that will help him get out much sooner than expected … TMZ has learned. The rapper’s attorney, Bradford Cohen, tells us 2 remaining charges from the January raid of his Florida home…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Dana White Says Conor McGregor Is "Going to Jail," Fighting Future in Jeopardy

Dana White says Conor McGregor is in SERIOUS trouble following his violent bus attack in Brooklyn … confidently telling TMZ Sports the UFC’s biggest star is “going to jail.” We got Dana outside the UFC fighters’ hotel in NYC — just…


Dana White Says Conor McGregor Is "Going to Jail," Fighting Future in Jeopardy

Dana White says Conor McGregor is in SERIOUS trouble following his violent bus attack in Brooklyn … confidently telling TMZ Sports the UFC’s biggest star is “going to jail.” We got Dana outside the UFC fighters’ hotel in NYC — just…


Suge Knight Moved from Jail to L.A. Hospital

Suge Knight is hospitalized, and it’s serious enough that he’s been there for 2 days … TMZ has learned. Suge was moved from L.A. County jail on Tuesday, around 11 AM, and was admitted to a Los Angeles hospital. It’s unclear why Suge — who’s…


Monday, April 2, 2018

Todd Marinovich Arrested Again, Back In Jail

Ex-USC quarterback Todd Marinovich is back in jail after getting arrested twice in 4 days in March. 48-year-old Marinovich — who has a long history of substance abuse — was arrested on March 19 (he was released the same day) AND March 23.…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

DMX Plays His Favorite Jams For Judge, Gets Sent to Jail Anyway

Looks like everyone’s favorite gravel-voiced rapper won’t be shutting ‘em down or opening up shop for the remainder of 2018.

DMX has been sentenced to one year behind bars for tax fraud.

This despite playing one of his most memorable hits for the judge in hopes of getting off with a more lenient sentence.

Yes, it was an unusual legal strategy, but believe it or not, it may have paid off.

X (real name Earl Simmons) was facing five years behind bars for evading $ 1.7 million in taxes.

Manhattan federal Judge Jed Rakoff went easy on the father of 15 (!!!) with a one-year sentence, describing Simmons as “a good man” who is “his own worst enemy.”

It’s unclear if Rakoff was moved by the lyrics to “Slippin"” a 1998 DMX hit that Simmons’ lawyers played in court so that the judge could hear their clients’ story “in his own words.”

Whatever the case, Simmons got off light in terms of time behind bars, but he’ll be burdened by a heavy debt to Uncle Sam when he gets out.

The rapper has been ordered to pay $ 2.3 million in restitution

Prior to sentencing, Simmons wept and asked for leniency so that he could spend time with his 18-month-old son who suffers from a medical condition.

“I was in a cloud. I was in a cloud,” Simmons told the judge, attributing many of his past mistakes to drug use.

“I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“I didn’t believe that s–t stank,” Simmons continued.

This week’s sentencing is the latest in a long line of troubles for Simmons.

In 2016, the rapper nearly died of an overdose, and he has reportedly struggled to remain sober in the years since.

Prosecutors pushed for a harsher sentence, arguing that Simmons knew exactly what he was doing when he bilked the federal government out of millions.

“This is not a lapse in judgment. This is not a 1-year-old thing,” said assistant DA Richard Cooper.

Simmons has been in prison since January of this year when he violated his probation by testing positive for cocaine and opioids.


Jared Fogle: Maybe Trump Can Get Me Out of Jail!

You know how Jared Fogle lost his appeal? Well, the disgraced former sandwich spokesperson is trying a new strategy.

This time, he’s filed new documents that name … Donald Trump.

Is he trying to wrangle a pardon?

The New York Post reports that Jared Fogle called on Donald Trump in his latest bid for freedom.

This week, Fogle filed a write of habeas corpus.

Despite sounding like a Harry Potter spell, it literally just means “move the body.” It’s classic legal jargon.

Which means that he is claiming that he is being unlawfully detained.

Fogle claims that his 2015 guilty plea was unlawful … because it included a conspiracy charge that he believes was unwarranted.

This isn’t his first attempt to claim that he shouldn’t be in prison, and it won’t be his last.

The twist this time … is that in addition to naming the judge in his case and the warden of his prison, he also named Donald Trump.

Jared Fogle is a former spokesperson who is now serving a 15-year sentence for the distribution of child pornography.

Donald Trump is a reality star who is, like it or not, the current President of the United States.

Despite that, they do have some things in common:

Both are associated with fast food.

Both are over 6 feet in height.

Both were mildly interesting public personalities about a decade ago but now you wouldn’t leave them alone with your or anyone else’s daughter under any circumstances.

None of that, however, explains why Jared would name-drop Trump on his paperwork.

The New York Post speculates that Fogle is feeling desperate.

Donald Trump is famously capricious, and may say or do anything on a whim regardless of what his advisors or the American people or common sense might say about it.

Could it be that Jared Fogle is hoping that Trump might buy into his argument that his prison sentence is some sort of government overreach and that he deserves to be free?

He is imprisoned on Federal charges, and so his crimes are within Trump’s power to pardon.

Even in these mad years of the Trump administration, that would be a … sensational and shocking move.

Regardless of what the former Subway spokesman hoped to gain by naming Donald Trump, a magistrate shot down his paperwork.

Specifically, the magistrate says that his documents are missing some details.

Jared has 30 days to submit a revised version … that does not mention any orange Presidents.

You may recall that Jared tried to appeal in 2016 by arguing that his sentence was unfairly long and therefore too harsh for his crimes.

He lost.

It’s not really a surprise that Jared is trying everything. For one thing, he has nothing but time on his hands.

For another, he was brutally beaten in the prison yard just two years ago. Since then, he’s been reportedly paying for protection, but that cannot come cheaply.

Even though he’s reviled across the country, he would of course prefer to be just another disgusting human being walking free than to be behind bars.

But trying to get Trump’s attention isn’t likely to work. Besides, Trump is a little busy golfing, working at least an hour a day, and enjoying his miserable marriage

But, hey, maybe he’ll tweet about Jared at 5am, for whatever that’s worth. We’ll see.
